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Практический курс английского языка - Камянова Т.

Камянова Т. Практический курс английского языка — М.: Дом Славянской Книги, 2005. — 384 c.
ISBN 5-85550-177-9
Скачать (прямая ссылка): praktichkurseng2005.djvu
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any more? -1 ............for it since morning but there is no hope that he will phone today (to wait). 6. How long.....
you.............to meeting your friend? -1...........to meeting him for half a year but he.............from Ireland yet (to
look forward, to return). 7. Why.....you............all the time today? -1 am in a good humour. Besides, I..............
for a long time (to joke). 8. ..... you still..............in the sun? - Of course, I am. I............in the sun since last
summer and I............my skin yet (to,lie, to bum). 9......you...........your luggage yet? -1............it for two
hours, but my brother............me all the time, so I.............it yet (to pack, to bother) 10. Are you ready to leave
for the party? - No, my sister...........for two hours, and she..........her hair yet (to dress, to do).
Т. 2Л2*Заполните пропуски глаголами, данными в скобках, в соответствующей грамматической форме групп Indefinite, Continuous, Perfect или Perfect Continuous:
1. What......you............for the last three days? (to do). 2. My friend said that he............for this message for
a long time (to wait). 3. What......you............to do in case you............in danger? (to go, to be). 4......you
ever.............in.............by anybody? (to be interested, to praise). 5........they............to solve this matter by
8 o'clock in the evening? (to manage). 6.......you............yourself to a peach when you............in the room
alone? (to help, to remain). 7......his life.............on taking this medicine? (to depend). 8.......your neighbour
.............from his illness yet? (to recover). 9. Where............you at 5 o'clock yesterday? (to be) 10.1............
your idea before you............me a hint (to catch, to give). 11. Who............you permk sion to use my computer?
(to give). 12.1 .....never...........my things on your table (to lay). 13. Why.....you...........to take part in this
performance? (to refuse). 14. After you............me yesterday I..............off the light and............to bed. (to
phone, to switch, to go). 15......you...........in bed the whole day yesterday? (to lie).' 16. і............very glad
if you............me on my birthdey (to be, to congratulate). 17.1............by my sister not to touch the resk of the
cake (to tell). 18. No doubt, these people.......... by this doctor in the best way (to treat). They.........much
better now (to feel).
Т. 2.13 Выберите пары антонимов из данных глаголов:
to succeed, to praise, to trust, to refuse, to destroy, to earn, to shut, to spend, to join, to hate, to shout, to lose, to concentrate, to open, to hand, to blame, to hurt, to receive, to laugh, to teach, to'fail, to build, to forget, to start, to throw, to suspect, to whisper, to hold, to relax, to agree, to like, to sell, to leave, to learn, to remember, to stop, to find, to love, to cry, to buy, to dislike, to forgive,
T. 2.14 Переведите данные слова и словосочетания:
Таким образом; таким же образом; по-своему; по-новому; по-старому; по-другому; образ жизни; ничего подобного; это не имеет значения; ни он, ни она; ни дружба, ни любовь; ни достоинства, ни недостатки; ни наука, ни искусство; или дождь, или снег, или грипп, или простуда; или правда, или счастье; или портрет, или пейзаж; и опыт, и знания; и библиотека, и музей; и слезы, и радость; и мыло, и полотенце; вполне хорошая новость; вполне интересное общество; вполне привлекательная женщина; довольно долгая дорога; довольно старая инфюрмация; довольно робкий человек; на самом деле; по направлению; вместо того, чтобы; несмотря на; интересно; без сомнения; в любом случае; однако; хотя; кроме; кроме того; фактически.
Т. 2.15 Дополните следующие предложения:
1. Neither my friend nor me....................................................................................................................................
2. Both my friend and me.......................................................................................................................................
3.1 won't object to....................................................................................................................................,..............
4.1 have nothing to do with....................................................................................................................................
5.1 haven't got any experience in................................,.........................................................................................
6. This is a good medicine for.............................................................................,..................................................
7. You'll fail at your exam in case...........................................................................................................................
8. In such a way you will.................................................................,.......................................................................
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