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Практический курс английского языка - Камянова Т.

Камянова Т. Практический курс английского языка — М.: Дом Славянской Книги, 2005. — 384 c.
ISBN 5-85550-177-9
Скачать (прямая ссылка): praktichkurseng2005.djvu
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.......an excursion tomorrow? 13. There exists nothing.......the world.......these people.......'love.......themselves.
14. Yesterday.......dinner I caught my colleague's eyes fixed.......our new secretary. He was looking at her.......
admiration. 15. Did your grandparents marry.......or.......the war?
21. 40 Составьте ситуации с данными словами и словосочетаниями:
1. to come across, to make the acquaintance of, to be not in the mood for, to suggest, a golf-area, to flirt, to be jealous, a love affair, to apologize, to forgive
2. to pay attention to, to come nearer," to get frightened of, to make an attempt, to be disappointed, to make up one's mind, to go on, to succeed
3. to have a habit of, to be old-fashioned, to have a chance, to make an attempt, private life, to accept, to be involved, to be happy.
21. 41 Выпишите из текста случаи употребления Indefinite Subjunctive I и II.
21. 42 Передайте прямую речь из текста в косвенной речи.
21. 43 Ответьте на следующие вопросы по тексту:
1. Where and when did the author come across his friend Frank Weymouth? 2. What was Frank Weymouth and what kind of job did he have? 3. Why did Jessie Weymouth surprise the author? 4. What did Frank Weymouth think about it? 5. How did the Egyptian hotel look like? 6. Who insisted on the idea of a desert trip? 7. What happened to the Breconridge couple after they had agreed to combine with trie Weymouths for a desert trip? 8. How did Jessie Weymouth feet about it and what did she propose? 9. What kind of people were the Radolins? 10. When and where did the company start with the excursion? 11. How many people all together took the route for the Fayoum? 12. When did they find themselves in a desert? 13. How did people behave at dinner at the camping among sandy hills? 14. What did the author notice during the dinner? 15. What happened at the next camping not far away from Fayoum? 16. What did the author think about the stroke of lightening and about falling in love in general? 17. Who was the only person blind to what had happened? 18. When and how did Jessie Weymouth realize her tragedy? 19. Why didn't Helene Radoline and Frank Weymouth pay attention to anything and anybody except themselves? 20. Why do walls, in the author's opinion, have great importance for people and their relations? 21. Why did the author think that what had happened couldn't be called a vulgar flirt? 22. What did the guide think about all that? 23. Why did the author feel better as they returned to Mena House? 24. Why did they have dinner at separate tables? 25. Where did the author invite his friend Frank Weymouth after dinner?
21. 44 Основываясь на тексте, выразите свое согласие или несогласие с данными положениями:
1. This story happened after the war, and conditions were such that tragedies and comedies of private lives didn't have any importance.
2. The author came across his friend Frank Weymouth in London at Piccadily before Easter.
3. Jessie Weymouth was flirting with anyone she met, and her husband was jealous of her.
4. Desert trips didn't cost much, and Jessie Weymouth insisted on taking part in a trip.
5. The Radolins, an Austrian couple, were the antipode of the Weymouths.
6. The author was doubting if Helene Radolin were going to spoil the trip.
7. The excursion started on the 1 of May from Mena House. ,
8. The companions were accompanied by an Algerian guide, twenty Arabs; they had fifteen camels, ten donkeys, and twelve tents.
9. On the seventh day of the trip the company was on the lonely sands in a desert.
10. Everybody at dinner made a discovery that Helene Radolin was a beautiful woman.
11. Next night after dinner the author noticed his friend Frank Weymouth looking at Helene Radolin with admiration.
12. Nobody else noticed that Frank Weymouth and Helen Radolin fell in love with each other as if they were struck by lightening.
13. What happened to Frank Weymouth can't happen to any other gentleman.
14. Jessie Weymouth admitted that her husband could be involved in love affairs.
15. Jessie Weymouth was not surprised when she saw Helen Radolin and her husband sitting together on a desert hill.
16. Frank Weymouth and Helene Radolin had found a world of their own, and all the rest were shadows in the unreal worid which they had left.
17. What those two were going through was what could be called a vulgar fiirt.
18. The companions stayed in tents, there were no walls, and it was a real advantage.
19. After dinner in Mena House Frank Weymouth invited the author to see the Sphinx by moonlight.
21. 45 Переведите и прокомментируйте следующие пословицы:
1. If there were no clouds we wouldn't enjoy the sun.
2. Walls have ears.
3. Habit is second nature.
4. The leopard cannot change his spots.
5. Never offer to teach fish to swim.
a) Сослагательное наклонение в аспекте предшествующего периода времени отражает нереальное, условное действие, которое никогда не может быть трансформировано в реальность". Для выражения такого условного действия, как было указано выше (см. U.21), используется форма Perfect Subjunctive I (в простом предложении и главном предложении сложноподчиненного предложения условия) и форма Perfect Subjunctive II ( в придаточном предложении в составе сложноподчиненного предложения).
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