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Практический курс английского языка - Камянова Т.

Камянова Т. Практический курс английского языка — М.: Дом Славянской Книги, 2005. — 384 c.
ISBN 5-85550-177-9
Скачать (прямая ссылка): praktichkurseng2005.djvu
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я не собираюсь вам что-либо доказывать
я не уверен, что могу вам что-либо предсказать
3. Our fellow-students used to
спорили друг с другом о ничего не значащих вещах
имели намерение сделать что-либо, а потом забывали об этом
оказывались под влиянием новых знакомств
высоко ценили праздники и вечеринки
доказывали, что готовы сделать невозможное друг для друга
предсказывали друг другу судьбу
23. 21 Ответьте на следующие вопросы:
1. What would you do if you had to defend your idea? 2. What would you do if your colleagues were arguing with you all the time? 3. What would you do if the girl you loved announced that she would marry another man? 4. What would you do if anybody predicted to you that you would become a star? 5. What would you do if you achieved a great success? 6. What would you do if anybody influenced you greatly? 7. What would you do if you had to prove that the fault was not yours? 8. What would you do if anybody intended to interfere in your life? 9. What would you do if nobody supported you in your life? 10. What would you do to make people appreciate your personality?
23. 22 Подберите соответствующие значения к данным глаголам и глагольным сочетаниям:
to forbid, to fight, to feed, to achieve, to fulfil, to argue, to Influence, to appreciate, to Intend, to lead, to burst, to persuade, to ruin, to approach, to be due, to separate, to pass, to accompany, to interfere, to call on, to share, to spoil, to betray, to accept, to announce
1. to come nearer to 2. to break in other person's affair without right or invitation 3. to convince 4. not to allow 5. to cause the ruin of smth 6. to use the force of the body or weapons against smb 7. to go with 8. to make useless 9. to guide or take especially by going in front 10. to get smth done 11. to go by 12. to give a part of smth to smb 13. to express disagreement 14. to give food to smb 15. to make known 16. to allow a secret to become known either by accident or on purpose 17. to have an effect on srfib 18. to pay a short visit 19. to perform a task 20. to receive smth offered 21. to have to do smth at a certain time 22. to explode 23. to part 24. to understand and enjoy 25. to have in mind as a purpose or plan v
23. 23*Переведите данные существительные и заполните пропуски по смыслу:
an argument (for, against), an activity, a duty, a struggle {for, against), a rebellion, a victory (over),
a fate, a spirit, a depth, a harvest, a spy
1. By means of strong..............we managed to prove it to our partners that we had come to the right conclusion.
2. As for me, I can't bear my colleagues' endless .............about money. 3. Contrary to our chief, his deputy
has given rather a weak............against supporting an unreasonable project. 4. Is your.............for or against
working on such conditions? 5. This author's literary.............is worth studying. 6. What do you mean speaking
about the secret............ of this people? 7. Why are you interested in their social.............? 8. Without going
into details one should admit that this man always did his...........perfectly. 9. Don't forget your...........to your
parents. 10. Unfortunately, we won't meet in case I am on............tonight. 11. It's............of all military people
to fight for their motherland. 12. Everybody appreciates ...........of these people for their freedom. 13. My
uncle's life is an endless.............against difficulties. 14. Who has taken part in ...........for influence at this
company? 15. Will you give an example of any...........from the history of your country? 16. Who usually
supports.............? 17. There exist people who can predict all kinds of ...........wars, catastrophes, and
accidents. 18. There is no wonder that..........over the enemy has been won rather easily in this..........
19. The moment any.............starts, everybody believes in............. 20. Which countries won.............over
Germany in 1945? 21. Which countries won.............over Napoleon? 22. My colleague is very proud of his
.............over his opponents. 23. My mother hoped to become an actress, but her.............decided it in another
way. 24. Whichever...........I use, my friend always says that she believes in........... 25. There are few people
who admit that they could change their..............26. If you put a little more...........into your work, the result will
be great. 27. This book is worth reading because one can feel ........... of time in it. 28. The success of any
work depends on...........in which it was done. 29. In..........of my heart I am sure that I will achieve my purpose.
30. What is.............of this river? 31. I have never seen such...........of feeling as these two people have.
32. There are a lot of people living in poverty in..........of the country. 33. A season for cutting and gathering
wheat and other food crops is called............. 34. This year's...........promises to be rather rich. 35...........is
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