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Практический курс английского языка - Камянова Т.

Камянова Т. Практический курс английского языка — М.: Дом Славянской Книги, 2005. — 384 c.
ISBN 5-85550-177-9
Скачать (прямая ссылка): praktichkurseng2005.djvu
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staying at home to joining these people (we). 10. Are you not tired of..... working without intervals? (you)
T. 2.7* Заполните пропуски глаголами в форме Infinitive или в форме Gerund по смыслу:
1. We stopped............our neighbours (to greet). 2. The boy stopped............ only after his mother had told
him twice not to do it (to whistle). 3. This old house needs............ (to destroy). 4. My aunt needs............ to
the hospital (to go). 5.1 forgot............ my friend yesterday that I was going to leave for London (to tell). 6. He
forgot his............ us these documents (to hand).t 7. Suddenly she remembered............ her friend and started
............her mobile telephone (to phone, to look for), 8.1 don't remember my............ in that performance (to
take part). 9.1 forgot............the light in the kitchen (to switch off). 10. All the doors in this house need............
(to paint). 11. Do you remember our............at each other when we met for the first time? (to stare)
T.2.8* Заполните пропуски данными глаголами в форме Gerund по смыслу:
to lose, to finish, to leave, to prescribe, to look, to read, to take, to be, to clean, to lie, to have.
1. Instead of............after her children she is concentrated on things of no importance. 2. Besides............this
medicine it has been recommended by the doctor to have hot drinks. 3. He won't do good by............his family.
4. After............this work he would like to have a rest for a change. 5. In spite of............ present at the meeting
my coHeage didn't take the floor. 6. This is a nice oil for............ in the sun. 7. This person seems to be proud
of............ nothing to do with his colleagues. 8. If he is afraid of............ his friends he should treat them better.
9. On............this poem aloud twice my sister repeated it by heart. 10. He will feel better by............ things
easy. 11. You shouldn't put on these trousers without ............ them.
T. 2.9 Переведите данные глаголы и словосочетания:
мечтать, хвалить, извиняться, сожалеть, позволять себе, увлекаться, избегать, ненавидеть, отрицать, возражать, предстаалять себе, предпочитать, откладывать, настаивать, поздравлять, зависеть, подозревать, обвинять, порицать, продолжать, быть расположенным, с нетерпением ожидать, интересоааться, преуспеть, быть стоящим, бросать, воздерживаться, жаловаться, делать успехи, гордиться, предлагать.
Т. 2.10*Заполните пропуски предлогами:
1. It seems that our life depends.....a lot.....things.....no importance. 2. Can't you keep your brother.....
taking part.....such games. 3. Who congratulates you usually.....your birthday? 4. Are you looking forward
.....going.....abroad? 5.1 have never heard my friend complain.....my doing anything.....a wrong way. 6. Who
is suspected.....having stolen those documents? 7. Are you interested.....installing new computers..... your
office.....this year? 8. Do you prefer travelling.....having a quite rest? 9......returning.....abroad this man
joined.....our society. 10......laying the table my mother went.....the kitchen. 11. My brother goes.....studying
German.....asking anybody to help him. 12......making progress.....his German he won't object..... studying
French...... next year. 13. Are you dreaming.....having a new evening dress.....celebrating the New Year?
14......my friend's not being interested.....this subject he belongs.....our society. 15. We can't help laughing
..... a new colleague.....ours, because instead.....putting.....his own jacket when leaving..... the office he
often puts..... a jacket.... anybody else. 16. This person succeeded.....making his career ..... telling lies.
17. Did he apologize,..... his not having kept his word? I don't feel..... speaking..... him any more. 18. Does
your father still insist..... your practising this subject ....... your not being fond.....it? 19.1 am not going to
blame my friend..... his not arriving..... Moscow ..... time, I was sure..... his being late. 20...... having
disadvantages this matter is still worth being considered..... the nearest future. 21. There are two doctors.....
my friends, and they surely have experience.....treating people .... influenza. 22*This man can't help....
complaining.....everybody .... hard conditions .... his work.
T. 2.11 'Заполните пропуски глаголами, данными в скобках, в форме Present Continuous, Present Perfect или Present Perfect Continuous:
1. Why.....you.............at me like that? -1.............at you for half an hour but I can't remember where we
.............before (to stare, to look, to meet). 2.......you .............this poem yet? -1..............it by heart for an
hour but I............it yet (to forget, to.learn). 3. Why do you object to this solution? - We............ the matter for
a week, but there is no reason in any solution (to discuss). 4. He............this article so far. - He............it since
afternoon, but there are too many new words in it (to translate). 5.......you not............for your friend's call
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