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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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Серьёзная опасность для [см. Представлять серьезную опасность для].

Серьёзная проблема

Buffeting flutter of a wing is a problem of great concern [or a serious (or grave) problem/ in

transonic flight.

Серьёзное влияние на

Interstitial displacements may have profound (or serious) effects on crystal properties.

Серьёзное возражение

A strong objection.

Серьёзные последствия

The slackening of the river flow could have grave consequences.

Серьёзные трудности [см. Более серьезные трудности,чем].

Серьёзный недостаток

Such a structure has the grave (or material) practical disadvantage (or drawback) that...

Сжиматься и расширяться

The metal contracted and expanded with temperature changes. The Earth may shrink or expand as a whole.

Сзади [см. тж. Позади]

The engine of a large bus may be placed in (or at) the rear. The connecting box is mounted on the rear of the main case. The bellows is back of the shock absorber.

The luggage compartment is (located) aft of the helicopter's engine.

Сигнал [см. тж. Затухание сигнала, Ослабление сигнала, Поймать сигнал, Принимать сигнал]

Visual and audible signals.

Сигнал посылается с

A signal is sent out from the transmitting antenna.

Сидеть свободно [см. Свободно сидеть].

Сила [см. В силу необходимости, Развивать силу, Сохранять силу].

Сила взаимного отталкивания электронов The electron-electron repulsive force.

Сила действует

A force is exerted on the carriers.

Сила, действующая вниз (или вверх)

When the downward force exceeds the upward force, ...

Сила, действующая на

In analyzing forces exerted (or acting) on structures ...

Сила земного тяготения

The force of gravity (or of the Earth).

The (Earth's) gravitation force.

The pull of (the Earth's) gravity on a body ...

Сила притяжения Земли Луной и Солнцем

The tides are driven by the gravitational pull of the Moon and Sun on the Earth. Сила тока


Сила тока

Most plating equipment cannot operate at amperages [or current intensities (or strengths)/ needed to maintain ...

Сила удара увеличивается

The shock increases in strength.

Сильная боль

A severe pain.

Сильная вибрация

Severe vibration.

Сильная коррозия

Severe corrosion.

Сильная струя

A powerful jet of water ...

A high-pressure jet stream of oil coolant ensures ... Сильная утечка [см. Большая утечка].

Сильно [см. тж. В значительной сте-пени, Резко]

The tinning pots have become badly (or severely) contaminated with iron.

The signals were heavily attenuated.

The presence of the shaper did not materially affect...

The average number of zero crossings is strongly (or heavily, or highly) dependent on ... Сильно влиять

These treatments markedly (or significantly, or drastically, or strongly, or heavily, or badly, or dramatically) affected the animal's later behaviour.

Сильно действовать

When bromide acts too vigorously on a molecule, ...

Сильно зависеть от

The future of laser application will depend critically (or crucially, or highly, or strongly, or heavily) on the time required for...

Сильно загрязнённый

Heavily (or strongly, or severely) polluted air...

Сильно загрязнять

A large quantity of crude oil severely polluted the beaches.

Сильно заражённый

The leaves of badly infected plants ...

Сильно изменяться

The velocities of rotation of Venus and Mercury have been grossly changed (or profoundly altered) by the tidal friction of the Sun.

Сильно ионизирован

The solution is highly ionized.

Сильно корродированный Severely corroded.

Сильно мешать

These studies will be severely hampered by ... Сильно нагревать


This characteristic would interfere drastically with free unwinding.

Сильно нагревать

When fats are strongly heated, ...

Сильно нагреваться

Cold ocean water becomes highly heated.

Сильно наклонённый

Phoebe has a highly inclined orbit.

Сильно ограничен

The selection of a lens was severely limited.

Сильно ограничивать

This can severely restrict (or limit) the effectiveness of...

Сильно отклоняться от

Other liquid solutions deviate widely from ideal behaviour

Сильно отличаться по [см. тж. Резко отличаться]

The eyes of these animals differ dramatically (or greatly) in size. The molecules differ widely in molecular weight and ...

Сильно отражаться на

The increased band gap has severe (or dramatic, or profound) effects on the behaviour of ...

Сильно поврежден

The micrometer was severely damaged.

Сильно поглощать

The interstellar dust does not heavily (or strongly) absorb ...

Сильно подвержен

Such a surface becomes highly susceptible (or subject) to attack by fatigue or stress corrosion.

Сильно преувеличивать

At high density the approximation grossly overestimates the pressure.

Сильно притягивающий молекулы воды

That portion of a molecule having a strong attraction for water molecules is hydrophilic.
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