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Практический курс английского языка - Камянова Т.

Камянова Т. Практический курс английского языка — М.: Дом Славянской Книги, 2005. — 384 c.
ISBN 5-85550-177-9
Скачать (прямая ссылка): praktichkurseng2005.djvu
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e.g. to receive - having received - not having received
to write, to read, to phone, to repeat, to hurt, to choose, to lose, to buy, to sell, to finish, to join, to keep, to arrange, to build, to realize,.to visit, to be able, to be ready.
17.9 Образуйте Participle I Perfect Active от данных глаголов, дополните их пояснительными словами и переведите предложения на русский язык:
e.g. (to finish)............................ ту colleagues went home.
Having finished their work my colleagues went home.
1. (to hurt) ........................ my friend went to the doctor. 2. (to lose) ........................my colleague asked the
chief to give him another one. 3. (to receive) ........................ the secretary wrote an answer immediately.
4. (to sell) .................. our neigbour bought a new one. 5. (to visit) ....................... we went home. 6. (to
forget) ........................ I phoned my colleague to ask him about it. 7. (to find) ...................... I did my best to
find its owner. 8. (to realize) ...................... my father's cplleagues decided to present to him a note-book
computer on his birthday. 9. (not + to repeat).................. my brother made a lot of mistakes in his test. 10. (not
+ to buy) ....................... our secretary had tea at the office. 11. (to arrange) ...................... my cousin invited
us to the restaurant. 12. (not + to choose) ....................... my sister went to another shop. 13. (not + to touch)
....................... we decided to discuss it at the next meeting.' 14. (not + to be able) .................... the student
asked the teacher to give him some more time.
17.10 Продолжите данные предложения с Participle I Perfect Active (с пояснительными словами) в функции обстоятельства и переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. Having rented а саг we.......................................................................................................................................
2. Having looked at herself in the mirror my sister................................................................................................
3. Having committed a crime the murderer............................................................................................................
4. Having washed the dishes my mother....................................................................................................„..........
5. Having fallen in love my friend...........................................................................................................................
6. Having fallen ill my brother.................................................................................................................................
7. Having knocked at the door my neighbour........................................................................................................
8. Having greeted us our lawyer...............................................................................................:.............................
9. Having taken a taxi my colleague.......................................................................................................................
10. Having published a book of poetry my uncle..................................................................................~...............
11. Not having fallen asleep the child....................................................................................................................
12. Not having caught my idea our manager.........................................................................................................
13. Not having followed his parents' advice my friend...........................................................................................
14. Not having answered my question my brother.................................................................................................
15. Not having helped anybody this man..............................................................................................................
17. 11 Образуйте Participle I Perfect в страдательном залоге в утвердительной и отрицательной форме от данных глаголов:
e.g. to inform - having been informed - not having been informed
to tell, to ask, to impress, to leave, to recognize, to send, to promise, to advise, to hurt, to encourage, to wake up, to wash, to clean, to iron, to decorate, to publish
17. 12 Продолжите данные предложения с Participle I Perfect Passive (с пояснительными словами) в функции обстоятельства и переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. Having been told the truth this woman..............................................................................................................
2. Having been asked about his family this man................................................................................................... .
3. Having been impressed by this man my sister...................................................................................................
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