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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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Установленный на колёсах

The wheel-mounted machines ...

Установленный на космическом корабле A space-borne TV camera ...

Установленный на месте I

Field-erected compressor stations ...

Установленный на месте II

A beam of light is passed through the apparatus, first without the specimen cell and then with the specimen cell in place.

Установленный на ракете

A rocket-borne telescope ...

Установленный на салазках A skid-mounted unit ...

Установленный на столе

To grind table-mounted work,...

Установленный последовательно

This was accomplished by passing the vapour through two traps (placed) in series (or in tandem). Установленный сзади


Установленный сзади

A bus with a rear-mounted engine.

Установлено, что

It is (or was, or has been) found that the

stored energy is released in a stepwise manner.

Установочная погрешность A positioning error.


Science essays tend to get out of date.

The former use of kieselguhr in ... is now out of date.


The company has introduced a press modernization scheme designed to bring outdated equipment up to modem standards.


Magnesium powder is now out of date as a photographic flash-powder.

Устойчив [см. тж. Погодоустойчивый]

The units are moisture resistant.

All connections in the relay are resistant (or immune) to heat and vibration. Acridine is stable to heat, alkali and acid. Noise resistant. Wind resisting ...

Устойчивость к

Different compounds have different degrees of tolerance for such contaminants.

Устойчивый [см. тж. Высокоустойчивый к. Наименее устойчивый к]

Collards are more tolerant of (or to) high temperatures.


Elimination of alkoxy-magnesium halide to form an aldehyde of ketone ... Устранение вибрации [см. Для устранения вибрации].

Устранение люфта

There are facilities for taking up any play which may result from wear.

Устранение недостатков [см. тж. Метод устранения неполадки]

The procedure eliminates the possibility of untold hours of debugging when starting the machines. The clearing of the trouble ...

Устранение трудностей

This can be used as a means of remedying the problems of today.

Removal (or Elimination) of difficulties [or Surmounting (or Obviating) the difficulties/.

Устранён [см. тж. В ... устранён]

This limitation is obviated in the ball-and- disk integrator. The noise may be obviated by the use of materials that ... The cause of the overload has been removed (or eliminated).

Устранять [см. тж. Аннулировать]

Two photomultipliers operate in coincidence to reject spurious noise. To ameliorate the unfavourable effects of...

If a molecule of water is eliminated between two hydroxyl groups ... How to banish noise and hum in high-fidelity sets. Устранять аварию


Bend the lens to cancel the spherical aberration .

We should clear away this difficulty.

Determine whether these faults can be corrected.

This feature does away with the need for costly servocontrols.

The installation of a waste-heat boiler eliminates the need of some other equipment.

Standard forms of boiler and heating surface may be used, thus obviating the need for expensive

special plants.

Some of the bad effects of copper in the steel can be overcome by the addition of nickel.

Such icing is dealt with by heating the intake air.

The pan is polished to remove the blemishes acquired during ...

To place the magnets properly so as to remove part of the deviation,...

Устранять аварию

These measures ensure that any breakdown can be dealt with quickly.

Устранять дефект

To correct (or eliminate, or remedy) the trouble, ... Sandpaper will cure the trouble.

In steel casting this defect is not easily rectified. The fault should be remedied.

It is best to use the finest sandpaper that will remove the surface imperfections. In an attempt to fix the defects of the theory he used ...

Устранять затруднение

The use of thionyl chloride eliminates this problem.

This problem is remedied by prescribing the appropriate vitamin supplements. To circumvent (or obviate) a difficulty, one has to... This problem has been countered (or rectified) by the addition of ... The difficulty is easily solved by the use


To get around this difficulty, many plants have ... To overcome (or deal with) the difficulty, you have to...

Устранять затруднение, связанное с

To alleviate the problem of background light,...

Устранять недостатки

During this stage the aircraft is debugged(sl.).

There are still some bugs (sl.) to be worked out of continuous casting. This flaw can be remedied by ... To dear (up) the trouble,...

Устранять неисправность

After the fault has been cleared (or remedied, or eliminated) the carriage re-starts.

Устранять необходимость в

The technique eliminates the need to design ...

The development of the high-speed wind tunnel obviated the need for these techniques.
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