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Английский язык для пользователей ПК и программистов - Гольцова Е.В.

Гольцова Е.В. Английский язык для пользователей ПК и программистов — Спб.: Учитель и ученик, 2002. — 480 c.
ISBN 5-7931-0086-5
Скачать (прямая ссылка): englishdlyapolzpk2002.djvu
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V. To compress a file, right-click on the file and choose Properties. Next, select the Compressed check box. When you select a file to compress and click Apply, you'll see the size of the compressed file next to the Compressed Size information item.

VI. To compress a directory, right-click on the directory and choose Properties. Next, select the Compress check box. When you select a directory to compress and click Apply, Windows NT displays a prompt asking if you want to compress all subdirectories within the directory.

VII. To compress a disk, right-click on the disk and choose Properties. Next, select the Compress check box. When you compress a disk, Windows NT displays a prompt asking if you want to compress all directories on the disk.

VIII. You can configure Windows NT Explorer to display compressed files in an alternate color. When you do, uncompressed files and directories will still appear in black. The default color for compressed files is blue, so don't set the background color of your windows to blue.

Setting the display options:

IX. To set the display options, first launch NT Explorer, and then select View|Options. Click the Display Compressed Files And Folders With Alternate Color check Урок 13

box, and click OK. Now, if you use NT Explorer's Detail view to list files, you'll see that the compression attribute (C) appears in the Attributes column.

X. It's important to remember that compression is an attribute. When you copy or move files and directories, the compression attribute is retained or lost in the same way as it is for other attributes. If you create a new file, the new file inherits the compression attribute of its target folder. If you move a file, the file retains its original compression attribute. Keep in mind also that, unlike the NTFS file system, FAT doesn't support compression. Table A summarizes the effect that various copy and move operations have on a compressed file and its compression attribute.

Table A: Effects that various copy and move operations have on a compressed file and its compression attribute.

Operation effect -1- On file effect On compression attribute
Copy New file is created Copy inherits the attribute of the target folder
Move on same partition Pointer to a file 's location is updated File retains the original attribute.
Move between partitions New file is created on the target partition; existing file is deleted. File inherits the attribute of the target folder.
Copy or move from NTFS to FAT partition New file is created on target partition; if a move, existing file is deleted. Compression attribute is lost (compression isn ' t supported on FAT) .
Copy or move from FAT to NTFS partition New file is created on target partition; if a move, existing file is deleted. File inherits the attribute of the target directory.

XI. Conclusion

Even though hard drive space is becoming increasingly economical, you should still use compression wisely. Remember that it can degrade the performance of a server that provides files requiring frequent updates. On the other hand, if you have less frequently accessed files that you want to archive, you can use compression to help you manage that task.

March 2000

179 Английский для пользователей ПК

Упражнение 23. Translate Conclusion in written form. Переведите «Заключение» письменно.

Упражнение 24. Match a question and the answer to it.

Найдите ответ к каждому вопросу. (Учимся «просмотровому» чтению: необходимо выделить ключевые слова в вопросе и попытаться найти их в ответе).

/О: RAR incorporates а number of different compression "methods", what are the advantages and disadvantages of using them and which one would you recommend for daily use?

2Q: I've heard a lot about "Solid" archives. What are they and how can I use them?

3Q: How could a user of my BBS (E-mail system, FTP server etc.) extract files from RAR archives while RAR is shareware and one must register after a 40 day evaluation period?

40: Where can I get the latest releases of WinRAR

5Q: I received "CRC error" message when extracting. What does it mean?

6Q: There appear to be no facilities available to convert my existing archived files to RAR format.

1A: The RAR distribution archive contains a free unRAR utility, UNRAR.EXE, which can be used, without paying a license fee, by anyone wanting to extract archives created by RAR. As an additional BONUS to this, the source code of a portable UNRAR is available on http://www.rarsoft.com. Note that the RAR algorithm is proprietary and you must not use UNRAR sources to reverse engineer it.

2A\ Visit WinRAR home page http:// www.rarsoft.com.

ЗА: It's not a two-word question. I tried to answer to this question in the topic "How to choose optimal archiving settings".

4A: WinRAR distributive includes it's own conversion utility called RCVT. This utility is free for WinRAR users and will handle most of your file conversion needs, including the updating of your FILES.BBS lists.
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