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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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Употреблять в пищу

The plant is often used for food.

Употребляться [см. Обычно применяться].

Употребляться в смысле

The term "red beds facies" may be used to designate any sequence of red sandstones and...

Управление [см. Дистанционно управляемый, С кнопочным управлением, С ручным управлением, С электронным управлением].

Управление при помощи перфоленты Punched-tape control.

Управляемый I

A microprocessor-controlled optical inspection system ... A student-run organization ...

Управляемый II

The electrical inductivity of the material must be controllable.

Управляемый вручную [см. С ручным управлением].

Управляемый дистанционно

The clutch is remote(ly) controlled.

Управляемый компьютером

A computer-controlled motor...

Управляемый по радио

Radio-controlled switches ...

Управляемый при помощи перфоленты

A punched-tape controlled machine ...

Управлять [см. Осуществлять управление].


The chlorinator is operated from a program-controlled panel. The robot is supervised by one operator.

Управляться на расстоянии

Substations may be remotely controlled. Управляться человеком


Управляться человеком

The equipment is operator controlled.


This led to the abandonment of the grooved-plate process.


Once this step was taken, the old two-unit system could be dispensed with.


The instrument is ruggedized to travel over the roughest terrain.


This facilitates structural correlations.

Each atom may be simplified to a fixed, positively charged nucleus. Упрощать дело

Now mathematicians simplify matters by setting values equal to unity whenever they can. Упрощение [см. Для простоты]. Упругость

Then the ring will regain its spring (or springiness).

The ring will be given sufficient spring to ensure freedom from leakage.

Упругость паров

The vapour pressure is 2. 5 bar.

Упускать из виду

This fact is often overlooked.

Уравнение [см. В левой (правой) части уравнения, Входить в уравнение, Вывод уравнения, По уравнению, С помощью уравнения, Соотношение].

Уравнение говорит о том, что

Equation (2.43) states that the flux is proportional to ...

Уравнение реакции горения

The equation for the combustion process.

Уравнение с одним неизвестным

An equation in one unknown.

Уравнение с ... переменными

An equation in two (three, etc.) variables.

Уравнение типа

Equations of the type (1.5.8).

Уравновешен [см. тж. Сбалансированы]

The vibrational temperature may not be completely equilibrated (or brought to equilibrium) close to the shock front.


The attractive forces of the two electrons for the two nuclei exactly balance the electron-electron and proton-proton repulsions.

Usually the pressure force is balanced out by an opposing force.

Any increase in rate produced during the swing to dead centre would be exactly cancelled by an equal decrease in rate after dead centre. Уравновешиваться


The barrier serves to counterbalance these forces.


The cohesive force is balanced by an equal repulsive force.

Stagnant liquid elements equilibrate with the flowing gas and no mass transfer occurs. The spindle head is counterbalanced by a weight which is suspended from a chain. The potential energy curve has a maximum where the two forces balance.

Уровень [см. тж. Высота, До такого уровня, что; Доводить до уровня; На уровне;

Находиться на одном уровне с; Поддерживать на высоком уровне; Поднимать до уровня; Расход устанавливается на таком уровне, при котором]

Water contained in the locks is used to raise or lower vessels from one elevation to another. Eventually the speed rises to the point at which the resistance equals the gravitational force.

Усваивать [см. Поглощать].

Усвоение материала (учебного и тп.) The presentation is designed to aid rapid assimilation.


Pluto (the planet) proved very difficult to discover, even though it was searched for painstakingly.

Усеян [см. Усыпан].

Усиление [см. Выигрыш].

Усиление звука I

Sound amplification systems.

Усиление звука II

The rate of growth and decay of sound in a room ...

Усиление поля

Speed is regulated by strengthening the field of the motor.


Petroleum oils and greeses have been fortified by chemical additives.

Усиленный лазером

Laser-enhanced ionization ...

Усиливать I [см. тж. Обострять]

Various optical devices can be used to enhance the intensity of the laser beam.

The sample solvent will further augment background radiation.

A preamplifier is needed to boost the signal from the photomultiplier.

To intensify the milk flavour,...

Water waves cancel or reinforce each other.

The designer strengthened the wing of the aircraft.

Усиливать II

There are many potential neurological abnormalities which can aggravate a tendency toward immobility (med.).
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