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Практический курс английского языка - Камянова Т.

Камянова Т. Практический курс английского языка — М.: Дом Славянской Книги, 2005. — 384 c.
ISBN 5-85550-177-9
Скачать (прямая ссылка): praktichkurseng2005.djvu
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Вопрос к подлежащему образуется с помощь вопросительных местоимений who и what без вспомогательного глагола всегда в единственном числе (ср. с русским языком). Однако при ответе используется соответствующая форма вспомогательного глагола:
e.g. They work at the office. He works at the office.
Who works at the office? - They do. Who works at the office? - He does,
b) Отрицательная форма повелительного наклонения образуется с помощью глагола to do в отрицательной форме: Don't take ту sandwich! Don't read this book!
Количественные числительные (Cardinal Numerals) образуются следующим образом:
0 zero(0[au]) 13 thirteen 30 thirty
1 one 14 fourteen 40 forty
2 two 15 fifteen 50 fifty
3 three 16 sixteen 60 sixty
4 four 17 seventeen 70 seventy
5 five 18 eighteen 80 eighty
6 six 19 nineteen 90 ninety
7 seven 20 twenty 100 one hundred
8 eight 21 twenty one 200 two hundred
9 nine 22 twenty two 1000 one thousand
10 ten 23 twenty three 2000 two thousand
11 eleven 24 twenty four 1000000 one million
12 twelve 25 twenty five 2000000 two million
К исчисляемым существительным ставится вопрос с словосочетанием how many сколько: e.g. How many friends are you going to invite to the party?
ШиаИу lucy goes home alone. She lives not far from the office, so she doesn't go home by car, by bus or by metro, she goes home on foot.
Lucy has Ъ good family. Her parents are nice people. Lucy loves them. Her father is a lawyer and her mother is a TV journalist. Ohe is a very beautiful woman.Lucy has a sister anda brother. Her sister is 15 years old. She goes to school, teams English and plays the piano. Her brother is only 6 years old. He doesn't go to school, and he stays at home. He likes to watch TV, to listen to the music, and to sing nice songs.
When Lucy comes home, her sister is usually at her friends, and her brother plays games in his room. She goes into the kitchen and has dinner with her parents. Lucy's father asks her about her work and her problems, and Lucy answers his questions. Lucy's mother cooks meat or fish with vegetables for dinner, then they have tea or coffee together.
After dinner Lucy goes into her room, closes the door and speaks to her boy-friend on the phone. Sometimes her colleagues Max and Alex phone her in the evening. They ask her: « Lucy, why do you go home alone?»
to go - идти, ехать
to live - жить, проживать
to love - любить
to team - учить
to play - играть
to stay - оставаться, пребывать
to like - нравиться, любить
to watch - наблюдать, смотреть
to listen (to) ['lisn] - слушать
to sing - петь
to Come - приходить, приезжать
to ask - спрашивать, (по)просить
to answer ['ansa] - отвечать
to cook - готовить (пищу)
to speak (to) - разговаривать (с кем-л.)
to phone - звонить
Nouns a family - семья parents (PI) - родители people (PI) - люди a piano - пианино, фортепьяно a song - песня a game - игра a kitchen - кухня meat - мясо a fish - рыба a vegetable - овощ a door [do:] - дверь a colleague ['koli:g] - коллега in the evening - вечером in the morning - утром in the afternoon - днем at night - ночью
Adverbs alone - один, одинокий only - только together - вместе ¦then - потом, затем
Adjectives far - далекий beautiful - красивый
Prepositions after - после
Conjunctions or - или
to go by car / taxi I metro I tram I train I ship, etc. -
ехать на машине I такси I метро I трамвае I поезде и т.д. to go by plane - лететь на самолете to go on foot - идти пешком
to play the piano I the violin I tennis I football / games, etc. -играть на пианино I на скрипке I в теннис I в футбол и т.д. to watch TV - смотреть телевизор to listen to the music I to the radio / to the news -
слушать музыку I радио I новости to answer a question - ответить на вопрос to speak to smb on the phone -
разговаривать с кем-л. по телефону How old are you? - I am 18 (years old).
Сколько тебе (вам) лет? - Мне 18 лет. What are you? - I am a journalist.
Кто ты (вы) по профессии? - Я журналистка).
5.1 Заполните пропуски данными обстоятельствами времени:
always, sometimes, usually, often, seldom, every day (week, month, year, time, hour),
this week (month, year, time)
1. Our chief is „.....busy at the office. 2. They are.......at home on Sundays. 3. She i& *......happy at her
friends- 4. We are.......in the country on Saturdays. 5. They are.......hungry at work. 6. Heris............at the
university. 7. She is............at the theatre. 8. They are............in London. 9. They are happy............when
they meet us. 10. He is hungry............. 11.............he is not very busy. 12.............she is not at college.
13.............they are in Moscow. 14..............she is not sorry.
5. 2 Поставьте общие вопросы к данным предложениям и ответьте на них положительной отрицательно. Обратите внимание на употребление вспомогательного глагола to do:
1. Usually they have lunch at the office. 2. Sometimes they have parties in the country. 3. They often invite their friends to them. 4. They seldom give us their books. 5.1 read this newspaper every week. 6. We buy sandwiches every time there.
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