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Базовый курс английского языка - Эккерсли К.Э.

Эккерсли К.Э. Базовый курс английского языка — М.: Лист Нью, 2002. — 704 c.
ISBN 5-7871-0174-X
Скачать (прямая ссылка): bazoviykursangliyskogo2003.djvu
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Команды в косвенной речи Indirect Commands
Direct Command Indirect Command
Art teacher to Olaf. "Go back to your office." Olaf to Pedro and Hob: "Come and spend a holiday with me in Sweden." Art teacher to Olaf. "Don't come for any more lessons." The art teacher told Olaf to go back to his office. Olaf asked (invited) Pedro and Hob to spend a holiday with him in Sweden. The art teacher told Olaf not to come for any more lessons.
(1) Команды в косвенной речи вводятся словами told, ordered, commanded.
(2) В прямой речи для выражения команды используется повелительная форма глагола; в косвенной речи используется инфинитив.
(3) В прямой речи отрицательная форма повелительного наклонения начинается словами Don't... (или Do not...). В косвенной речи употребляется инфинитив с частицей not.
Вот еще несколько примеров:
Direct Command
Indirect Command
Andrew to his dog: "Lie down, Jock."
Officer to soldiers: "Fire!"
The teacher said to the boy, "Come in."
Mr. Priestley said to Hob: "Write your work more carefully or I shan't read it."
Andrew ordered Jock to lie down.
The officer commanded the soldiers to fire.
The teacher told the boy to come in.
Mr. Priestley told Hob to write his work more carefully or he wouldn't read it.
"told" "ordered" "commanded" ^
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Direct Command (negative) Indirect Command (negative)
Teacher (to his class): "Don't waste your time." Andrew's father said: "Don't climb that tree in your new trousers." The teacher told his class not to waste their time. Andrew's father told him not to climb that tree in his new trousers.
Иногда повелительная форма глагола выражает скорее просьбу, чем команду. Если прямая речь выражает просьбу, то в косвенной речи употребляются глаголы asked, requested и др. Например:
Direct Request Indirect Request
Mother (to Andrew): "Please don't eat all the cake." Frieda (to Jan): "Pass me the sugar, please." Mother asked Andrew not to eat all the cake. Frieda asked (requested) Jan to pass her the sugar.
* * *
FRIEDA: Thank you, Mr. Priestley; I have understood your explanation of direct and indirect speech: but there was one word that you used-I wrote it down-I'm not quite sure of its meaning. It was "contradict".
MR. PLIESTLEY: Its general meaning is "to say the opposite"; "to declare that a thingjust said is not true". So if Olaf said:
"The sun rises in the west"
Pedro might say: "I'm sorry to contradict you, Olaf, but the sun rises in the east." When I said "will" and "shall" are used to express an idea in the future, and then added, "the past form of 'will' is 'would' and of'shall' is 'should'," that looked like a contradiction. Is the meaning quite clear now?
FRIEDA: Oh yes, thank you.
HOB: I think a drink that an Englishman has ought to be called "Contradiction".
PEDRO: Whatever do you mean?
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HOB: Well, he wants a strong drink, so he chooses whiskey; then he adds water to make it weak. He puts in lemon to make it sour, and then adds sugar to make it sweet. He holds up his glass and says to his friend, "Here's to you"', and then he drinks it himself.
1. Замените косвенную речь прямой, не забывая ставить кавычки и вопросительный знак:
1. Mr. Priestley asked Hob how much longer he would take over the exercise.
2. Hob asked if it was lunch-time yet.
3. Margaret asked where Sally had gone.
4. Andrew said he had seen her in the garden.
5. Mrs. Priestley asked Olaf how his neighbour, Mr. Wiggins, was getting on.
6. Frieda asked how much Lucille's new skirt had cost.
7. Andrew asked Lilian if she was going out shopping.
8. Margaret asked if she could go for a swim.
9. Mrs. Priestley asked the butcher what the price of the beef was.
10. Olaf asked the station-master if he should catch the train from Victoria to get to Brighton.
11. Andrew asked if he might have some more chocolate.
12. Lilian told Andrew not to eat it all.
13. The teacher told the class to pay attention.
14. He told them not to go on talking.
15. The officer ordered the soldiers to stay in the woods.
2. Замените прямую речь косвенной:
1. PEDRO: "When are you leaving England, Olaf?"
2. LUCILLE: "How shall I get to the dance in time?"
3. OLAF TO JAN: "Come for a bicycle ride with me next weekend."
4. MRS. PRIESTLEY TO THE JEWELLER: "When will my watch be repaired?"
5. MRS. WIGGINS: "Don't make such a fuss, James."
6. GRANDPA: "You're not holding the brush right, James."
7. The teacher said to the class, "You must work harder."
8. Mr. Priestley said to me, "Have you ever been to Venice?"
9. MRS. WIGGINS: "Did you hear what Grandpa said, James?"
3. Выразите несогласие со следующими утверждениями, начиная словами "I'm sorry to contradict you but
1. Glasgow is the capital of Scotland.
2. The sun moves round the earth.
3. Hob gets all his exercises right.
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