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Практический курс английского языка - Камянова Т.

Камянова Т. Практический курс английского языка — М.: Дом Славянской Книги, 2005. — 384 c.
ISBN 5-85550-177-9
Скачать (прямая ссылка): praktichkurseng2005.djvu
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22. 4* Заполните пропуски глаголами в форме Perfect Subjunctive Il после глагола to wish в дополнительных придаточных предложениях условия, относящихся к прошедшему периоду времени. Переведите предложения на русский язык:
1. I wish I..................to drive a car before (to learn). 2. I wish I ..................only on one problem (to
concentrate). 3. I wish I..................those people before (to come across). 4. I wish I..................on my
opinion then (to insist). 5.1 wish I..................that talk (to avoid). 6.1 wish I..................to appoint a meeting
(to manage). 7.1 wish I..................at an exam (not + fail). 8.1 wish I..................those people (not + to trust).
9.1 wish I..................them on the phone before (to reach). 10.1 wish I.................. my contract in time (to
sign). 11.1 wish I........................by those people at the yesterday's party (to be recognized). 12.1 wish I......
............my friencTs advice then (to follow). 13.1 wish l..................the truth from the very beginning (to know).
14.1 wish I..................my friend such words (not + to tell). 15.1 wish it........................to me what the matter
was (tohe explained).
22. 5 Отреагируйте на данные высказывания, используя Perfect Subjunctive H в придаточных дополнительных предложениях условия после глагола to wish:
e.g. My friend said that he hadn't fixed his computer yet. - I wish he had fixed his computer.
1. My friend said that he hadn't decorated his flat yet. 2. My friend said that he hadn't succeded in his work. 3. My friend said that he hadn't paid attention to his mistakes. 4. My friend said that he hadn't hada chance to visit Paris. 5. My friend said that he hadn't turned into a real businessman. 6. My friend said that he hadn't given up smoking. 7. My friend said that he had never been praised by his colleagues. 8. My friend said that he hadn't tost his weight. 9. My friend said that he hadn't fixed his hair. 10. My friend said that he hadn't been invited to the concert by his friends.
22.6 Переведите следующие предложения:
1. Жаль, что мой друг не получил моею письма. 2. Жаль, что мои коллеги не решили свои проблемы. 3. Жаль, что у меня не было возможности встретиться с этими людьми раньше. 4. Жаль, что моя подруга вышла замуж за этого ужасного человека. 5. Жаль, что мои родственники потратили столько денег на этот ужасный дом. 6. Жаль, что мой однокашник не нашел хорошую работу. 7. Жаль, что никто не присмотрел за этим больным стариком. 8. Жаль, что этот несчастный случай произошел с сыном нашего коллеги. 9. Жаль, что эти люди прожили свою жизнь таким образом. 10. Жаль, что никто не понял, что я имел в виду.
22. T Заполните пропуски данными глаголами е форме Perfect Subjunctive I и Perfect Subjunctive Il в
сложноподчиненных придаточных нереальных предложениях условия, относящихся к предшествующему периоду времени. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. If we................one room at a hotel during our holidays, we.......................each other better (to share, to
get to know). 2. If you...............me to the concert, you.....................the wonderful music (to accompany, to
enjoy). 3. If we ...............that problem in time, we.....................in such a situation (to solve, not + to be
involved). 4. If be...............his wife in a right way, she..................... him (to treat, not + to leave). 5. if he ......
.........his talent for music, he.....................a real pianist (to develop, to become). 6. If my relations...............
me help when I was in trouble, I............surely......... it (to offer, to accept). 7. If my colleagues...............to
my plan, I............never.........on it (to object, to insist). 8. If her doctor...............that medicine to her, she
..............surely ........ it (to prescribe, to take). 9. If my friend...............my secret, nobody.....................
about it (to keep, to speak). 10. If our neighbour................at his last exam, he..................... the university
(not + to fail, to enter). 11. If those people...............to help me at once, I.................... another way out (to
refuse, to And). 12. If we .............a 9 o'clock train, we.....,............for the lesson (to catch, not + to be late).
13. If I............... my business partner on the phone, we......................a meeting for today (to reach, to
appoint). 14. If these two people............... in love with each other, they..................... long ago (not + to fall,
to part). 15. If anything wrong...............to my cousin, I.....................about it (to happen, to be informed).
16. If her friend...............her life, she..................... it (to break, not + to stand). 17. If I....................to take
part in that discussion, I....................my opinion (to allow, to tell).
22, 8 Дополните следующие предложения, используя Perfect Subjunctive I:
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