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Практический курс английского языка - Камянова Т.

Камянова Т. Практический курс английского языка — М.: Дом Славянской Книги, 2005. — 384 c.
ISBN 5-85550-177-9
Скачать (прямая ссылка): praktichkurseng2005.djvu
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The Horns left the hospital the next day, but they didn't have the baby with them. That would come later. Horn helped his wife into their helicopter and sat down beside her. «You are a Wonder,» he said. «Am I?» she said, taking a cigarette. «You are. You didn't cry. You didn't do anything.*
«He is not so bad, you know,» she said. «Once you get to know him.... I can even - hold him in my arms. He isn't dead, he is alive, and I thank God for that.»
Three weeks passed. Every day they flew to the Institute to visit «Py». At the end of the third week, Dr. Wolcott said, «Feel like taking him home now? You live in the country, don't you? It's an advantage in your case. All your child needs is his mother's love and саге.»
Summer came, Peter Horn himself was busy with his export-import business. But he made it certain he was home every night. For it was he who took care of the child himself nights. When it cried it was not the sound of the child, but of some wild animal lost Jn a jungte. It was like having either a dog or a cat in the house.
In September Polly reported to her husband: «He can say Father. Yes, he can. Come on, Py. Say, Father!*
«Wheely!» whistled the little warm blue pyramid.
«Again,» repeated Polly.
«Wheely!» whistled a pyramid.
«For God's sake, stop it!» said Pete Horn. He took the child from her and put it in the nursery where it whistled over and over that name, that name, that name.
The New Year, the year 1989, arrived. In February Pete and his wife were invited to the Institute. Dr. Wolcott put his hands together and looked at them for a moment.
«I want to tell you what I've been doing in the last few months,* he said. «I've tried to bring the baby out of the dimension, it is in. We have been working for a long time at this problem. Now we have solved it, we've got a solution, but it has nothing to do with bringing the baby out of the dimention in which he exists. I can't bring Py out, but I can put you people in. That's it.»
Horn looked at the machine in the comer. «You mean you can send us into Py's dimension?* «lf you really want it.*
Polly said nothing. She held Py quietly and looked at him. Then she asked: «Will I see my baby as he really is, if I go into his dimension?* Wolcott nodded.
Polly said, «Then I want to go, I'll be with my real baby. I won't саге.»
«Dr. Wolcott, what will it be like, in that dimension on the other side?» asked Peter Horn.
«There will be no change that you will notice. Both your wife and you will seem the same size and shape to each other. The pyramid will become a baby, however.»
«But won't we turn into rectangles or pyramids ourselves? And won't you, doctor, look like some geometrical form instead of a human?»
«Nothing of the kind! You know what a human being looks like. This is an advantage which Py doesn't have looking out of his dimension. But to everyone else in the world you, your wife and the child will look like abstract forms The world will be shocked, not you.»
Peter Horn looked at his wife, she looked quite ready.
«We'll go,» said Peter Horn.
They moved towards the machine together. «I guess I can stand it, if she сап,» said Horn taking his wife's hand «< have been working hard for a good many years now, it might be fun retiring and being abstract for a change.*
They lay on the tables, holding hands, Polly and Peter Horn. He was thinking how it would be in future with Polly and him and Py at home, and people coming over for a cocktail party. How they all would behave. Suddenly he knew how й would be. They would live in the same house on the same green hill, and Dr.Wolcott would come to visit them That's-how it would be.
- Click. It was all over. They were in another dimension. He heard Polly cry out. Then she ran to their son - a living, pink-faced, blue-eyed boy.
«Well,» said Wolcott, standing back. He didn't move for a long while. He only watched the White Oblong and the slim White Rectangle holding the Blue Pyramid on the other side of the room.
«Shhh,» said Wolcott to his assistant. «They'll want to be alone. Come along.»
They went out of the room. The White Rectangle and the White Oblong didn't even look up when the door closed
1. a pyramid /an oblong I a rectangle - пирамида I продолговатая фигура I прямоугольник
2. neither ['naios] .... nor / either ['aids]... or / both ... and - ни.... ни I или ... или I и.... и
3. to look after (smb) - присматривать (за кем-л.), заботиться (о ком-л.)
4. to have nothing to do (with smth) - не иметь никакого отношения, ничего общего (с чем-л.) 5.1 don't (won't) care - мне все равно
6. to turn into - превращаться
7. to stand smth - выдерживать, выносить, терпеть
8. for a change - для разнообразия
20.1 Образуйте форму Present Perfect Continuous от следующих глаголов:
to wait, to travel, to walk, to work, to study, to examine, to play, tollsten, to talk, to discuss, to wear, to build, to sign, to do, to make, to sleep.
20.2 Поставьте вопросы к следующим предложениям. Обратите внимание, что типичным вопросом для времен группы Perfect Continuous является вопрос how long?
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