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Английский язык для пользователей ПК и программистов - Гольцова Е.В.

Гольцова Е.В. Английский язык для пользователей ПК и программистов — Спб.: Учитель и ученик, 2002. — 480 c.
ISBN 5-7931-0086-5
Скачать (прямая ссылка): englishdlyapolzpk2002.djvu
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— I was particularly impressed by your university.

4) — Where are you?

— I'm in Atlanta. The flight's been delayed.

5) — Is the seat taken?

— No, it isn't.

6) — My computer has been stolen.

— I hope it will be found.

7) — I like your computer. Where was it made?

— I'm not sure. I think it was made in Japan. Let me have a look. I'm wrong. It was made in the USA.

8) — What an interesting report!

— Yes. His reports are always listened to with great interest.

9) — Is the doctor sent for?

— Of course.

10) — Who wrote "Programmer's Guide to IBM PC"?

— It was written by Peter Norton.

12. Правильность, криптография, криптоанализ (техника расшифровки криптопрограмм), криптоаналитик, шифровальщик, криптология, криптография, шифровка (кодирование), шифровать, расшифровывать, расшифровка.

13. А — 5; В — 7; С — 4; D — 6; E — 2; F — 3; G — 1.

15.1) is no longer; 2) that shouldn't be messed with; 3) it the time to; 4) make full use of the advantages; 5) any opinions and evaluations are speculative; 6) the author cannot be held

• 461 Английский язык для пользователей ПК и программистов

responsible; 7) keeping messages secret; 8) are of historical interest; 9) are not adequate for real-world needs; 10) at a time; 11) a number of bits; 12) cannot be really executed by humans; 13) are much faster.

16. 1) plaintext/cleartext; 2) encryption; 3) ciphertext; 4) decryption; 5) cryptography; 6) cryptanalysis; 7) cryptographers; 8) cryptanalysis; 9)cryptology 19.

Key-based algorithms

Assymmetric (public-key) algorythms Symmetric (secret-key) algorythms
Stream ciphers Block ciphers

& Урок 21

1. Побуждение к действию (повелительное наклонение) 1), 6) Действие как факт (изъявительное наклонение) 2), 3) Предположительное действие (сослагательное наклонение) 4), 5)

2. l)If you don't remind George to call, he won't do it

2) He said that he wouldn't respect me, if I didnt fulfil my duty and leaft the job.

3) Ifl could contact Mr Spark, we would immediately solve the problem.

4) If he weren't so stubborn, he would be easy to deal with.

5) Ifhe had been more competent and experienced, he wouldn't have felt himself uncom-fortably.

6) If you had kept your promise he wouldn't have got offended.

7) Ifhe had stopped studying French he wouldn't have been sent to France. 3.1 wish I could give up smoking.

I wish I had some cigarettes. I wish George were here. I wish it were not so cold. I wish I did not have to work tomorrow. I wish I knew something about cars.

4.1 would have woken George, if I had known he wanted to get up early. I wouldn't have been able to buy the car, if Jim hadn't lent me the money. She would have been injured in the crash, if she hadn't been wearing a seat belt. She would have bought the coat if she had had enough money with her.

5. A — 1; B — 2; C — 1; D — 2; E — 2; F — 2.

6. 1) They are integral to the beginnings of your securely designed project. ... безопасно организованный проект

2) Risk assessment is no less important in secure, well-designed software or applications development projects.

Опенка риска... в безопасных, хорошо проработанных проектах разработки программ или приложений.

3) They include things like your customer credit card information. ... нформация вашей кредитной карточки покупателя.

4) It will probably be more valuable than your vendor contact list. ... контактный список вашего продавца.

5) Bruce Schneier calls it 'attack tree analysis'. ... анализ дерева атак.

6) Sometimes it is aided by organization-enhancing software. ... программа, улучшающая организацию.

462 Ключи к упражнениям

7) You can trust them with the necessary access privileges before setting tht software up on your network.

... необходимые привилегии доступа.

8) You must strongly consider petitioning your internal Information Technology department or Help Desk for permission.

... ваш внутрений отдел Информационной технологии.

9) Security assessment tools can be useful, but cannot be 100% effective.

... средства оценки безопасности.

7. 1) the first steps; 2) take advantage of the fact that; 3) for further information about... look; 4) once you knew; 5) Please, be very careful when...; 6) It is very easy to confuse.

8. This will help you in the end: if there should ever be an attack on your application, you will already have a champion to go to bat for the integrity of your application and the care with which it was designed. Это вам поможет в конце: если когда-нибудь произойдет атака на ваше приложение, то у вас уже будет чемпион для того, чтобы вступиться за целостность приложения, а также тщательность, с которой оно было создано. (Из контекста ясна роль тщательности разработки приложения в обеспечении его защищенности)

Ifyou thought about the policies regarding the privacy, disposition and handling of customer information and other social and legal issues you would understand that your risk assessment process depends a great deal on such things. Если вы задумывались о политиках (правилах организации обработки информации), учитывая расположение сведений о покупателе и порядок их (сведений) обработки, а также другие аспекты общественного и юридического характера, то должны понять, что процесс оценки рисков в значительной степени v зависит от подобных вещей.
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