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Базовый курс английского языка - Эккерсли К.Э.

Эккерсли К.Э. Базовый курс английского языка — М.: Лист Нью, 2002. — 704 c.
ISBN 5-7871-0174-X
Скачать (прямая ссылка): bazoviykursangliyskogo2003.djvu
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In 1855 she was made Inspector of all hospitals in the Crimea. It meant long, uncomfortable journeys in snow and rain and cold. She took fever but continued her work from her bed. She refused to go home until the last soldier went. It was not until after peace was declared in 1856 that she returned home-an invalid for life.
But she lived fifty-four years longer. Though she couldn't leave her house, often not even her bed, she worked as fiercely as she had done at Scutari and brought about more changes in English life than perhaps any other private person of her time. At home she met with
the same opposition from "officials" as she had met in the Crimea but she had great support, too. Queen Victoria was a great admirer of her. "Such a clear head," she said. "I wish we had her at the War Office."
And the British public was always solidly at her back. Now it was not only a hospital at Scutari that needed her, it was a whole world that was sick and needed help. She changed the whole system of hospital organization of the army. She began the reform of the health service in India. She wrote books on nursing. She started the Nightingale Training School for nurses at St.Thomas's Hospital, now one of the finest in the world. She changed the whole idea of hospital planning and is the founder of modern nursing. Foreign governments consulted her on the health services for their countries and their representatives crowded to the ceremony in 1907 when she was given the Order of Merit, the highest civil honour the Government can give and the first ever given to a woman. Three years later, a very old, tired woman of ninety, she died quietly in her sleep.
1. Работа со словами. Придумайте предложения:
row; shipwreck; hospital; soak; charge (to be charged with a crime); admirer (use also admiration); lack; soup (not soap)', regulations (use -also regulate); nightingale; scrub; rate; invalid; mysterious (what is the corresponding noun?)
2. Объясните значение следующих выражений: speaking from memory; disturbing reports; long past fighting age;
his letter crossed hers; Florence was not to be turned aside; the Crimean War broke out; offering her services; the stone wall of officialdom; sixty per thousand; peace was declared; an invalid for life
3. Ответьте на вопросы:
1. In what ways was the building at Scutari unsuitable to be a hospital?
2. What was wrong with the conditions there before Florence Nightingale arrived?
3. Who invited Florence Nightingale to go to the Crimea?
4. What kind of people were the Nightingales?
5. Give a short account of Florence Nightingale's education.
6. In what ways had she prepared herself for her task?
7. How did she overcome the shortage of supplies?
8. What did Hob mean by saying, "She sounds more like an eagle than a nightingale"?
9. Why was she called "The Lady with the Lamp"?
4. Какие предлоги или наречия употребляются со следующими глаголами? Проиллюстрируйте ответ примерами: deal, debate, depend, differ, divide, glance, hear, increase, inquire, laugh, listen, live, long, object, play, present, quarrel, refer
1. Составьте рассказ о Флоренс Найтингейл (около 450 слов).
2. Напишите изложение на тему: "A day in the life of a nurse".
* * *
Lucille Goes
LUCILLE: Mr. Priestley, I'm afraid this is the last lesson I shall have with you. A cousin of mine and his wife in America have invited me to go there and stay with them for three or four months so I am flying there next week. I am very sorry to leave. I have enjoyed our class very much and have learned a great deal. ,
MR, PRIESTLEY: And we are sorry to lose you, Lucille. Our little circle is breaking up. Jan is going to London University, Pedro to Cambridge, Frieda is going to be married, and now you, Lucille. Well, it is only to be expected. We shall often think of you, Lucille, and of the pleasant times we have had here, and I am sure we all give you our heartiest good wishes for the future. If ever you come to England again, please come and see me. I shall always be glad to see you again.
OLAF, FRIEDA, PEDRO, JAN, HOB: Hear! Hear! Good-bye, Lucille, and the best of luck.
Qpok 21
Animal Idioms
MR.. PRIESTLEY: There are many idioms in English that are drawn from animal life. For example, when we do two things at one and the same time we "kill two birds with one stone", or, if we are greedy and foolish, we "kill the goose that lays the golden eggs". A bad-tempered person is "like a bearwi\h a sore head", an awkward, heavy-footed person is "like a bull in a china shop". But let us leave the foolish person, or the bad person, "the black sheep", the man who has "gone to the dogs"...
HOB: I once went to the "dogs"1 with Uncle Albert.
MR. PRIESTLEY: Yes, some people do "go to the dogs" by going to "the dogs". As I was saying, let's leave the foolish person and consider the wise man. He never "counts his chickens before they are hatched" or "buys a pig in a poke2-he always examines carefully what he is buying before he pays his money. He will always, of course, do things in the right order and not try to "put the cart before the horse". He will leave alone things that might cause trouble; as he would say, "let sleeping dogs lie"; nor will he waste good things on people who can't appreciate them; he doesn't believe in "casting pearls before swine". There are some people who always take safety measures when it is too late and "lock the stable door after the horse is stolen". That, he considers, is as foolish as putting the cart before the horse. When bold decisive measures are necessary he takes them and "takes the bull by the horns", and when an ill-tempered, sharp-tongued friend says something unpleasant, he doesn't worry too much, he knows "his bark is worse than his bite". If he knows a secret, he keeps it; he is not one to "let the cat out of the bag". He is full of sound common sense, "horse sense" he calls it, and he doesn't believe in making changes while a job is in progress; that
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