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Английский язык для пользователей ПК и программистов - Гольцова Е.В.

Гольцова Е.В. Английский язык для пользователей ПК и программистов — Спб.: Учитель и ученик, 2002. — 480 c.
ISBN 5-7931-0086-5
Скачать (прямая ссылка): englishdlyapolzpk2002.djvu
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2) Shows — показывает; is based on — основывается на; involves — включает; takes і care of — заботится/занят; represents — представляет; enages — занимается; are grouped

into — группируются; may be implemented —- могут быть воплощены в;

3) Take care of — занимаются; are running — работают; might involve — может включать; need not have — не нужно иметь; handles -— обрабатывает; include — включают;

4) Take care — занимаются; is — не переводится; is provided with — снабжен; is making — осуществляет; are connected — связаны; is logged into — зарегистрирован; is utilizing — использует;

5) Could be due — могут быть обусловлены; is — не переводится; is sent and delivered — посылаются и доставляются; originates — возникает от; should be delivered — должно быть доставлено; will be discussed —- будет обсуждаться; must cooperate — должен взаимодействовать; is — не переводится; include — включают; will cover — раскроют.

8. What was the designers' choice while setting the task on communication protocols?

What understanding is the model of the TCP/IP communications architecture based on?

What's the hierarchy of such model elements?

What does the application layer take care of?

What does the host-to-host transport layer take care of?

What do protocols operating at transport layer include?

9. Figure 20.1: Shows — показывает; is based on — основывается на; involves — включает; are grouped — группируются; take care of — отвечают за; may be implemented — может быть представлен/воплощен.

Figure 20.2: Is responsible — отвечает за, посылаются и доставляются; must cooperate — должны взаимодействовать; mark — помечают; identify — идентифицируют; are connected — соединяются; exchange — обмениваются.

[S7 Урок 16

1. 1) Blaze Pascal's merit was that he constructed the first mechanical computer.

2) I was using the Access function when it happened.

3)1 had tested it before I got started.

4) He said he had been using that method for a year.

3. 1) He solved the problem yesterday.

He has solved the problem.

He solved the problem an hour ago.

2) I broke my pencil a second ago.

I have broken my pencil.

I broke my pencil yesterday.

3) He has just written this algorithm.

He wrote this algorithm yesterday.

He wrote this algorithm last week.

He has already written this algorithm.

4) Have you ever been to London?

When were you in London?

Have you ever translated such difficult texts?

When did you translate such difficult text?

4. 1) — Where is Sasha?

— He has gone on leave?

— When did he go?

450 Ключи к упражнениям

— Не went some days ago to Moscow.

— I have never been to Moscow.

2) — Where is Peter? I haven't seen him today.

— He has just gone to the office, but the consultation has already begun.

— When did it begin?

— A few minutes ago.

3) — Have you ever been to our library?

— Yes.

— How many times have you been there?

— Two times. (Twice)

— When was the last time you went there?

— I last ,went there last week.

4) — Have you ever won a prize?

— Yes, I have.

— How many times have you won a prise?

— One time. (Once)

— When did you win it?

— I won it a year ago.

5) — What do you think of the film you saw yesterday?

— It is the best film I've seen lately.

5. 1) He has seen this film. | today

J now

* He saw this film. | yesterday

I today

2) He has written the letter. He wrote the letter yesterday.

3) Have you ever been to Britain. Yes, I have

How many times have you been there. і

When did you go there? I went there in 1990.

4) When did he go to the Crimea ? Has he ever been to the Crimea?

5) I have written an algorythm. Check it. I wrote this algorythm yesterday.

6) — I haven't seen you for ages.

— I've been to the conference.

— When did you come back?

— I came back two days ago. -Imet him in 1990.

— We've known each other since 1990.

6. He said that worked 14 hours a day.

He said he was thinking of going to live in Canada. He said that he hadn't done the task yet. He said he would send this message to their office. He said that he had written his first program 7 years ago. He said he could do it for me.

He said that he didn't know what their group was doing.

8. A — 3; B — 4; C — 9; D — 8; E — 1; F — 7; G — 2; H — 6; I — 5.

9. is (не переводится) — was

should follow (должны следовать) — should follow is attached (присоединен) — was attached

•451 Английский язык для пользователей ПК и программистов

is delivered (доставляются) — was delivered belongs (принадлежит) — belonged employes (использует) — employed is discovered (открывается) — was discovered are (не переводится) — were contains (содержит) — contained

10. }) Data packets; '

2) is attached;

3) a routing process;

4) for discovering the route to that host;

5) data is delivered through intermediate devices.

11. Internet Layer: I абзац. Начинается словами: The internet layer. Служебные слова: if (если); otherwise (иным образом); once (если, как только). Заканчивается словами: the internet layer. По начальным, конечным и вводным словам видно, что в этом абзаце идет объяснение того, что такое the internet layer.
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