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Практический курс английского языка - Камянова Т.

Камянова Т. Практический курс английского языка — М.: Дом Славянской Книги, 2005. — 384 c.
ISBN 5-85550-177-9
Скачать (прямая ссылка): praktichkurseng2005.djvu
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thinking about my friend, as I've got to know that he is.....danger. 7. The temperature outdoors is 18 degrees
..... zero now. You shouldn't go.....a walk. 8. This thermometer is.....taking the temperature of water. 9. You
can avoid..... making mistakes.....studying more carefully. 10. Do you prefer doing things.....your own way
.....doing them.....a usual way? 11......spite.....being......danger my uncle continues.....lying.....bed almost
all the time. 12......prescribing a medicine..... a heartache.....my aunt the doctor told her that she shouldn't
go out.....case the temperature is higher than 25 degrees.....zero.
18'. 34 Выпишите из текста случаи употребления герундия и случаи употребления Participle I.
18. 35 Передайте диалоги из текста в косвенной речи.
18. 36 Ответьте на следующие вопросы по тексту:
1. How did the boy look and how did he feel when he came into the room to shut the window? 2. What was the matter with him? 3. What did his father advise him to do? 4. How old was the boy? 4. What did his father realize • as he put his hand on the boy's forehead? 5. Who took the boy's temperature? 6. What was his temperature? 7. What kind of thermometer did the doctor use? 8. What did he tell about the boy's illness? 9. Which medicines did the doctor prescribe to him? 10. How did the boy feel after the doctor had left? 11. What was his father reading to him? 12. Why did the boy want his father to leave him? 13. Where did the father go? 14. What was the weather like on that day? 15. Why dtd father fall down twice during the walk? 16. Why did he have a gun with him? 17. Where did he notice a convey of quail and how many birds did he kill? 18. Why did he feel happy returning home? 19. What did he get to know about the boy as, he came home? 20. What was the hoy staring all the time at? 21. What was his temperature in the afternoon? 22. What did father tell the boy about his temperature? 23. What was the boy concentrated on and what did he finally ask his father about? 24. Why did the boy think that he would die? 25. How did the father explain to him the difference between two kinds of thermometers? 26. Did the boy quite believe his father? 27. How did he feel on the next day? 28. What kind of person, in your opinion, was the father? 29. Do you think he was really a loving father? 30. Why is the story called «A day's wait»?
18. 37 Основываясь на тексте, выразите свое согласие или несогласие с данными положениями:
1. On shutting the windows in the room the boy said he was all right and he would go for a walk.
2. Instead of going to bed the boy dressed and went downstairs.
3. The doctor was called for examining the boy.
4. The doctor said that it was influenza without taking the boy's temperature.
5. Besides explaining that influenza was a very serious illness the doctor said that it would be difficult to avoid pneumonia.
6. The doctor left three different medicines in colored capsules with instructions for giving them.
7. The tamer tried to help the boy by reading the Pirate book to him.
8. In spite of his father's reading an interesting book to him the boy was thinking of something else.
9. After giving the boy the prescribed capsules the father went for a walk, becai se he was tired of staying with his son.
10. It was a lovely sunny day, a perfect day for going for a walk.
11. On having shot two quail the father felt happy that there were so many left to find on another day.
12. In spite of feeling bad the boy refused to let anyone except his father come into the room.
13. The boy's temperature in the afternoon was one hundred and two degrees.
14. The boy was sure that he would die because people didn't live with such a temperature.
15. On the next day the boy got worse.
18. 38 Составьте ситуации со следующими словами и словосочетаниями:
1. to shiver, to have a fever, to take the temperature, to call the doctor, to prescribe medicines, to avoid pneumonia, to go to the drug-store, a medicine for cold, to do good, to recover from illness.
2. to go for a walk, to snow, to cover with ice, 15 degrees below zero, impossible to walk, to fall down, to drop, to hurt, to lie in bed, to keep from, to take easy, to feel better, to dance.
3. to catch cold, to take the temperature, to come from Europe, a different thermometer, to be afraid of, to concentrate on, to keep from, to read aloud, not to follow, to take easy, to get to know, things of no Importance.
18. 39 Переведите на английский язык:
Несколько слов об Эрнесте Хемингуэе
Один из наиболее известных американских писателей, Эрнест Хемингуэй, был необычным человеком. Всю свою жизнь он предпочитал опасность обычной жизни в штате Иллинойс, месте, где он родился. Его отец, арач Клоренс Хемингуэй, и мать, учительница музыки Холл Грейс Хемингуэй, старались показать своим шестерым детям разные стороны жизни. Мальчиком Эрнест Хемингуэй наблюдал как отец, у которого была небольшая практика в Иллинойсе, осматривает людей и прописывает им лекарства. Мать учила его музыке. Однако вспоминая позже эти годы, Хемингуэй писал, что в то время он не был счастлив.
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