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Практический курс английского языка - Камянова Т.

Камянова Т. Практический курс английского языка — М.: Дом Славянской Книги, 2005. — 384 c.
ISBN 5-85550-177-9
Скачать (прямая ссылка): praktichkurseng2005.djvu
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3. Our lawyer would.............................(to involve). 4. Our doctor would..................
colleagues would.............................(to congratulate) 6. These policemen would.....
7. This young couple would............................. (to refuse). 8. This banker would ...
9. This elderly woman would............................ (to look after). 10. The rich would ..
II. The poor would.............................(to live). 12. The injured would..................
23. 5 Переведите предложения, используя сочетание would + Inf. без частицы to:
1. Когда мы были детьми, мы, бывало, плавали в этой реке. Мы плаваем в ней и сейчас. 2. Наши коллеги раньше предпочитали не вдаваться в подробности. Они ведут себя так же и сейчас. 3. Эти люди, бывало, тратили все деньги на еду. Они делают это и сейчас. 5. Мой друг обычно посылал мне письма «до востребования». Он посылает мне такие письма и сейчас. 6. Мои коллеги, бывало, хохотали, когда наш юрист шутил. Они делают это и сейчас.
...................(to win).
.(to prescribe). 5. My
.............(to suspect).
............... (to forget)
................(to afford).
. (to feel). '
23. 6* Заполните пропуски сложными союзами whatever, whoever, whichever, wherever, whenever no
смыслу, и переведите предложения на русский язык:
1............I say, my friend always agrees with me. 2............gives my brother advice, he doesn't listen to.
3............book you choose, you may take it. 4............you study languages, do it carefully. 5............I open
the window, my sister asks me to shut it. 6............song you learn in English, it will be very useful for you.
7. Don't open the door...........knocks at it. 8.1 enjoy myself...........I walk in the forest. 9............you tell me,
I won't change my mind. 10. We have a chance to go on holiday...........we like. 11............ hurts you, come
and tell me. 12............is said, my cousin always keeps silence. 13............you wish, don't insist on it.
14............you are alone, think about your future.
23. 7 Дополните следующие предложения со сложными союзами и переведите их:
1. Whatever you suggest in such circumstances,.................................................................................................
2. Whatever we compare with this case,................................................................................................................
3. Whatever we cook for dinner,.............................................................................................................................
4. Whatever they used to think about it.................................................................................................................
5. Whatever the rumours say,................................................................................................................................
6. Whoever finds faults with me..............................................................................................................................
7. Whoever comes to the British embassy.............................................................................................................
8. Whoever comes to wrong conclusions,..............................................................................................................
9. Whoever betrayed you any time,,.......................................4..............................................................................
10. Whoever interferes in your business,..............................................................................................................
11. Whichever obstacle appears in your way........................................................................................................
12. Whichever attitude towards this matter you have...........................................................................................
13. Whichever impression of these people you have,...........................................................................................
14. Whichever fault is yours..............................................................................................................................
15. Whichever advantages this house has............................................................................................................
16. Whichever habits have these people...............................................................................................................
17. Wherever we meet next time............................................................................................................................
18. Wherever we spend holidays next summer,....................................................................................................
19. Wherever we go on an excursion,...................................................................................................................
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