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Базовый курс английского языка - Эккерсли К.Э.

Эккерсли К.Э. Базовый курс английского языка — М.: Лист Нью, 2002. — 704 c.
ISBN 5-7871-0174-X
Скачать (прямая ссылка): bazoviykursangliyskogo2003.djvu
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I'm afraid that argument doesn't hold water (=is not a good one; will not bear close examination).
Основными значениями глагола hold являются:
• 1. "to keep in the hand"; "to grip".
The man held a pipe between his teeth.
2. "to contain".
These shelves hold all my books.
We can't tell what joys or sorrows the future will hold for us.
I held my breath as the car turned the comer at 60 miles an hour.
3. "to support".
The walls of the house hold up the roof.
4. "to keep in position or condition".
Hold your head up and keep your back straight.
You must hold yourself ready to go to South America at a day's notice.
1. Работа со словами. Придумайте предложения: week-end; birthday; local; primary; fee, taxes; daisy; habits; skill;
satisfy (also satisfaction, satisfactory)', fussy; grumble
2. Заполните пропуски словами: some (someone, something, somewhere) или any (anyone, anything, anywhere):
1.1 should like to hear about English education.
2. So should 1.1 don't know____about it.
3. Is there__here who does know______about it?
4. Have your friends____children?
5. Are of the children over five? Yes, of them are six.
6.1 can't find my book__. Look again; it must be____in this room.
7.___is wrong with my car, it won't go. Perhaps it needs _ more
petrol; look and see if you have__.
3. Объясните или замените следующие словосочетания сходным по значению словом:
1. he'll mix with nicer children. 2.1 don't want him to pick up bad habits. 3. first thing this morning. 4. they work wonders sometimes.
5. the five-year-olds'class. 6. he's bound to grumble. 7.1 think you'd be quite upset. 8. Phyllis recalled to mind the teacher. 9. both children dutifully agreed. 10. receiving the newcomers. 11. Phyllis was at the school gate well on time. 12. she was bursting with impatience to see him.
4. Ответьте на вопросы:
1. Why is five an important age to an English boy or girl?
2. At which schools in England do you generally pay fees?
3. At which schools do you generally not pay fees?
4. Why did Phyllis want Roger to go to a "private school"?
5. What arguments did Frank use for sending Roger to a state school?
6. What did the Head Teacher say were the objects of the Infants' Department?
7. In what way was Roger's time at school going to be "filled both usefully and happily"?
5. Закончите следующие идиоматические сравнения:
(a) as black as_____.
as brown as_____.
as clear as _. as easy as______.
(b) ___as a sheet.
___as water.
_ as a lion.
___as lightning.
___1 as two peas.
as hard as____. as green as _
as white as___. as cold as________
as cool as____. as firm as____
as dead as____. as strong as _
___as a needle.
___as the hills.
___as a drowned rat.
___as a hatter.
as clockwork.
as the day is long. as a post.
6. Придумайте предложения со следующими словосочетаниями:
hold the view; hold with; hold one's own; hold water; hold one's breath; hold up; hold oneself ready; shareholder; hold a person back; hold out hope; hold in respect
1. Напишите, как Роджер провел свой первый день в школе (около 250 слов).
2. Напишите короткое изложение на одну из следующих тем:
1. Your first day at school.
2. The true aim of education.
3. The educational system in your country.
Дрок 19
Word Order
1. Обычный порядок слов в английском предложении таков:
Subject Verb Object Adverbial1
Mr. Brown She The students I answers sees meet like his letters him Mr. Priestley wine promptly, every day. in his study, very much.
2. Иной порядок наблюдается при наличии прямого или косвенного дополнений одновременно:
Subject Verb Indirect Object Direct Object Adverbial
The boy I Mary They gives bought cooked paid the dog him John me a bone some sweets a good dinner, the money every day. at the shop. this morning.
3. В ряде предложений послелог может стоять как перед дополнением, так и после него. Например:
Turn off (adverbial) the gas (object), or: Turn the gas off.
Put on your coat, or: Put your coat on.
I have locked up the house, or: I have locked the house up.
Ring up John, or: Ring John up.
The firemen put out the fire, or: The firemen put the fire out.
' Внимание: послелог не может стоять перед дополнением, если дополнением является местоимение. Можно сказать:
"Ring up John," но НЕ: "Ring up him."
The pronoun construction would be Ring him up.
4. Наречия always, often, never, sometimes и др. обычно стоят перед глаголом. Например:
1 Термин adverbial обозначает наречия, наречные фразы, придаточные предложения образа действия.
Subject Adverb of Verb Object Frequency
in his office, sees people in the evening.
before lunch.
He never sees
Но если сказуемое состоит из двух глаголов, наречие занимает место после первого глагола. Например:
r always
Инверсия Inversion
В ряде случаев обычный порядок слов меняется и глагол стоит перед подлежащим. Это происходит:
1. Когда подлежащее вводится оборотом there is/are/was/were. Сравните:
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