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Практический курс английского языка - Камянова Т.

Камянова Т. Практический курс английского языка — М.: Дом Славянской Книги, 2005. — 384 c.
ISBN 5-85550-177-9
Скачать (прямая ссылка): praktichkurseng2005.djvu
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I repeated her words to him; I spoke of his wife, of England - but nothing touched him.
I stayed a month and saw him nearly every day. At the end of the month I should never have known him for the Frank Weymouth who started out with us from Mena House on New Year's Day. Changed! He was a new man! Thanks God, I had managed to get a teaching job for him through a man I knew at the embassy. The day before I went home I made my way up to my friend once more.
«Frank,» I said, «do you ever look at yourself in the mirror? This can't go on.» ¦ «So long as I can see her, I shall last out.»
«You really don't want a woman to feel she has lost her soul, and is making you lose yours? She is perfectly sincere in that.»
«I know. I've given up asking her to be with me. So long I can see her, that's all.» it was mania!
That afternoon I took a boat over to the Radolins. It was April - the first really warm day of spring. I entered their little garden and stopped in front of the wide ground-floor window. What I saw in the room made me quite breathless. Helen Radolin was sitting in a low chair sideways to the window, her eyes fixed on the floor where a streak of sunlight fell. Opposite at the grand piano Weymouth was standing, quite still, looking down at her. That was all. But the impression I received was like of frozen lava, and it was so great that I preferred not to interfere, and I noiselessly left.
I have nothing more to tell you of this business. The war came down on us all soon after. Rumours I have heard didn't say anything to me. Yet it seems to me that this «stroke of lightening* story is worth telling in days when people laugh at such absurdities.
1. to change one's mind - передумать
2. to see smb off - проводить (кого-л.)
3. to have an effect - иметь результат, подействовать
4. to be due (to) - быть должным (сделать что-л.) в соответствии с планом или расписанием
5. to turn up - появляться, приходить, приезжать
6. to enclose (in a letter) - вкладывать (в письмо)
7. to run as follows - гласить следующим образом
8. to do smb a favour - сделать кому-л. одолжение, оказать любезность
9. post restante - до востребования
10. under the (such) circumstances ['sakamstansiz] - при (таких) обстоятельствах
11. to come to the conclusion (that) - прийти к выводу
12. to call on smb I at some place - зайти (ненадолго) к кому-л. I в какое либо место
13. cannot bear smth (smb) I to do smth / doing smth - не выносить, не переносить
14. to go into details - вдаваться в подробности
22.1 Образуйте форму Perfect Subjunctive I от следующих глаголов:
to come, to go, to fly, to sleep, to choose, to fall, to leave, to forget, to forgive, to keep, to hold, to hide, to ride, to beat, to break, to be, to have, to get, to become, to lose, to find, to propose, to accept, to suggest, to refuse, to praise, to blame, to fix, to destroy, to fail, to succeed.
22. 2* Заполните пропуски глаголами в форме Perfect Subjunctive I и переведите предложения на русский язык. Обратите внимание на употребление при переводе на русский язык глаголов совершенного вида.
1. In his place Г..........................that invitation (to accept). 2. In his place I..........................your colleagues
in that affair (not + to involve). 3. In their place I..........................the date of the meeting at once (to fix). 4. In
her ptace I ..i.......................everybody of your being right (to convince). 5. In your place I..............f...........
secrets with that woman <not + to share). 6. In my place he..........„..............his help to those people (not + to
offer). 7. In their place і..........................that problem as soon as possible (to solve). 8. In her place I..............
............ children to stay at the disco till morning (not + allow). 9. In your place I.......................... that matter
at the meeting yesterday (hot + touch). 10. In my place you.......................... those people like that (not + to
treat). 11. In his place I..........................at that exam, I.......................... it (not + to fail, to pass). 12. In your
place I..........................those people to behave in a different way (not + to expect). 13. In his place I ..............
...........anything to them (not + to promise). 14. In my place you ................................. at any book for such
a long time (not + to work).
22. 3 Переведите следующие предложения, используя Perfect Subjunctive I:
1. На твоем месте я бы принял участие в тех переговорах. 2. На его месте я бы извинился за опоздание. 3. На ее месте я бы предпочла другого человека. 4. На их месте я бы не согласился на такие условия. 5. На твоем месте я бы тогда отказался сопровождать этих людей. 6. На моем месте они бы не начинали этой работы, не проверив все документы. 7. На твоем месте я бы не обратил внимания на те слова. 8. На его месте я бы сделал еще одну попытку выяснить все до конца. 9. На ее месте я не испугалась бы этого прямою вопроса. 10. На вашем месте я бы познакомилась тогда с нашими соотечественниками в Шотландии. 11. На его месте я не испортил бы отношений с этими людьми. 12. Не ее месте я не выдержала бы такого горя. 13. На моем месте они не потратили бы столько денег на такую поездку. 14. На твоем месте я бы не бросил такую хорошую работу. 15. На их месте я бы не отправлял тогда такой факс в Лондон.
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