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Базовый курс английского языка - Эккерсли К.Э.

Эккерсли К.Э. Базовый курс английского языка — М.: Лист Нью, 2002. — 704 c.
ISBN 5-7871-0174-X
Скачать (прямая ссылка): bazoviykursangliyskogo2003.djvu
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stove, and there he would sit until it was time to go to bed. Anna had to leave her work and hurry to bring him his breakfast of rolls and butter and coffee. Then he sat and read his paper and smoked his pipe or slept while Anna ran about upstairs cleaning all the rooms making the beds, doing the washing, or running downstairs to answer the door-bell. And in the midst of it all she had to prepare the vegetables and cook the huge meal that he always expected promptly at one o'clock. A dozen times a day you would hear him shout, "Anna". If she didn't come running the moment he called, his face would go red with anger and you could hear his shouting all over the house.
Well, for the next year or two we lost touch with Anna. Then, one day, I went to Tours to visit some friends and I thought I would call and see Anna. I went to the house where she lived. I rang the bell and I could hear it ringing through the house. I waited, but there was no sound of footsteps in the house. I waited, perhaps for two minutes, but still all was silent. But the house was occupied; there was smoke coming from the chimney (it was in December). I rang again, louder than before, and then, after another minute or so, I heard footsteps slowly coming down the stairs. The door opened and I saw Anna. The moment she saw me her face lighted up with a smile. I threw my arms round her and said, "Oh, Anna, how nice to see you again!" There was no doubt about her joy at seeing me. She took me upstairs to her cosy room. The room was exactly as I had always known it- except that Henri wasn't there. Oh, yes, and except for one other thing. On the table near Anna's chair (the chair where Henri always used to sit) was a big sand-glass, I think you call it an egg-timer. Well,
I noticed that Anna looked every now and then at the sand-glass and whenever she saw that the sand (a peculiar, dark-coloured sand) had run through, she turned the glass and let the sand run through again. Just then the front doorbell rang again, but instead of jumping up at once to answer it as Anna always used to do, she just turned the sandglass over and sat still. When the sand had all run through, she got up quietly and went downstairs to answer the door. So that was why I had to wait so long! It all seemed very funny, but I didn't say" anything. She came back and we continued our chat, and then she
said, "But you must be hungry, Miss Lucille; I'll make lunch. Would you like an omelette?" I certainly was hungry and, knowing Anna's omelette of old, I said there was nothing I should like better. But again she didn't get up. She just turned over the sand-glass and when she saw the sand had run through, she got up and cooked the lunch. It was not until we had finished lunch that I said, "Where's Henri?" Anna said, "He's dead; he died about a year ago." I couldn't say, "I'msorrytohearit," I just sat silent. Anna continued, "Hegotinto one of his rages and suddenly dropped down dead." There was a pause. She picked up the sand-glass. "I had him cremated," she said. "These," and she pointed to the sand, "are his ashes. He never worked while he was alive, but I see to it that he does now he's dead." And she turned the sand-glass over again.
1. Придумайте предложения со следующими словами и словосочетаниями:
actual; delight; nurse; in difficulties; laziness; we lost touch with; occupied; cosy; value; peculiar; cremate
2. Употребите глаголы в скобках в соответствующей грамматической форме:
1. She (stay) with our family for twenty years. 2. After her marriage we (not see) her for a long time. 3. I (visit) Tours a few months ago.
4. We (be) at Victoria in ten minutes. 5. We (not see) John for two months. 6. How long (you stay) in England? 7. Olaf (finish) that exercise five minutes ago.
3. Вставьте подходящие по смыслу вопросительные слова: Why? What? Where? Whose? When? Which?
1. was the name of your old nurse? 2. did she go to live? 3. _
did she marry an unpleasant man like Henri? 4. sort of man was he?
5 . money bought the house in Tours? 6. will you be ready? 7. _
are you doing? 8.__have you changed your clothes? 9.___is my tie?
I can't find it. 10 train shall we catch? The four o'clock or the five-
4. Перепишите предложения, заменяя other на else. Вам могут понадобиться следующие выражения: nothing else, everyone else, no one else, someone else, anything else, somewhere else (первое предложение дано в качестве образца):
1. She is a better cook than any other person I know.
(She is a better cook than anyone else I know.)
2. Hob asked if there was any other thing for lunch. 3. Do you want to see Olaf or some other person? 4. Every other person thought Henry was lazy and unpleasant. 5. He sat and read his paper, but never did any other thing. 6. Hob got it wrong, but every other person got it right. 7. Shakespeare was a great writer, and there is no other person like him.
5. Ответьте на вопросы:
1. How long had Lucille known Anna?
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