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Базовый курс английского языка - Эккерсли К.Э.

Эккерсли К.Э. Базовый курс английского языка — М.: Лист Нью, 2002. — 704 c.
ISBN 5-7871-0174-X
Скачать (прямая ссылка): bazoviykursangliyskogo2003.djvu
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'Oh, about ?200,000.'
'Very good, Mr. Hobdell. Oh, yes, we'll arrange all that. Now you will need a cheque book and we shall want a copy of your signature. Will you please sign here?'
'1 laughed. 'Sorry, Mr. Parke,' I said, 'you may hardly believe it, but the fact of the matter is I can't even write my name-I can only make my mark.'
"The manager was certainly surprised, but feeling, I suppose, that to a man with such a good balance in the bank he must say something pleasant, he said, 'You do surprise me, Mr. Hobdell. And yet you have made such a success of life. You have done all this without any education at all. What would you have been, I wonder, if only you had learned to read and write?'
"I laughed. 'Caretaker at School at five pounds a week!' I said."
* * *
Работа с глаголом (8): break
На с.559 вам встретилось предложение: That was the last straw, the straw that breaks the camel's back.
Вот еще примеры употребления глагола break.
You can break up (= knock to pieces) that box for firewood.
The school breaks up (= begins holidays) on Friday.
The police broke down the door and entered the room.
The car broke down (= wouldn't go) when we were twenty miles from home.
When the woman heard the bad news she broke down (= was overcome with sorrow).
The little girl broke into tears (= cried) and cried as if her heart would break.
561 ¦
1. Работа со словами. Придумайте предложения:
threaten; caretaker; odd; easy-going; shrewd; retire (use also retirement)-, efficient (what is the opposite?); scholarship; match (two meanings); staff; sign (what is the corresponding noun?); awkward; worry; tasty; down-hearted; fry; counter; ready-cooked (what is a ready-made suit?); fog; assist; bicycle; hire; customer; manufacture; wholesale; cheque (compare check)
2. Выберите 20 слов или выражений и замените их другими словами или словосочетаниями, сходными по значению с выражениями, встретившимися в тексте:
1. let's get it over, 2. reading and writing were completely beyond me;
3. shrewd; 4. weigh up someone; 5. retire; 6. broom; 7. up-to-date school; 8. you had to put in the exact time you arrived; 9. he picked up the book; 10.1 expect orders to be carried out; 11. awkward question; 12. an educational establishment; 13. dismiss; 14.1 felt down-hearted; 15.1 am a great man for sausages; 16. the shop looked cheerless; 17. an idea had struck me; 18. the smell floated into the street; 19.1 engaged a boy; 20. manufacture; 21. wholesale; 22. to open an account; 23. as a matter of fact; 24. a good balance in the bank; 25. from the first day I have never looked back.
3. Напишите следующие предложения в отрицательной форме:
1. Не lived in a house all by himself. 2. He used to take his lunch to school with him. 3. He had some sausages in the house. 4.1 knew there was something else in the cupboard at home. 5.1 forgot about my tea, I thought the job I had lost, I went back to the school.
4. Замените прямую речь косвенной:
Образец: Прямая: Hob said, " I will tell you about my uncle. "
Косвенная: Hob said that he would tell them about his uncle.
1. "I will tell you the story exactly as I know it."
2. "I am a caretaker at School."
3. "I can't write my own name, but I can tell a good story."
4. Mr. Johnson said, "Hobdell, do you know about that order?"
5. "Why didn't you sign the book?" he said.
6. Mr. Johnson said, "This is terrible. I can hardly believe it. I can't have such inefficiency here. You must leave. Take a week's notice."
5. Ответьте на вопросы:
1. What was Albert's work as caretaker?
2. What is your opinion of Albert (a) as a scholar, (b) as a business man?
3. What did Hob mean when he said Albert could "weigh up anyone in the first few minutes"?
4. How was Mr. Johnson different from Mr. Brown?
5. What was Mr. Johnson's aim for his school (a) in work, (b) in sport?
6. What does "Take a week's notice" mean?
7. What did Albert like to eat?
8. Why couldn't Albert buy sausages on this particular evening?
9. What sort of evening was it when Albert opened his shop for the first time? Why did he leave the door open?
10. Why did he think there would be very little business in summer? How did he overcome this difficulty?
6. Придумайте предложения со следующими словосочетаниями:
break up; break down; break into; break off; break out; break the back of; break the ice; break the news
1. Составьте рассказ о дяде Альберте (письменно, около 400 слов).
2. Напишите изложение на тему: "Every cloud has a silver lining" или "It's the last straw that breaks the camel's back".
Дрок 12
Great Britons (2): Oliver Cromwell
MR. PRIESTLEY: One of the chief threads that make up the pattern of English history, a thread that runs through it from the earliest times almost to our present day, is the struggle between the king and the people (or the Parliament) to decide which should be supreme. At first and for many centuries the king was all-powerful, but gradually his powers were reduced and those of Parliament built up until now it is the Parliament that, in all but name, is the chief power in the land.
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