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Практический курс английского языка - Камянова Т.

Камянова Т. Практический курс английского языка — М.: Дом Славянской Книги, 2005. — 384 c.
ISBN 5-85550-177-9
Скачать (прямая ссылка): praktichkurseng2005.djvu
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25.15*Переведите данные неправильные глаголы и заполните пропуски в соответствующей грамматической срорме:
to rise, to arise (.....I from), to spread, to tear, to swing, to shrink (......I from)
1. It was a quarter to five that the sun........... and its first light made all the things look different (to rise). 2. He
..........to his feet and came up to the window (to rise). 3. New ideas..........in his mind (to rise). 4. He liked to
watch the sun..........(to rise). 5. Not only......the serious problems..........in his life, but it was the first time that
he realized how little he had managed to achieve (to arise). 6. This solution must................from his rich
experience (to arise). 7. The bird..........its wings and flew into the blue sky (to spread). 8. If the fire.......not
..........from the farm house to other buildings, it would have been much easier to put it out (to spread). 9. Is it
your manager who.......... such rumours? (to spread). 10. Information agencies..........news all over the world
(to spread). 11. In vain had his mother asked him to wear his new suit carefully, he..........a hole on his trousers
on the same day (to tear). 12. No sooner had the letter from her ex-friend come, than she..........it to pieces (to
tear). 13. Why......you..........this note to pieces? You'd better read it first (to tear). 14. My sister.......... a leaf
from the calendar, and said that she would rather spend her day off at home than join parents in the country (to
tear). 15. It's not easy..........a big bell (to swing). 16...........his arms this man tried to persuade us that he was
right (to swing). 17. In vain did he try..........a public opinion, there remained no person who believed him (to
swing). 18. This woolen dress................if you wash it in hot water (to shrink). 19. Distances................since
appearance of air transport (to shrink). 20. This shy man always..........from coming across well-known people
(to shrink). 22. Having remembered his bitter experience in love my brother..........(to shrink).
25. 16 Дополните данные предложения:
1. Never
солнце не вставало так рано в нем не возникали такие чувства они не распространяли таких слухов она не разрывала его писем он так не размахивал руками
эти вещи не садились, когда их стирали в теплой воде
2. They say
что он, должно быть, встал сегодня раньше всех
что он, должно быть, обдумывает идеи, возникшие в пути
что, должно быть, эта новость уже распространилась
что он, по-видимому, разорвал этот доклад в клочья
что он является специалистом по раскачиванию общественного мнения
что он съеживается от неуважения своих коллег
25.17*Переведите данные правильные глаголы и заполните пропуски по смыслу:
to reflect, to fill (.....I with), to sacrifice, to confuse, to unite, to cease
1. Never had he noticed before the sunlight...........in the water. 2. Her sad eyes..........the thoughts passing
through her mind. 3.This poem..........the attitude of the author towards brutality and humiliation. 4. His new
novel..........political situation before the war. 5. Hardly had she heard this news when tears..........her eyes
6. It was at 3 o'clock that he realized that he was short of petrol and he..........the whole tank with it. 7. Not only
......his eyes..........with admiration when he was looking at this woman,, but they......also..........with suffering.
8. When one leaves his country for abroad he should..........a declaration. 9. It was our colleague's brother who
..........his life to save a child from fire. 10. This woman................herself to her husband. 11. These people
must................me with anybody else. 12. They asked me so many questions that I................. 13. Never......
I.................so much before. 14. It was in 1707 that England and Scotland........... 15. Scarcely.......these
business partners..........when there began arguments between them. 16. Not only......common interests
..........these people, bur their kindness and nobility. 17. It was in 1993 that this plant.......... making tanks and
started producing tractors. 18. No sooner had this bank been opened than it..........payments. 19. This officer
is brought to trial for his not................fire in spite of given command.
25. 18 Дополните данные предложения:
1. In his place
я бы отразил эту историю в книге
я бы наполнил весь бак бензином
я бы не жертвовал жизнью ради такой девушки
я бы не смущал детей такими разговорами
я бы не объединялся с такими людьми
я бы прекратил отстрел диких уток
2. My colleagues think
что, должно быть, эти слезы отражали страдания нашей секретарши
что, возможно, ее сердце было наполнено страданием
что, не может быть, что она пожертвовала всем ради своего Друга
что, очевидно, ее смутят их распросы
что им не следовало объединяться, не имея общих интересов
что им следует прекратить говорить об этом
25. 19 Составьте утвердительные или отрицательные предложения, выражающие солидарность с данными высказываниями:
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