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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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Чтобы лучше понять

To gain greater insight into why the above statement is valid,...

Чтобы не

The error must be corrected sooner lest the discrepancy be discovered.

It is essential that the reactor core not be uncovered, lest the temperature in the core rise quickly. Чтобы объяснить

The meteorites do not contain enough uranium or thorium to account for either the xenon or the fission tracks.

Чтобы понять значение сказанного

To appreciate the significance of this statement we must take a closer look at...

Чтобы предотвратить [см. тж. Во избежание]

White phosphorus is usually stored under water as a precautionary measure against ignition.

Чтобы убедиться в том, что

Injectors are checked to be certain (or to make sure) that the nozzle valves are seating properly.

Что-либо другое

Then there will be competition for this resource, be it nestling sites, food or whatever.

Чувствителен к

The interlock is sensitive to downward pressure if...

Чувствительность к радиации

The lethal dosage level depends on the radiation sensitivity of the organism.

Чувствительный к

This type of boiler is more responsive (or sensitive) to changes in pressure.

Чувствительный к гамма-лучам

A gamma-ray-sensitive instrument...

Чувствительный к свету

Light-sensitive (or Sensitive to light, or Photosensitive) materials ...

Чувствительный к инфракрасному излучению An infrared-sensitive instrument.

Чувствительный к ... цвету

The green- (red- etc.) sensitive retina ...

Чувство ориентации

Man is not gifted with a directional sense as some of the lower animals seem to be.

Чувствовать себя хорошо

A number of patients do well for years with very little therapy.

Чудеса инженерного гения

These marvels of mechanical ingenuity ...


The idea of quantum jumps was alien to traditional physics. Чужеродный



Waterdrops containing foreign particles ...

Чуть выше

The hot body is at a temperature just (barely) higher than ... Чуть меньше

If the regeneration is just (or slightly, or somewhat) less than the amount necessary to cause oscillations, ...

The half-life of thoron is just under a minute.

Чуть меньше, чем за

Such an astronaut would complete his circuit in just under ninety minutes.

Чуть ниже

The image is formed just (or slightly, or somewhat) below the centre of the objective, ... Чуть превышен

Add solvent to the crude mixture until the solubility of the desired compound is just exceeded.


If the body moves ever so slightly (or a trifle) off position, ...


Шаг вперёд [см. тж. Большой шаг вперед] A step forward in this direction was made by...

Шаг за шагом

The reader is urged to examine each proof carefully, step by step (or stepwise). It is best to adopt a practical step-by-step approach.

Шаг на пути к

Steps on the road to continuous operation are made...

Шагнуть далеко вперёд

Optical computing has evolved dramatically in the years since ...

Шарнирно закреплённый на

An aileron is an auxiliary surface usually hinged (or pivoted) to the trailing edge of a wing.

Шарнирный [см. тж. На шарнирах]

The work head is articulated, and the part carrying the drill holder oscillates about a horizontal axis.

A swivel-mounted wheel head ...

Шейка капли

Flow separation occurs near the drop waist.

Шероховатость I

Surface irregularities (or roughness)...

Шероховатость II

Many errors and roughnesses remain in the book under review. Шестерня [см. Соединён шестерней с].


Шестерня [см. Соединён шестерней с].

Ширина... составляет от... до

The valley ranges in width from 30 to 60


Шириной [см. тж. Длиной]

A slit 1 mm wide (or of width 1 mm) ...

Широкая публика

Making its initial appearance to the general public at the exhibition was the hydraulic ...

Широкие исследования

Extended (or Extensive) studies. Widespread investigation.

Широкий [см. В широком диапазоне].

Широкий ассортимент

A broad spectrum of mechanisms ...

High production rates can be obtained for a wide range (or variety) of plastics. Chamfering tools come in a wide range of sizes and configurations. A broad assortment of wrenches...

Широкий интерес к

This widespread interest in chemical lasers ...

Широко дискутироваться

The nature of this bond is the subject of considerable discussion (or controversy).

Широко известен как

The W-like part of the constellation is popularly (or widely) known as Cassiopeia's chair.

Широко изучаться

This phenomenon has been much investigated.

Gas absorption by liquid jets has been studied extensively in recent years.

Широко использовать

The metallurgical industry makes wide use of lime.

This radar system makes good use of silicon chips.

The metal industry uses silicon carbide extensively.

He drew heavily on alchemical notions.

For this purpose, geologists widely accept a system known as ...
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