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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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Выход на поверхность

The (surface) exposure of strata of Palaeozoic age... Outcrops (or Outcroppings) of bituminous sand...

Выходить I [см. тж. Выйти, Сроквыходит]

The sulphur is oxidized to SO2 and passes off in the gases. The nozzle from which the gas issues (or emanates)... The air leaves through the duct. The combustion gases exit at almost 200 mpf.

Выходить II [см. Унас вышла вся бумага].

Выходить в атмосферу

The air passes to (the) atmosphere.

Выходить в космос из космического корабля To walk in space.

Выходить в свет

The book has been published (or issued, or has appeared, or has come out, or is out).

Выходить далеко за рамки

The importance of complex numbers goes far beyond their properties as roots of algebraic equations.

Выходить за пределы

This is beyond the scope of our present work. Once the projectile is clear of the muzzle of the gun...

Выходить за пределы познаний

The requirements for structural stability are usually outside the user's field of knowledge.

Выходить за рамки

This is beyond the scope (or purpose) of

our report.

Such discussions do not enter into the scope of the present book.

Certain factors fall outside the scope of a building code.

For a variety of reasons, which do not come within the province of this paper...

It is beyond the scope of this article to review these mechanisms (рассмотрение этих

механизмов выходит за рамки данной статьи).

Выходить из [см. тж. Покидать]

No gas came out from the cylinder.

Once the laser pulse emerges from the laser, it is directed into a string of laser amplifiers. The line issues out of the points x = a and x = - a.

The liquid refrigerant leaves the condenser at a temperature of... Only pure carrier gas emerges from the column. The reflected ray leaves the interface at the same angle. The gas escapes from the balloon. Выходить из берегов


Выходить из берегов

Streams top (or overflow) their banks from time to time.

Выходить из затруднения

To get out of (or obviate) a difficulty.

Выходить из равновесия

The tensile forces are then out of balance.

Выходить из строя [см. тж. Приходить в нерабочее состояние]

The press continually breaks down because of stress and strain on its steel die springs.

If one transformer becomes disabled [or goes out of repair (or commission)],...

The transistor failed after two months of service.

If the rods fail to operate...

If a part goes bad (or is in disrepair),...

The instrument is made inoperative by...

Both pipelines have been put out of operation.

The bearing became overheated and gave out.

The machine may get out of order.

Выходить из употребления To fall into disuse. To go out of use.

This type of car has passed out of existence.

Выходить из-под контроля

The reaction got out of hand.

The reactor ran away.

Выходить на орбиту

The satellite has gone into orbit (or has been orbited, or has settled into orbit).

Выходить на орбиту вокруг планеты

The spacecraft went into orbit around the planet.

Выходить на плато [см. тж. Становиться горизонтальным] The curve flattens out at high Mach numbers.

Выходить на поверхность

The Precambrian rocks crop out (at the surface). Coal seams outcrop (or are exposed) along the contour of the mountainsides.

If we can establish that molten rock has not emerged from the interior of the Moon,...

Выходить через

The scattered beam emerged through a celluloid window.


Outlet pressure...

Выходной конец

The exit end of the furnace...


The exit gas and entering fluid are dilute.

The difference between the compositions of the emergent (or emerging, or issuing, or exit) vapour and liquid streams is small.

The smoke particles are carried along by the outward-moving (or outgoing) gases. Выходящий дым


Выходящий дым

The smoke leaving [or issuing (or emerging) from] a chimney forms a plume.

Выходящий из

This light is added to the light coming from lens 9.

The ion beam emerging from the accelerating tube consists of high-velocity hydrogen nuclei.

The jet issuing from the nozzle...

The smoke issuing from (or leaving) the stack is clean.

The light leaving the specimen is measured separately.

Выходящий луч

The outgoing beam.

Выходящий на поверхность

The mine drifts are driven directly into the exposed coal seams.

Выходящий поток

The outgoing stream (or flow/

Выходящий снизу (сверху)

The countercurrent action permits the con-densate leaving (or issuing, or emerging) at the bottom of the condenser to be much richer in the high-boiling component than the vapour leaving at the top.

Вычерчивание на графике

A traditional way of graphing a parabola...

Вычерчивать [см. тж. Чертить]

Using the above data, we plot (or draw, or trace) sensitivity curves.

Вычет [см. За вычетом].


We cross out every other number.
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