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Практический курс английского языка - Камянова Т.

Камянова Т. Практический курс английского языка — М.: Дом Славянской Книги, 2005. — 384 c.
ISBN 5-85550-177-9
Скачать (прямая ссылка): praktichkurseng2005.djvu
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been passed......him? 18. Do these people bear malice......you? 19. Is this man going to achieve his рифове
......false pretence? 20. What is your attitude......sentences......death?
24. 47 Составьте ситуации со следующими словами и словосочетаниями:
1. to commit a crime, to be arrested on a charge of smth, to be guilty, to be indicted, to be brought to trial, to be ashamed, to suffer, to regret, to pass a sentence on smb, to be sent to prison.
2. to be brutal, to be perverse, to decline, to creep, common language, false pretences, to bear malice towards smb, to ignore virtues, a hideous plot, to be maimed, to shun one's society.
3. to be noble, to realize good and evil, to have deep feelings, a sense of responsibility, to be not understood, shallowness, to suffer, to feel sorrow, to accept without complaint, to communicate.
24. 48 Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:
1. What were the two great turning points in Oscar Wilde's life? 2. What happened to Oscar Wilde in his childhood? 3. Why did Oscar Wilde consider it important to absorb into his nature all that had been done to him, and to accept it without complaint, fear, or reluctance? 4. What did he consider to be the supreme vice? 5. What did some people advise Oscar Wilde to do when he was put into prison for the first time? 6. Why did Oscar Wild find this advice ruinous? 7. Why did he find it equally fatal to try to forget oniiis release that he had been in prison? 8. What does it mean, according to Oscar Wilde, to regret or to deny one's own experiences?
9. Which fact did Oscar Wilde have to accept and which thing did he have to teach himself while being in prison?
10. What were the things Oscar WiIId had been convicted of? 11. What may, in Oscar Wilde's opinion, help people to realize both the good and the evil, and not to be too conceited about either? 12. What happens if one is not ashamed of his punishment? 13. Who were the people Oscar Wilde intended to be with on his release? 14. What was one of the first points Oscar Wilde had to attain to? 15. What did Oscar Wilde use to live for when he was younger? Why did he shun suffering and sorrow of every kind? 16. Which lines did mother use to quote to Oscar Wilde in his childhood? By whorrv were those lines and what were they about? 17. Who quoted them in humiliation and exile too? 18. Why did Oscar Wild decline to accept and admit the enormous truth hidden in them? 19. What happened to Oscar Wilde on the 13 of November 1895? 20. Why did the audience start laughing at Oscar Wilde still more as soon as they had been informed who he was? 21. What is the meaning of tears for those who are in prison? 22. What is the difference between a pedestal and the pillory? 23. How did Oscar WHde interpret sorrow? 24. What did Oscar Wilde's great friend once told him? 25. What did Oscar Wilde answer his friend in order not to have his friendship on false pretences? 26. How many times had Oscar Wilde been tried? 27. Why did he think that all sentences were sentences of death? 28. What is the attitude of Oscar WHde towards Society and towards Nature?
24. 49 Сопоставьте перевод отрывка из стихотворения Гете, сделанный Т.Карлейлом и Ф.Тютчевым; дайте свой вариант перевода.
Who never ate his bread in sorrow Кто с хлебом слез своих не ел,
Who never spent the midnight hours Кто в жизни целыми ночами
Weeping and waiting for the morrow, На ложе, плача не сидел,
Не knows you not, ye heavenly powers. Тот незнаком с небесными властями.
24. 50 Переведите и прокомментируйте афоризмы Оскара Уальда:
1. I choose my friends for their good looks, my acquaintances for their good characters, and my enemies for their good intellects.
' 2.1 never take any notice of what common people say, and I never interfere with what charming people do.
3. Vice and virtue are to the artist materials for an art.
4. The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us is here for.
5. He who would lead a Christ-like life is he who is perfectly and absolutely himself. He may be a great poet, or a great man of science; or a young student at the university, or one who watches sheep upon a moor; or a maker of dramas, like Shakespeare, or a thinker about God, like Spinoza; or a child who plays in a garden, or a fisherman who throws his nets into the sea. It does not matter what he is as long as he realizes the perfection of the soul that is within him.
6. Nothing should be able to harm a man except himself. Nothing should be able to rob a man at all. What a man really has is what is in him. What is outside of him should be a matter of no importance.
7. The soul is born old, but grows young. That is the comedy of life. The body is born young, and grows old. That is life's tragedy
8. Society often forgives the criminal, it never forgives the dreamer.
24. 51 Переведите:
Оскар Уайльд - заключенный под номером С. 3.3
Больше всего на свете Оскар Уайльд любил красоту, и только красоту видел он в искусстве и в жизни. «Искусство, - писал он, - единственная серьезная вещь в мире. А художник - единственный человек, который никогда не бывает серьезным.» Однако он был необычайно серьезен и необычайно красив, и обладал блестящим умом. Он знал счастье развития своей личности и счастье осуществления своих творческих планов. «Во всех наших поступках мы рабы, - писал он, - и только в искусстве мы свободны». Он считал, что все люди должны быть поэтами своей жизни, и сам сделал из своей жизни трагическую поэму. -f
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