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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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Чем принято считать

These minerals are much more abundant than is considered to be the case.

Чем считалось раньше

These species may play a more significant role than formerly recognized (or than considered before).

Чем... , тем

The lower (is) the temperature, the longer (is) the storage life.

Чем это необходимо в случае

Steel of smaller diameter can be used for reinforcements than is required for normal steel bolls. Чередоваться [см. тж. Перемежаться с] The signs of outputs of successive integrators alternate. Times of plate collisions alternate with periods of continental rifting (geol.).

Чередующиеся [см. тж. Перемежающиеся]

Alternate blocking and passing of the constant flux ... Alternating sequences of glycine and L-alanine ...

hnRNA contains repetitive sequences interspersed with nonrepetitive (biol.).

Через I [см. тж. Всего лишь через, Выражать через, Линия, проходящая через; Проходить через]

We convert the transmission term into a length dependent absorption via Eq. (28). The sporoplasm reaches the specific site of infection by way of the blood stream. All ray power is transmitted across the interface.

Signals are transmitted from an external source by way of (or through) a transducer.

The biosynthesis of arginine starts with glutamic acid, and proceeds by way of omithine and


The outputs of these cells are fed, via potentiometer circuits, to a galvanometer. The cables enter the amplifier via a radio frequency filter unit. The fan supplies air to the mine via the downcast manway.

Через II [см. тж. Всего лишь через]

This causes the expansion of the chamber within a few milliseconds of (or after) the passage of the particle.

This, 2 sec later, gives rise to ...

After one second the speed will have increased to 2.7 centimetres per second. The characteristics of the boundaries are usually expressed in terms of impedances. Many definite integrals can be expressed in terms of Bessel functions.

Через верх

The material to be crushed is fed in at the top.

Excess air is released from the top of the tank.

Через весь

This pair of electrons is free to move throughout the molecule.

Через каждые ... градусов

The degrees of direction of the compass rose are engraved in 30 degree intervals. The intervals between these numbers are graduated in five degree increments.

Через каждые полчаса

At half-hourly intervals (or Every half-hour). Через каждые шесть месяцев [см. Раз в шесть месяцев].


Через каждые шесть месяцев [см. Раз в шесть месяцев].

Через каждые 24 часа

Every 24 hours, hot oil is diverted to the second coke drum.

Через каждый час

At hourly intervals (or Every hour).

Через какую-то долю секунды после

A split second (or A fraction of a second) after detonation, an automatic air gun jolts the unit into detection position.

Через ... лет [см. тж. По прошествии ... лет]

Within a few years the first radio maps were available.

Через микроскоп [см. В микроскоп].

Через некоторое время [см. тж. По истечении некоторого времени, Со вре-менем] In due course they found that this component was the cell membrane. After a time, one will have equipartition of energy.

Через некоторые промежутки времени

The pressure in the gas space is measured at intervals.

Через несколько минут [см. тж. За какие-то секунды]

Epinephrine must be administered within minutes of (or after) the onset of the "shock" reaction.

Через один

Alternate plates of the capacitors are connected together. Через... после

Within a few weeks of (or after) Roentgen's discovery physicians had begun to investigate ... Через посредство

The heavier ions "feel" the effect of the laser beam through the mediation of the oscillating electrons.

Через произвольные промежутки времени

We applied the prod at random intervals while the muscle was in tremor.

Через промежутки в ... минут

The readings are taken at intervals of ten minutes.

Через равные промежутки времени

Samples of boiler water are drawn at regular intervals.

Чересчур мал [см. тж. Слишком]

This quantity of mass is (far) too small to see in an optical microscope.

Черта [см. тж. В общих чертах, Иметь общие черты с, Особенность, Отличительная черта]

The principal characteristic feature (or property, or trait) of such molecules is that...

Чертёж [см. тж. Масштабный чертеж] A drawing for a pump shaft sleeve.


The shape of the cam is first mapped out (or drawn, or traced) on paper.

Чертить в масштабе

The diagram is drawn to scale. Чертить линию на детали


Чертить линию на детали

To draw (or scribe) a line on the work-piece, ...

Чертить на схеме

The spectral transitions must be drawn vertically in diagrams.

Черно-белое изображение

A black and white image.

Чёрного цвета

Samples of boron having the highest purity are black in colour.

Чёткая линия раздела между

There is no clear dividing line between
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