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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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Склонный к математике

A mathematically inclined person ...

Скобка [см. Брать в скобки, В скобках, Заключать в скобки].

Скольжение [см. Без скольжения].

Скользить один по другому

When two blocks of the earth's crust slide past each other,... Silicate sheets in talk can slide over each other fairly easily.

Скользить no

The vernier slides over the fixed scale.


There are no internal movements of rock inside the Moon that are at all comparable with ... For water treatment to be anywhere near efficient, one should ... Few generalizations of any value

(сколько-нибудь ценных) are given here.

Сконструирован [см. тж. Конструировать]

The parts are designed for long wear.

This requires apparatus patterned after that used in ...


This is the heaviest platform yet conceived. Сконструированный по специальному заказу


Сконструированный по специальному заказу

In many cases microcomputers have replaced systems based on custom-designed large-scale integrated circuits.

Сконструированный по типу

He worked with a nebular spectrograph patterned after the 150-ft instrument.

Сконструировать [см. тж. Конструировать]

A clamp exerting a controlled force could be devised (or designed).

Сконцентрировать [см. Концентрировать внимание на].

Сконцентрировать внимание на

We concentrated (our attention) on an attempt to find this pathogenic agent.


Very short columns sometimes show a buildup (or an accumulation) of immobi-lized surfactant near...


More likely the bulk of the outflow consists of...

What is most significant is not the philosophical appeal of...; rather it is the growing conviction that...

Скорее... , а не

When a salt dissociates in solution, it is the ions rather than the molecules which (or that) diffuse. Скорее всего [см. Вероятнее всего, По всей вероятности]. Скорее даже

At least three, and more likely four such bends have been observed.

Скорее похож на

A joint fracture is more in the nature of a tensional crack.

Скорее правило, чем исключение

This pattern is the rule rather than the exception for the mid-oceanic ridge system.

Скорее ...,чем

A process of this type is more likely to be spontaneous at a high temperature than at a low temperature.

The charge-coupling concept is basically of semiconductor electronics rather than one of electro-optics.

They concluded that thymidine diphosphate was more likely than the triphosphate to be the direct raw material for DNA.

Скоро [см. В скором времени],

Скоростной метод

A rapid (or fast, or shortcut) method (or technique).

Скорость [см. тж. Взвешенный по скорости, Набирать скорость. С переменном скоростью, Со скоростью]

Metal removal rate is directly proportional to the wheel speed.

The rate of evaporation.

The resistance varies with the rate of loading.

The reaction rate.

The speed (or velocity) of air flow.

The speed (or velocity) of light. Скорость звука (или света)


The velocity of propagation of the wave.

Скорость звука (или света)

The speed (or velocity) of sound (light).

Скорость изменения

The rate of change of the momentum ...

Скорость образования

The rate of photon production ... The rate of formation of acetylcholine ...

Скорость под водой

Submerged speed.

Скорость подъема (аэростата) Ascensional rate. Rate of climb (or ascent),

Скорость проходки (скважины) Rate of penetration.

Скорость реакции (хим.)

The rate (or velocity, or speed) of a reaction.

Скорость резания

At cutting speeds from 30 to 150 strokes per minute ...

Скорость резания, скорость подачи, глубина резания

Turning was carried out at a speed of 750 ft per min with a feed of 0.0053 in. per rev and a 0.05-in. deep cut.

Скорость роста

The growth rate of the mollusks ...

Скорость снятия стружки

The machine is capable of metal etc. removal rates in excess of...

Скорректировать [см. Корректировать].

Скошенная кромка

A bevelled edge.

Скрап [см. Сдавать в скрап].


These structural materials are held together by fasteners. The glass fibers are held together with a suitable binder. The two halves of the clamp are secured together by studs.

Скреплять [см. тж. Наглухо скреплять]

A bolt is used to fasten objects together.

Twenty-seven of the plates are then fastened (or clamped) together.

Скреплять болтами

The plates could be bolted together.

Скромная оценка

This estimate is conservative. Скромные подсчёты [см. По самым скромным подсчётам].


Скромные подсчёты [см. По самым скромным подсчётам].

Скрывать от нашего взора

Clouds conceal most of Jupiter's surface.

The surface features of Venus have been veiled from view by a permanent cloak of clouds.


It is not yet possible to estimate how many other such fields may lie hidden in the Earth's crust. Energy latent in the nucleus of an atom ...
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