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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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These companies want to buy new products that they can bring to market.


The material is ejected from the comet at velocities of...

The heat, in the form of hot water, is rejected into a nearby lake.

Выбрасываться в атмосферу

The hot combustion products escape (or pass, or are discharged, or are exhausted) into the atmosphere.

A cloud of steam is propelled high into the atmosphere. Выбрасываться из

The welded component is automatically ejected from the machine onto the main line conveyor.

Выбрать одно из двух

To decide between the two versions, ...


The magma was flung outward by the explosion.


Fallout of radioactive particles released into the atmosphere by nuclear explosions...

Выведен из орбиты

Otherwise the satellites would have been forced out of their orbits.

Выведен из строя

The communications equipment can be knocked out or the control system can be damaged by discharges.


These deduced relations ...

An expression due to (or derived by) Poisson ...

Вывинчивать [см. тж. Отвинчивать]

Remove (or Unscrew, or Take out) the

four screws from the back of the meter and use them to secure the adaptor plate to the meter.

Вывод I [см. тж. Делать вывод, Заключение, Из этого вытекает (или следует), что; Приходить к выводу]

This deduction (or conclusion, or inference) is confirmed by results of catalytic hydrogenation.

Вывод II

The withdrawal of a rod ...

Вывод из

The implication of this analysis is that convection should be observed whenever...

Вывод из эксплуатации

This permits the application of such coating to existing piping without its removal from service.

Вывод на орбиту

Orbital injection came 6 min 6 sec after launch.

Вывод относительно

Then it would be difficult to make any inferences about Archean climates. Вывод уравнения


Вывод уравнения

The deduction (or derivation, or development) of an equation.

Выводить I

The inlet pipes are brought out through holes.

Выводить II

To withdraw a rod.

Выводить III

To derive (or deduce, or develop, or set up) an equation. For a nonabsorbing waveguide we deduce:...

Выводить выражение

To derive the expression for ... He inferred the velocity of the particles from Doppler shifts.

Выводить доказательство

Exactly this kind of proof was developed by the ancient Greeks.

Выводить заключение [см. тж. Делать вывод, Приходить к выводу] The following conclusions can be reached: ... He concluded (or inferred, or deduced) from this that...

Выводить закон

Kepler's three laws could be deduced from Newton's theory of gravitation.

Rutherford worked out the mathematical law describing how one point of electric charge would be scattered by another point charge.

Выводить из I

The author deduced (or concluded, or inferred) from his investigations that the prostaglandins are fatty acids.

Configurations of other kinds may be derived from these.

From the temperature variation of k, the frequency variation of l may be deduced.

Выводить из II

This acid is expelled as a gas from the reaction mixture.

Выводить из зацепления

Both steam engine and hand gear should be disengaged.

The pawl of the opposed motor is lifted and disengaged from the loothend wheel. The clutch is thrown out when the engine is idling.

Выводить из орбиты

The satellite has been forced out of its orbit.

The atmospheric drag will take the satellite out of orbit.

Выводить из равновесия

To disturb the equilibrium.

The airplane is disturbed from an equilibrium condition.

A push lends to tilt a standing person forward and thus move him off balance.

Выводить из состояния

The energy required to remove the electron from the ground state of ...

Выводить из строя

The filling fluid will leak out making the system inoperative. Выводить из эксплуатации


To put out of action.

The high temperature knocked out (sl.) the transmitter before the spacecraft reached the surface. A special control cock, by means of which the air pump can be rendered inoperative...

This change rendered unfit (for use) a system of gravity-flow irrigation that had previously been installed.

The fire disabled one pan of the pipeline.

Выводить из эксплуатации

The shells were removed from (or taken out of) service.

Выводить концы

The leads were brought out to the collector rings.

Выводить на орбиту

To place the vehicle in orbit around the planet... To put (or inject, or insert) a satellite into orbit...

Выводить на орбиту вокруг Луны

In April, 1966, Luna 10 was successfully placed in a lunar orbit that came within 220 miles of the Moon.

Выводить на орбиту вокруг планеты

The spacecraft was placed in orbit around the planet.

Выводить на панели

Twenty contacts of the Uniselector are brought out to sockets.

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