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Практический курс английского языка - Камянова Т.

Камянова Т. Практический курс английского языка — М.: Дом Славянской Книги, 2005. — 384 c.
ISBN 5-85550-177-9
Скачать (прямая ссылка): praktichkurseng2005.djvu
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9 3ак 1976
22.18*Заполните пропуски данными неправильными глаголами в соответствующей грамматической форме. Обратите внимание на употребление глагола to draw в значениях «тащить, получать, привлекать, рисовать».
to draw, to win, to burst (out), to overcome
1. My colleague.............his chair up to my table to see information on the screen (to draw). 2. What kind of
information are you going............. for your report? (to draw) 3. Don't............. troubles upon yourself (to
draw). 4. It is so sunny in the room. Will you............. the curtains (to draw). 5. How much money are you going
.............from the bank this time? (to draw) 6. My friend..................... 1500 pounds from his account recently,
because he started decorating his new flat (to draw). 7. Street accidents always............. crowds (to draw).
8. Our colleague............. my attention to advantages of his new project (to draw). 9. A sudden noise outdoors
............. attention of all the members of our family (to draw). 10. You.................... a beautiful picture. How will
you call it? (to draw) 11. The mother watched her child............. at the table (to draw). 12.1 wish you.............
a sunset in a desert (to draw). 13.1 wonder who............. the last football game? (to win). 14. This writer is
dreaming............. a Noble Prize (to win). 15. Which horse................... the race? (to win) 16. This man
doesn't like to lose, he is always doing his best............. (to win). 17. If my colleagues...................a volleyball
game last Friday, they would have celebrated it on Saturday (to win). 18. The war in Afghanistan....................
by anybody (not + to win). 19. Fortunately, this man................... the heart of the woman he loved, (to win).
20. The Second World War............. in September 1939 (to burst out). 21....... the bombs............. at night
when the people were sleeping? (to burst out) 22. When my friend was told that funny story, she.............
laughing (to burst out). 23. When this woman was told about an accident her husband had got in, she.............
crying (to burst out). 24. No doubt, it won't be easyfor her............. this tragedy (to overcome). 25. My fellow-student is not able............. his bad habits (to overcome). 26. It's not easy sometimes............. one's emotions
(to overcome). 27.1 wish this man............. his misfortune as soon as possible (to overcome).
22. 19 Дополните следующие предложения:
1. In your place
я бы не привлекал тогда внимание партнеров к этой проблеме я бы сделал тогда все, чтобы выиграть игру
я не расплакалась бы тогда, а постаралась бы поменять тему разговора я бы давно уже преодолел эту дурную привычку
2. In my opinion,
тебе не следует забирать из банка такую большую сумму денег русские выиграли войну против Гитлера, потому что верили в победу война разразилась, потому что невозможно было решить проблемы иначе этот человек сначала навлекает на себя беды, а потом старается их превозмочь
3. As a mater она нарисовала портрет этого голландца в японской манере
of fact, немцы выиграли гонку, потому что у них в команде прекрасные спортсмены американцы рассмеялись, когда мы назвали здание Университета
высотным зданием эти китайцы не могли преодолеть искушение (a temptation) заработать
легкие деньги
22. 20 Ответьте на вопросы:
1. What may be done to draw attention to any matter? 2. Why do accidents draw attention? 3. What do you usually do in case you want to draw a certain sum of money from your bank account? 4. What do you consider to be more difficult: to draw or to paint? 5. Why do all people like to win and don't like to lose? 6. Are there people who always win and never lose? 7. What would you do to win anybody's heart? 8. In which cases one may burst out laughing? 9. In which cases one may burst out crying? 10. What would you do to overcome any bad habit? 11. What would you do to overcome any temptation?
22. 21* Заполните пропуски данными правильным глаголами по смыслу:
to approach, to compare (with, to), to save, to betray, to interfere (in)
1. We...........the theatre and saw our friends waiting for us at the entrance. 2. The great day of our colleague's
wedding...................when he said that he was feeling as if he were newly bom. 3. It was not easy...........that
subject during the discussion. If it hadn't been so uneasy, we......................... it before. 4. This man is very
confident and independent, it's difficult........... him. 5. It's impossible........... the way of living in the west and
in the east. 6. If you........... advantages of this project with it's disadvantages, you'll pay attention to the
positive character of its basic idea. 7. A desert trip cannot................. to any other possible trip abroad. 8. Our
colleague is so much in love with this girl, that in his eyes she cannot................. to any other one. 9. If the
emergency had come sooner, the life of this patient............................... by the doctors. 10. We hope that
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