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Практический курс английского языка - Камянова Т.

Камянова Т. Практический курс английского языка — М.: Дом Славянской Книги, 2005. — 384 c.
ISBN 5-85550-177-9
Скачать (прямая ссылка): praktichkurseng2005.djvu
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1. I rose very early in the morning yesterday. 2. I haven't spread these rumours. 3. I haven't torn this book. 4. My brother doesn't shrink from any aggressive attack. 5.1 never swing any situation. 6.1 don't like books reflecting political life. 7.1 hate filling declarations at the customs. 8.1 am ready to sacrifice my life to a person I love. 9. Sometimes I get confused when being asked a direct question. 10.1 suppose that a sense of humour unites people. 11.1 don't think that jokes arise from perversity. 12.1 believe that fire WiU be ceased all over the world one day.
25. 20 Используя данные словосочетания, составьте предложения с конструкцией would rather do smth:
1. to rise I to sleep; 2. to keep silence / to spread; 3. to keep / to tear; 4. tb go on / to cease; 5. to sacrifice I to live for oneself; 6. to unite I to remain alone; 7. to defend / to shrink; 8. to find the answer I to confuse; 9. to forget I to reflect; 10. to be honest I to swing opinions
25. 21*Переведите данные правильные глаголы и заполните пропуски по смыслу:
to raise, to flow, to place, to perish, to consume
1. As I came home my brother..........himself on the elbow to greet me. 2. It was my colleague who..........that
painful question at the meeting. 3. My sister filled her glass with water and.......... it to her lips. 4. This poor
elderly woman must................ her children alone. 5. It is not an easy thing .......... children. 6. The Nile
..........into the Mediterranean Sea. 7. The Amazon..........into the Atlantic Ocean. 8. Our teacher told us about
the time when money and gold.......... out of the country. 9. Never has my sister been so disappointed. Tears
.,......... from her eyes as if somebody had betrayed her. 10. No sooner......we.......... a new computer on a
special table than my brother arrived. 11. It is my relation who...................his article in this newspaper.
12. Hardly.......he .......... his money in the bank when it ceased payments. 13. Now he is going.......... his
money in another bank. 14. It was on the 11 of September that hundreds of people..........in New-York. 15. Two
people........... last night in a road accident. 16. As she remembered about that accident, her joyA...........and
tears..........from her eyes. 17. My colleagues..........all my energies, and I feel very tired after work. 18. Not
only......people..........a lot of food, water, oil and other natural resources, but they also destroy ecology of the
planet. 19. How much food......your family..........every week?
25. 22 Дополните данные предложения:
1. In her place
он бы поднял этот вопрос на собрании
он бы выяснил, куда утекают деньги
он отказался бы размещать такие скульптуры в саду
он бы не верил слухам, что эти люди погибли
ой бы думал не о потреблении пищи, а о своей душе
2. She should have understood
кто вырастил этих детей
почему из-под дома вытекает вода
в какой банк помещать деньги
как погиб этот заключенный
кто потребляет ее энергию на расстоянии
25. 23*Переведите данные правильные глаголы и заполните пропуски по смыслу:
to murmur, to stammer, to stumble, to wrest (from I out of), to ascend
1. While learning any poem by heart my brother used ..........it. 2. Never has he dreamed of any woman so
much as..........her name days and night. 3. A person who..........usually speaks like this: «Р-p-please, d-d-do
m-me a f-f-favour!» 4. This is the doctor who teaches..........children to speak correctly. 5. Where.....you
..........and fall down? 6. Whenever this child is taken for a walk, he can't help..........and making his clothes
dirty. 7. In vain has this man been asked to speak distinctly; every time when he opens his mouth he...........
and...........and........... 8. In vain did the victim try to..........a knife from the killer. 9. Not only......this man
!......... a gun out of the hands of the murderer, but he stroke him In the stomach. 10. If he.......not..........a gun
out of his hands, he mfght have been killed at once. 11. These people were the first who..........to this mountain.
12.1 would rather..........to a mountain than stretch myself out on the beach.
25. 24 Дополните данные предложения:
1.He had (not) better
шептать, чем говорить так громко
не стыдиться, что он заикается
не спотыкаться, а смотреть, куда он идет
не вырывать газету из рук дедушки, когда он ее читает
не подниматься высоко в горы одному
2.1 suppose
.что не может быть, чтобы он все время бормотал свои стихи что не может быть, что он заикается после таких упражнений что не может быть, чтобы он все время спотыкался на этом месте что не может быть, чтобы он вырвал письмо из твоих рук что не может быть, чтобы он поднялся на 24 этаж пешком
25. 25*Заполните пропуски соответствующими глаголами из данных в скобках:
а. 1. Which question are you going.........at the meeting? 2. It was so hot in the room at night tha( my sister
.........and went out. 3. Have you seen the mob watching workers.........to the top of the building to wash window
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