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Английский язык для пользователей ПК и программистов - Гольцова Е.В.

Гольцова Е.В. Английский язык для пользователей ПК и программистов — Спб.: Учитель и ученик, 2002. — 480 c.
ISBN 5-7931-0086-5
Скачать (прямая ссылка): englishdlyapolzpk2002.djvu
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1. We know at least three meanings of this word. First, it is the rules and conventions governing the interpretation of and assignment of meaning to a construction in a language. Hence, semantics is the science of the development of the meanings and changes in words. And since any programming language is a language, a programmer can describe semantics as the relationship between the words and symbols in a programming language and the meanings assigned to them.

2. It is a grammatical structure in sentences. In programming languages, syntax means the rules governing the structure of statements used in a program: for example, the statements in some programming languages must begin in certain columns and be terminated with a specific symbol, such as a period, in order to be executed properly.

3. Though parsing is essentially the same as syntax analysis, it differs greatly from syntax analysis of a natural language. Parsing is the process of separating a programmipg statement into the basic units that can be translated into machine instructions: this process is performed by a language processor according to the laid down rules in a given programming language.




115 Английский для пользователей ПК

Упражнение 8. Постарайтесь перевести словосочетания самостоятельно, помня, что все они относятся к языковой лексике. Проверьте себя по ключу:

a) context-free grammar; lexical analyzer; parse tree; derivation sequence; context free language; token; shift-reduce parsing; absolute language; explicit language; nested language; reference language; requirement statement language; time-sharing language;

b) computer-dependent language; computer-independent language; conversational language; declarative language; defining language; descriptive language; end-user language; control language; human language; human-oriented language; machine-dependent language; machine-in-dependent language; multidimensional language; one-dimensional language; synthetic language; self-contained language; source language; super-high-level language; interactive language.

Упражнение 9. Give synonyms for the following: Подберите синонимы для следующих выражений:

man-to-computer language, artificial language, very-high-level language, natural language, parsing, absolute language.

Упражнение 10. Пробуем говорить.

Say what the difference is between synthetic and human languages. Прочтите и скажите, в чем разница между искусственными и естественными языками. Используйте конструкцию: There is/are (по) ... in ... language.

Язык программирования — система обозначений, служащая для точного описания программ или алгоритмов для ЭВМ. Языки программирования являются искусственными языками, в которых синтаксис и семантика строго определены. Поэтому при применении их по назначению они не допускают свободного толкования (interpretation) выражения, характерного для естественного языка.

Упражнение 11. We are going to read some paragraphs from this book: Посмотрите! NJbi собираемся прочесть несколько параграфов из этой книги:

The С++ Programming Language

- Reference Manual -

Bjarne Stroustrup

AT&T Bell Laboratories Murray Hill, New Jersey 07974

116 Урок 8

Answer the questions. Ответьте на вопросы.

What is the book called? What kind of book is this? Who is the author? Where was it published?

Упражнение 12. Translate the combinations of words: Переведите словосочетания:

to point out implementation-dependent details; follow directly from the properties; describe in the C book; extend with classes; functions and so on; to parse into tokens; require to separate; to enclose in single quotes; to surround by double quotes.

Упражнение 13. Translate paying attention to the suffixes: Переведите, обращая внимание на суффиксы:

Require, requirement, requiring, required; Identify, identification, identifier; Long, length; Note, notation;

Alternate, alternating, alternation, alternative, alternator;

Option, optional;

Access, to access, accessible.

Упражнение 14. Translate and mark the auxiliaries: Переведите и отметьте вспомогательные глаголы:

Use, used, uses, are using; Enclose, enclosed, encloses, has enclosed; Denotes, denoted, having denoted; Determine, determines, are determined; Declared, to declare, is declaring, declares; Treat, are treated, treated, have been treating; To refer, referred, are referred to; Hide, were hidden, hid.

Упражнение 15. Translate without a dictionary: Переведите без словаря:

Detail; declaration; collectively; to ignore; to separate; to reserve; to list; to specify; to initialize; fraction.

117 Английский для пользователей ПК

Упражнение 16. Be sure that you know what the words mean: Убедитесь, что вы помните значение этих слов:

Few; such; between; other; otherwise; next; which; below; certain; according to; throughout; this; from... to... .

Упражнение 17. Memorize the information and translate the verbs: Запомните информацию и переведите таголы:
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