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Базовый курс английского языка - Эккерсли К.Э.

Эккерсли К.Э. Базовый курс английского языка — М.: Лист Нью, 2002. — 704 c.
ISBN 5-7871-0174-X
Скачать (прямая ссылка): bazoviykursangliyskogo2003.djvu
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3. В рассказе встретились выражения: Albert was broad-shouldered and warm-hearted. Используйте сложные при-
' лагательные для описания:
(а) persons who have: blue eyes; red cheeks; brown hair; a dark skin; a long nose; big bones; long legs; flat feet; travelled a lot; (b) a
person whose spirits are high; whose heart is warm; whose tongue is sharp; whose wits are quick; whose will is strong; whose temper is hot;
(c) a man who has neither beard nor moustache; a suit made by a good tailor
4. Придумайте предложения:
go out; go in for; go down; go on; go with; go out with; go by; go about it; on the go; go over
5. Придумайте предложения со следующими словосочетаниями:
(a) it goes without saying; that is to say; what do you say to...?; to say one's say; a saying; they say; (b) tell the truth; tell their own tale; telling; to tell on someone; all told
6. Придумайте предложения со словом tell со значениями:
(a) to express or show, (b) to discover, (c) to order, (d) to have an
7. Измените предложения, используя tell вместо say:
1. Eliza said to Albert, "Go and see what Irene's doing." 2. Pedro said to Lucille, "You sing very well." 3.1 said to him, "Open the door."
4. She said to me, "I am sorry I can't speak English better." 5. Eliza said, "Albert, don't laugh like that." 6. He said to me that he was very busy. 7. You had better say to George what you have said to me. 8.1 said to the gardener that he must cut the grass. 9. He said to me, "I have lost my money." 10. Mr. Priestley said to his students, "There will be a holiday tbmorrow."
Напишите сочинение или короткий рассказ на одну из следующих тем:
1. Tales our mothers told us.
2. The boy who couldn't tell a lie.
3. Some old sayings in your language and what they mean.
Qpok 16
Bonnie1 Prince Charlie
OLAF: I was in Edinburgh in September for the Festival.
LUCILLE: Did you enjoy it?
OLAF: Oh yes, it was splendid.
PEDRO: Edinburgh's a beautiful city, isn't it?
OLAF: Lovely both by day and by night. You know the castle, don't you, Pedro; and you too, of course, Mr. Priestley.
MR. PRIESTLEY: Yes, I know it well. It stands on a huge rock.
OLAF: Well, during the Festival it was flood-lit every night. Just as it got dark a gun was fired and at that moment the lights went on. But the floodlights were only on the castle building; the rock was in the darkness. The effect was magical.
PEDRO: And yet the Scots are supposed to be matter-of-fact unromantic people. That wasn't my impression.
OLAF: Nor was it mine. Look at all that romantic feeling they still have for Bonnie Prince Charlie. Why, when I was there there was practically a whole exhibition devoted to him-his portraits, letters that he had written, clothes that he wore, his sword, a piece of his hair.
HOB: Who was Bonnie Prince Charlie?
MR. PRIESTLEY: I think you ought to know the story. If you don't you won't fully understand a good deal of Scottish (or, for that matter, English) history or literature, for in addition to there being many Scottish songs about him, Sir Walter Scott used his history in at least two of his novels.
FRIEDA: Will you tell us about him, please? A highlander
1 bonny:a Scottish word for "handsome"; "beautiful". Charlie is a familiar and affectionate
form of Charles.
601 ¦
MR. PRIESTLEY: It seems to me Olaf is the most suitable person to tell it. Will you do it, please, Olaf?
OLAF: Well, sir, I'll try. The story begins, I suppose, in 1688 when James II, the last of the Stuart1 kings, was driven off the throne of England. James went abroad, and never returned to England. But he had many followers in England2 who sympathized with him and wanted him back on the throne of England. His son James Edward made an unsuccessful attempt to get back the throne in 1715, but the most important attempt was made by his grandson Charles Edward, "Bonnie Prince Charlie". This was in 1745. Charles was twenty-five when he landed in Scotland. He was handsome, tall and fair, brave and adventurous. He was coming, he said, to gain the crown of England and place it at his father's feet. England was at war with France at the time and Louis XV was planning an invasion of England. Charles went to Paris, eager to join the French fleet that was to land him at Dover. Once there, he believed that the Jacobite sympathizers would flock to his side and that George II, the English king, would be forced to surrender or flee to Germany. But disaster overtook the French fleet; a great storm struck them in the Channel and they returned to France. It was a terrible blow to Charles Edward; but not for long. If the French couldn't help him, he would invade England by himself-not across the Channel but from Scotland. There he was sure of support; he was not quite so sure of the English Jacobites. They don't risk their prosperity for a wild dream. But the Scots, or at least the Highlanders, were different. The Highlands was the wild home of the poor but high-spirited men to whom loyalty to their king was a passion. They were adventurous, romantic men who loved fighting and danger. The Stuarts had come originally from Scotland, and to the Highlanders the Stuarts were a religion for which they were prepared to fight and die.
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