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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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One volume of chlorine and one volume of hydrogen combine to give (or to form, or with the formation of) two volumes of hydrogen chloride.

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Many metals combine with sulphur to form sulphides. Rings of silica tetrahedra are linked (together) to form beryl. Соединяться углами, гранями, рёбрами


Соединяться углами, гранями, рёбрами

In addition to the sharing of corners, coordination polyhedra may unite by the sharing of faces or edges.

Создаваемый [см. тж. Вызван]

The current induced by a magnetic field ... The distortion due to the quadrature component is less than... The differential pressure produced at the measuring point ... The lines of force set up by the stator coils are perpendicular to ... Oscillations set up in an aircraft by a momentary disturbance ...

Создавать I [см. тж. Вызывать, Образовывать, Организовывать, Проектировать, Разрабатывать]

The compounds that nature can produce ...

The magnetic moment produces a diamag-netic effect.

It is this reaction which builds up the reservoir of activated molecules.

Displacing a particle in one direction brings about a force in the opposite direction.

Within a short lime of this discovery a whole new field of research had been launched.

This vibrational resonance can create new photons.

Industrial and professional societies have brought into being (or existence) a wide variety of standards.

Where the valley is narrow the earthflow toe forms a dam, sometimes creating a lake. To build up (or produce) sufficient pressure so as to ensure ...

These forces cannot develop torque. If the rotor is given the shape of a polygon, the lines of force

exert the desired torque. In large crystals the dislocations interact to generate new ones.

The detonation wave upon impacting the wave shaper generates a shock wave.

The heat generated by magnetization ...

The feedback generates parasitic laser oscillations.

The resistance element generates precision voltages.

The use of a driving belt could give rise to vibration.

The model was rotated in a centrifuge to induce centrifugal forces.

The pump produces a vacuum of 0.1 mm.

When a current passes through a wire, it sets up a magnetic field around the wire. The magnetic field sets up a magnetomotive force.

Создавать II

Systems with odd numbers of channels can also be devised. An instrument has been created (or devised) for... The research staffs are evolving workable designs. The engineers have come up with an improved technique for... He originated the projection method.

The flywheels set up in the spring-mounted screen a motion which ... The heating of the coils sets up a ventilating draught.

The object of the experiment is to build up a high current of charged particles. The gradient of viscous shear stresses establishes a steady-state concentration gradient. These energy transitions give rise to pockets of photons. This brings with it acute problems of electrical interference.

In the past 20 years the electronic industry has generated many completely new technological systems:

The media bring into existence and cultivate a new form of common consciousness.

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Aerodynamic heating is (or presents) a severe problem at high flight speeds. Создавать большие трудности для


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Various industrial wastes pose major problems for modem society. This requirement presented a considerable challenge to the experimenters.

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This gives rise to a vacuum.

Создавать возможности [см. Открывать возможности].

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The combustion wave was initiated (or set up) by a spark.

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He tried to give the impression that the experiment was original with him.

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Then the pump fails to build up (or produce) adequate pressure.

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In steel grinding, the chemical reactivity of. diamond may be (or present) a problem.

The possible role of phosphorus in prebiotic syntheses poses (great) difficulties.

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The more rapid diffusion of ammonia leaves hydrogen chloride in excess.

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This attraction produces a torque.

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To produce (or induce, or create) a magnetic field,...

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Internal stresses are set up (or induced, or produced) by uneven contraction.

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This molecular concept of matter provided the basis on which the behaviour of gases could be studied.

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When a voltage is applied to this device, it sets up (or creates, or induces) an electric field.

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The coil establishes (or induces) poles that generate currents in ...

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To generate a potential.

Создавать поток

In order to initiate the flow a second perturbation is required.
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