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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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Вращаться в противоположные стороны

Adjacent rolls have an opposite sense of rotation.

Вращаться вокруг осиLike an airplane, an insect can roll around its longitudinal axis, pitch around a horizontal axis perpendicular to its direction of flight or yaw around a vertical axis. Because of the motion of the liquid, the ball rotates on (or about, or around) an axis. The molecule turns (or rotates, or spins) about (or around, or on) its axis.

Вращаться вокруг Солнца по эллиптической орбите

Kepler's first law states that a planet orbits (or circles) the Sun in an elliptical path with the Sun at one focus of the ellipse. Вращаться на... градусов


Вращаться на... градусов

The mirror can be rotated by (or through) 45 degrees.

Вращаться по орбите вокруг

The two stars rotate in elliptical orbits about a common centre of gravity. The Moon orbits (or circles) the Earth.

Вращаться по часовой стрелке, против часовой стрелки

The cylinder rotates clockwise, anti(or counter)clockwise.

Вращаться со скоростью... об/мин

The disk spins at 3,000 revolutions per minute.

Вращающийся I

Some micrometers have a rotatable sleeve on the barrel.

Вращающийся II

The spinning (or rotating) Earth acts as a giant gyroscope.

Вращающийся в противоположную сторону An oppositely turning propeller ...


The rotation of the Sun.

This set of nozzles imparts spin to the missile.

Вращение вокруг Земли

The revolution of a body about (or around, or round) the Earth.

Вращение вокруг оси

Pouring is accomplished by rotating the furnace about (or around) a horizontal axis.

Вращение планет

The planetary rotations (or The rotations of the planets).

Вред [см. Без вреда для].

Вредить [см. тж. Повреждён]

Leaks in the casting of a boiler are detrimental to efficient operation (or impair operation).

Вредно влиять на [см. Неблагоприятно влиять на, Оказывать вредное влияние на].

Вредно отражаться на

Phosphorus is detrimental to the quality of the iron produced.

Вредное влияние (или действие)

It is suspected that these deleterious (or adverse, or detrimental, or harmful, or unfavourable, or

untoward) effects result from overheating.

They are particularly resistant to the ill effects of abrasive erosion.

Вредное влияние... на

The injurious effects of some combustion products on the environment and human health ...

Вредный [см. тж. Неблагоприятно влиять на]

To kill the objectionable organisms that may be present in the milk, ...

The chief deleterious (or harmful, or untoward) constituents proved to be argillaceous limestone, clay and shale.

Iron carbonyl is not now used commercially because of its deleterious (or ill) effects on the engine. Pressure fluctuations may be injurious (or detrimental) to (or tough on) the engine. Вредный для здоровья


Вредный для здоровья

Noxious dusts, gases, fumes, mists...

Wet grinding is not so unhealthy [or bad for the health, or harmful(to the health)]. Unhealthy conditions of work ...

Вре'менно [см. На некоторое время].


The output has a quasi-random temporal distribution of intensity.

Временные изменения

Temporal changes in the solar-wind field...

Время, в течение которого

The value of T is the time it takes for the

concentration to fall to ...

Время года [см. В зависимости от времени года]. Время жизни

Positronium is a "non-nuclear" element with an average existence of less than 10-7 s. Life time.

Relatively short life spans of some species... Время, за которое [см. Время, необходимое для]. Время истекло

Before the critical time has elapsed, U may cease to be Lipshitz continuous.

Время, истекшее (прошедшее) с

The instrument measures the elapsed time from the start of ...

Время между столкновениями

We must expect some intercollision(al) times to be greater and some to be less than T.

Время, необходимое для

The time it takes for a given volume of the gas to be driven through ... The time a ray takes to propagate distance z...

Время от времени [см. тж. От времени до времени]

Today we see weather balloons on occasion, but passenger balloons are very rare. Every now and then, the blade may strike a bump, breaking loose fragments of... The computer itself blunders (every) now and then.

For 600,000 years rhyolitic lava erupted on the Yellowstone Plateau intermittently.

At times (or From time to time), the basin water is shock treated.

Evaporate to dryness, turning the granules occasionally to insure uniform coverage.

Время, отведённое на

The time allotted for any one job is limited.

Время пребывания

The duration of stay at altitude ...

The average residence time of strontium- 90 in the atmosphere ...

Время существования

During the lifetime of the catalyst each platinum atom leads to the reaction of some 20 million molecules of gasoline.

Время, требуемое для

This can have a dramatic effect on the time taken to complete an analysis. Время установки
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