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Практический курс английского языка - Камянова Т.

Камянова Т. Практический курс английского языка — М.: Дом Славянской Книги, 2005. — 384 c.
ISBN 5-85550-177-9
Скачать (прямая ссылка): praktichkurseng2005.djvu
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the table in the garden (they). 4. Have you heard.....singing this song? (I). 5.1 didn't feel.....pulling me by the
sleeve (you). 6. What made.....concentrate on this matter? (he) 7. Who let.....rent such an expensive car?
(they) 8. Nothing will make.....give up this job (she). 9. We would like.....to keep silence (he). 10. They
wished.....to look after their children (we). 11. We didn't expect .....to be present at this meeting (they).
12. Who let......take care of these children? (she). 13. They would like.....to reach them on the phone as soon
as possible (I). 14.1 didn't notice.....destroying anything in this house (he).
T. 2.3* Заполните пропуски глаголами, данными в скобках, в форме Indefinite Infinitive, Continuous Infinitive, Perfect Infinitive (активного или пассивного залога):
1.1 am not ready ............this matter (to solve). 2. Is there anything else............for the trip? (to pack up) 3.1
would like not.................like that (to treat). 4. We expected these computers.................in our office (to
install). 5. I hope my sister.................on the beach now (to lie). 6. He is unhappy.......at the exams
recently (to fail). 7. I know this matter.................already (to solve). 8. We hope these tryouts...................
already (to hold). 9. My sister is glad................. by her chief recently (to praise). 10. It's time............ living
in such a way (to stop). 11. It's important............ colleagues and................. by them (to respect). 12. We
doubt this case................. already (to investigate) 13. This medicine is supposed................. two hours
before the death of the patient (to take). 14. My colleague is thought................. this case now (to examine).
15. This woman was the first............ our society (to join). 16. We are the last..................to see that play
recently (to manage).
T. 2.4* Образуйте форму Participle I Simple или Participle I Perfect в активном или пассивном залоге от глаголов, данных в скобках, и заполните пропуски по смыслу:
1...............on a problem he always manages to find a right decision (to concentrate). 2...............short of
money they always ask us to help them (to be). 3..............nothing to do with this people he usually tries to
avoid meeting them ^tO have). 4...............care of. her children she often forgets about herself (to take)
5.............such questions he never waits for answers (to ask). 6.................any medicine he refuses to take
it (to prescribe). 7...................about this accident she phoned her mother (to get to know). 8....................
from his job our neighbour went to the country (to retire). 9.....................us a hint this man was looking at our
reaction (to give). 10................the advantages of his idea our partners agreed to sign a contract (to understand).
11...........................director this man turned into a real businessman (to appoint). 12............................
permission we took part in the performance (to give). 13.........................to the party we felt very happy (to
invite). 14..........................within two weeks this play was still worth seeing-(to put on). 15..................
............by these people she couldn't stand them any more (to hurt). 16............in a good humour he was joking
all the time (to be).
Т. 2.5* Заполните пропуски глаголами, данными в скобках, в форме Participle Il в функции обстоятельства или в функции определения:
1.1 don't quite like the plan............by your friend (to suggest). 2. He refused to take part in the performance
...........by my colleague (to arrange). 3. What do you think about the person...........chief manager? (to
appoint) 4. Are yoi going to cook mushrooms...........by children? (to gather) 5............with the explosion this
building looks awful (to destroy). 6............of robbery this man has been arrested (to suspect). 7............by
my uncle the duck was lying on the ground (to shoot). 8............by my brother hot milk burnt his leg (to spill).
9............on the the table the letter remained there till morning (to lay). 10............by his mother this child
could play the piano perfectly (to teach). 11. Don't you mind opening the window...........by your brother? (to
shut). 12. Will you get...........vegetables out of the refrigerator! (to freeze). 13............by the doctor this
medicine helped me at once (to prescribe). 14............by my friend the perfume suited me perfectly (to choose).
T. 2.6* Заполните пропуски личными местоимениями в сочетании с герундием:
1. Don't you mind .....shutting the window? (I) 2. Can't you imagine.....joking in such a way? (you) 3. Does he
regret..... having had such a bitter experience? (he) 4. Has he suggested..... going abroad? (we) 5. Does he
avoid..... speaking to him? (she) 6. Does she deny..... treating her badly? (they) 7. Is she proud of.....
having been praised by the chief? (she) 8. Are they sure of..... not failing at exams? (they) 9. We prefer.....
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