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Практический курс английского языка - Камянова Т.

Камянова Т. Практический курс английского языка — М.: Дом Славянской Книги, 2005. — 384 c.
ISBN 5-85550-177-9
Скачать (прямая ссылка): praktichkurseng2005.djvu
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at the lesson на уроке in a book в книге
at classes на занятиях in a newspaper в газете
at the theatre ['oiats] в театре in a picture I photo на картине (-нке), фоторграфии
at the cinema в кинотеатре in bed в кровати
c) Притяжательные местоимения (Possessive Pronouns) выражают принадлежность предмета лицу и имеют следующие формы:
ту мой our наш
your твой your ваш
his, her, its его, ее, его their их
Притяжательные местоимения употребляются с существительными или с сочетаниями существительное + прилагательное. Артикль в этом случае не употребляется: e.g. a book - my book; a new computer - his new computer.
d) Специальные вопросы (Special Questions) в отличие от общих вопросов (General Questions) (см. ex. 2.15) образуются с помощью следующих вопросительных местоимений: who [hu:] кто, what [wot] что, where [wes] где, when [wen] когда, how [hau] как, why [wai] почему/зачем, whose [hu:z] чей, which [witf] который, what kind [wot kamd] of... что за/какого рода.
Глагол-связка, также как и вспомогательный глагол в соответствующем числе и лице, ставится сразу после вопросительного местоимения:
e.g. His book is on the table. His books are on the table.
What is on the table? What is on the table?
Where is his book? Where are his books?
Why is his book on the table? Why are his books on the table?
Whose book is on the table? Whose books are on the table?
Which book is on the table? Which books are on the table?
What kind of book is on the table? What kind of books are on the table?
Обратите внимание, что вопрос к подлежащему (who? или what?), как и в русском языке, всегда ставится в 3 лице ед. числа: e.g. Children are at school. Who is at school? В сочетании what kind of.... существительные всегда употребляются без артикля.
e) Альтернативные вопросы (Alternative Questions) имеют значение выбора и обязательно содержат союз or или. Такие вопросы всегда требуют полного ответа.
e.g. Is it a book or a note-book? - It is a book. Is it green or grey? - It is green.
This is an office. It is in Moscow in Prechistenka street. The office is large. The computers are new. The tables are grey. The programmers Alex and Max are at their tables. The lamps are above the tables. The diskettes are in the boxes on the tables. The paper is under the tables. The programmers Alex and Max are nice. They are brothers.
Alex: «Max, will you open my site{»
Max: «OK. Why?»
Alex: «Will you find a new picture!»
Max: «Oh, who is this girl? Is she your new girl-friend?»
Alex: «She is not my girl - friend. She is our new secretary.*
Max: «Where is she from?»
Alex: «She is from our university.»
Max: «How nice!»
3.1* Заполните пропуски данными глаголами в Imperativ и в повелительных конструкциях по смыслу:
to read, to send, to take, to find, to meet, to close, to write, to give.
e.g........ the book! Will you.......the book, please!
Open the book! Will you open the book, please!
1.......the text! Will you......the text, please! 2.......a fax! Will you......a fax, please! 3.......a pen! Will you
......a pen, please! 4.......a diskette! Will you......a diskette, please! 5......the manager! Would you......the
manager, please! 6.......the book! Would you......the book, please! 7.......an exercise! Will you......this
exercise, please! 8.......Alex this note-book! Will you......Alex this note-book, please!
3.2* Заполните пропуски артиклями. Прокомментируйте случаи употребления неопределенного и определенного артиклей:
1. Will you take ... fax, please! 2. Will you read ... fax, please! 3. Will you find .... note-book, please! 4. Would you meet... doctor, please! 5. Would you give Alex ... box, please! 6. Would you write ... exercise, please! 7. Will you close ... books, please! 8. Will you put... pen, please!
3. 3 Переведите следующие предложения:
1. Прочитайте текст! 2. Возьмите книгу! 3. Дайте Алексу ручку! 4. Пошлите факс! 5. Встречайте журналистов! 6. Найди карту! 7. Положи тетрадь! 8. Напиши упражнение! 9. Открой книгу! 10. Закрой книгу!
3.4* Заполните пропуски предлогами места и направления:
1. The book is.....the table. Will you put the book.....the table! Will you take the book.....the table! 2. The
fax is.....the table. Will you put the fax.....the table! Will you take the fax.....the table! 3. The note-book is.....
the table. Will you put the note-book.....the table! Will you take the note-book.....the table! 4. The diskette is
.....the box. Will you put the diskette.....the box! Will you take the diskette..........the box! 5. The computer is
.....the box. Will you put the computer......the box! Will you take the computer..........the box! 6. The boxes are
.....the room. Will you put the boxes.....the room! Will you take the boxes..........the room! 7. The box is under
the table. Will you put the box.....the table! Will you take the box......the table! 8. The fax is under the box. Will
you put the fax.....the box! Will you take the fax..........the box! 9. The lamp is.....the table. 10. The map is
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