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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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A decision on the method of analysis should be taken by the client and the analyst in consultation. The discovery was made jointly by two observers. The two phenomena combine to create ...

Совместно выполняться

In microprocessing, a certain kind of task can be shared by several machines.

Совместно с [см. тж. В сочетании с, Вместе с]

Clovers may be grown in combination with grasses and other legumes. Seafloor spreading may operate independently or in association with continental drift. The analyst must decide in conjunction with his technological colleagues how ... In collaboration (or cooperation) with Dr. .. we synthesized ...

Совместное действие

The strain produced by the joint action of two or more stresses is the sum of...

Совместное мероприятие

Many physicists think such joint ventures are already working well.

Совместное решение

Simultaneous solution of these equations must be...

Совместные уравнения

By using this technique the infinite system can be reduced to a single pair of simultaneous equations.

Совместные усилия

The National Electric Code was the result of united (or joint) efforts of various organizations.


Both axial and radial dispersion are due to the combined effects of molecular diffusion and mixing. In this collaborative (or joint) experiment photons were directed against ... The joint resistance of resistances in parallel is ... The joint magnetizing effect of both sets of coils ...

Совмещать Совмещать в себе


Set air temperature on the scale A opposite pressure on the scale В.

The movement of the steering-motor armature brings the slider into coincidence with the new position of...

The zero of the vernier is then made coincident with the zero of the dial.

The abrasive machinery combines turning and grinding in a single grinding operation.

This type of ventilation is combined with the new method.

Совмещать в себе

This method of high-speed metal deposition combines electroplating and honing. The antennae combine several sense organs (zool.).

Совпадать [см. тж. Близко совпадать, Контуры ... совпадают, На одной линии с, Находиться на одном уровне с, Согласовываться с]

Rotate the inner disk until the figure 20 on the minutes scale is opposite the figure 40 on the miles scale.

The results agree (or coincide, or accord) very closely.

If the micrometer readings do not agree with the gauge dimensions, wear is indicated.

Turn the knob until the pointer is coincident with zero of the index.

Hold the bottle alongside the graduated scale until the two water levels are in-line.

The level in the bottle should be in line with zero on the burette.

These observations fit two quite diverse sets of facts.

The two invariants agree (or coincide) with those found previously.

The milling head is moved transversely until the spindle is coincident with the centre line of the workpiece.

The part is clamped onto the machine with its axes aligned with those of the machine.

Совпадать по фазе

The reference oscillator must be in phase with the desired signal.

Совпадение [см. тж. До совпадения с, При совпадении]

A qualitative agreement between theory and experiment... Good agreement is observed with values computed from ... The figures show a good fit of the equation to the data.

Современная ступень развития [см. На современной ступени развития].

Современное состояние

We shall review the current status of research on the application of high-power lasers to the generation of fusion power.

It will be instructive to review the (current) state of the art in she development of high-power pulsed lasers.

Современной конструкции

Figure 37 shows a two-throw pump of present-day (or up-to-date) design.

Современные нормы [см. По современным нормам].

Современный [см. тж. В современном виде]

One modern-day solution to these problems involves ... An up-to-date textbook ...

In recent devices the conflicting demands of speed and sensitivity are met by ... Present-day processes of mineral accumulation are extremely slow. Present views are outlined below.

Even the current models of the atom must be viewed as imperfect. Contemporary crystal rectifiers resemble what is ... In modern practice, the evaporators are usually worked by bled steam. Those boilers resembled the water-tube boiler of today. Современный метод


Cycle temperatures greater than 2300°R have not been found to be practical because of limitations of the present high tempera- ture materials and present turbine-blade cooling techniques. Present-day merchant vessels ...

Present-day (or Modern) amphibians are highly specialized animals. Current engines... Today's aircraft...

Современный метод

This can be attained by currently available methods.

Современный уровень [см. Доводить до современного уровня].

Совсем [см. Совершенно].

Совсем другое дело

The strain caused by meteorite impact is another thing altogether (or is something else again).
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