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Базовый курс английского языка - Эккерсли К.Э.

Эккерсли К.Э. Базовый курс английского языка — М.: Лист Нью, 2002. — 704 c.
ISBN 5-7871-0174-X
Скачать (прямая ссылка): bazoviykursangliyskogo2003.djvu
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Some of the commonest things used to prevent or cure illnesses are: medicine, pills, powders, ointment, sleeping-draughts, injections, bandages, massage, disinfectants, antiseptics, tablets.
PEDRO: It isn't very cheerful, is it, to see this list of things you might have? I like the English saying-it's easy to put into practice, too- "An apple a day keeps the doctor away."
HOB: And a raw onion a day keeps everyone else away.
261 ¦
1. Придумайте предложения со следующими словами: practise, flavour, serious, situation, crop, worry, dentist, appetite,
cure, quality, cough, lean, pain, bag, salt, tongue, liquid, roast, throat,
instrument, grind, weigh, speck i
2. Образуйте разделительные вог1росы. (Разделительные вопросы рассмотрены в Уроках 30 и 32 Книги I):
1. You know what I mean,_________? 2. You don't need any help,
? 3. You are Mr. Brown,___________________________? 4. He is Mr. Smith,_? 5. You
have met Mr. Priestley,_______? 6. You haven't met Mr. Priestley,______?
7. You met Mr. Priestley in Paris,_________? 8. You didn't meet Mr.
Priestley in Paris,______? 9. You were in Mr. Priestley's class,_______?
10. You weren't in Mr. Priestley's class,_______? 11. You haven't been
in Mr. Priestley's class,_____? 12. This coffee was ground today,______
. ? 13. This coffee wasn't ground last week,____? 14. This coffee will
be good,_______?
3. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным курсивом словам. Первые три предложения даны в качестве примера:
1.1 bought some bacon and some butter.
Question: What did you buy?
2. Frieda is going to buy some coffee.
Question: What is Frieda going to do?
3. Pedro will be the doctor.
Question: Who will be the doctor?
4.1 want some Danish butter. 5. The price has gone up because of the failure of the.coffee crop. 6. You pay at the desk. 7. Yes, Hob, you may tell us the story. 8. The pain is in my chest. 9.1 get it when I breathe.
10. Yes, I smoke rather a lot. 11. No, I haven't lost weight. 12.1 am going to Cornwall. 13. I'm going with Jan. 14. My husband is much better. 15. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
1. Frieda's visit to the grocer's. 2. Olaf s visit to the doctor. 3. Hob's visit to the dentist.
¦ 262
Прок 26
Weights and Measures
В Уроке 25 вам встретилось несколько выражений, относящихся к системе мер и веса, например: a pound of butter, a pint of milk, twelve stone two.
Для обозначения в быту самого маленького веса мы пользуемся унцией (ounce, сокр. oz.). В фунте (pound, сокр. lb.) 16 унций. На унции мы покупаем конфеты, табак и иногда сигареты. Большинство бакалейных товаров (сахар, масло, сыр и др.) или фруктов (яблоки, груши, земляника) мы покупаем на фунты, полфунта или четверть фунта.
Четырнадцать фунтов составляют стоун (stone). Вес людей всегда дается в стоунах и фунтах.
Например, мистер Пристли весит 11 стоунов и 9 фунтов (а не 163 фунта). Если наш вес становится меньше, мы говорим, что теряем вес (to lose weight); если он увеличивается, мы говорим, что набираем вес (to gain weight) или (to put on weight). Часто можно услышать, как молодые мамы и папы с гордостью говорят, что их малыш за последнюю неделю прибавил 4 унции в весе.
НОВ: I heard of a baby that was fed on elephant's milk and put on 11 lb. every day.
FRIEDA: Oh, Hob, that's absurd!
Whose baby was it ?
HOB: The elephant's.
Small boy (pointing to a man on weighing machine that is out of order and is showing only.
1 stone): I say, Bill, he must be hollow!
263 ¦
MR. PRIESTLEY: There are 8 stones, or 112 lb., in 1 hundredweight (written cwt.), and 20 hundred weights in 1 ton. A "sack" of potatoes is a hundredweight. We sometimes buy coal in hundredweight bags or sacks, but if we have room for it we buy it by the half-ton or ton.
We measure liquids in pints, quarts and gallons. There are 2 pints in a quart and 4 quarts in a gallon. Milk is sold in half-pint, pint or quart bottles, beer in half-pint or pint glasses and in pint and quart bottles. We buy petrol in 2-gallon tins or we get a number of gallons from the pump.
Finally, for length the principal measurements are inches, feet, yards and miles. The easiest way to remember them, perhaps, is by little tables like these:
12 inches (in.) = 1 foot (ft.)
3 feet (ft.) = 1 yard (yd.)
1,760 yards = 1 mile
16 ounces (oz.) = 1 pound (lb.)
14 pounds = 1 stone
112 pounds, or 8 stones = 1 hundredweight (cwt.)
20 hundredweights = 1 ton.
2 pints = 1 quart (qt.)
4 quarts = 1 gallon (gal.)
HOB: I know another one:
Two pints, one quart,
Two quarts, one fight.
One fight, two policemen.
Two policemen, one judge.
One judge, fourteen days.
I like the story, too, about the policeman who was giving evidence in the police court about a man that he had arrested very late the night before for being drunk. It goes like this:
JUDGE: What are your reasons for supposing the prisoner was drunk?
¦ 264
POLICEMAN: Well, sir, at two o'clock this morning I saw the prisoner going along Whitehall. He crossed the road towards the Houses of Parliament, went to the letter-box, put a penny inside, looked up at Big Ben and said: "Good heavens, I've lost a stone and a half."
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