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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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Выключатель [см. Замкнутый выключатель].

Выключать [см. тж. Включать и выключать, Выводить из зацепления, Выводить из эксплуатации]

The air supply is cut (or shut) off immediately.

In the event of overheating this switch cuts off the welding current.

Cut the burner out.

An auxiliary circuit de-energized the controller.

The air blows to atmosphere until it is shut down.

To shut off the engine.

Shut (or Turn) off the hydrogen.

Switch (or Turn) off the light.

Turn off the nitrogen (flow).

The radiation source is turned off.

To shut the reactor down,...


The motor will be shut down automatically.

The equipment shuts off when drilling has been completed.

The first stage of the Titan operated for 155 sec and then shut down.

When the control current is withdrawn,...


The shutdown of a reactor... Выковывать [см. Ковать в горячем состоянии].


Выковывать [см. Ковать в горячем состоянии].


Drive (or Knock) out the remaining part of the rivet.

Выкрашенный в... цвет

The ammeters are coloured green up to full load and red beyond. The pump is finished in black (or is painted black).


The through-type holes are more difficult to drill because of the possibility of chipping around the back of the hole.

A flat crest thread is recommended to prevent chipping of the thread.

Выкристаллизовываться из раствора

The liquid is cooled and any solid which crystallizes out is filtered off.

Вылавливать сигнал

An air-traffic controller needs a device that can swiftly and accurately pick out the unique identification signal assigned to each aircraft.

Вылет [см. В момент вылета из].

Вымачивание в

This is achieved by soaking the electrode in water for two hours.


The chondrosteidae became extinct in the Mesozoic. The land animals died out first.


Rainwater washes away (or out) part of the soil.


These impurities do not readily wash out.

Вымываться из

Large particles with radii of 10 microme-tres or more can be washed out of the air by raindrops or fall out directly.

Calcium is washed out of the soil by rainwater.


Parts must be removed from (or taken out of) the bath at frequent intervals. The vane must be completely withdrawn from between the nozzles. The bolt may be withdrawn.

Вынимать сверло

When cutting deep holes it is advisable to back the drill out frequently to prevent scorching. After the drill is withdrawn...


The rotating chill core is progressively withdrawn (or pulled out) as the casting process continues.


Such severe conditions are tolerated well by a number of grasses. The ability to withstand severe oxygen deficiency...

Выносить за скобки

It is convenient to factor out the term for this degree of freedom from the partition function. Выносить нагрузку [см. Выдерживать нагрузку].


Выносить нагрузку [см. Выдерживать нагрузку].

Выносить решение

Decisions made by the authorities...

Выносить решение о

When deciding on(or taking decisions on) the choice of a material for...

Выносливый [см. Более выносливый].

Вынуждать [см. Заставлять, Что заставит нас искать].


Such a civilization would be forced (or would have) to use the metals in the ratios that...

Выпадает некоторое количество осадков

Even the driest deserts receive some rainfall.

Выпадает осадок

A white precipitate occurs if a sulphate is present.

Выпадать I

Undissolved material settles out.

Выпадать II

The logarithmic term drops out.

Выпадать в виде

The accumulated mass of water falls out as a heavy shower.

Выпадать из I

The tetrafluoroborate will precipitate from the aqueous solution.

Выпадать из II

The mass drops out of the problem (math).

Выпадать из раствора

Most of the particles precipitate from solution.

Выпадать на долю

The role of expediter usually falls to the shop foreman.

Выпадение осадков из

Precipitation from shower clouds...

Выпаривать до малого объема

Evaporate the solution to small bulk.

Выпаривать досуха

The ether solution was evaporated to dry-ness.

Выписывать полностью

If the largest Mersenne number is written out in full, ...


The bearings are of white metal. The machine is built of standardized components. The connectors are constructed of Neoprene. The box was made from (or of) plywood. The roof bolting is executed properly. Выполнен заодно с [см. тж. Неотъемлемая часть]


Выполнен заодно с [см. тж. Неотъемлемая часть]

An indicator may be an integral part of the measuring head or a separate unit.

Выполнение [см. Осуществление].

Выполнение операции (произв.)

The execution of the operation.

Выполнение условия

The fulfilment of this condition means that...

Выполненный по (индивидуальному) заказу

There is a wide variety of enclosure sized both standard and custom built (or made to order).
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