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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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The odor we associate with a substance is determined by ...

This phenomenon may be linked to certain mathematical properties of...

The gravitational attraction that binds a planet to the Sun ...

The nuclear force binds neutrons and protons together.

These expressions relate the flow velocity and (or to, or with) the pressure.

Связываться [см. Соединяться с].

Связываться с

The phenomenon of oxidation was closely associated with oxygen in the early days of chemistry. Colon cancer has been linked by some studies to dietary practices. The scientists contacted (or got in touch with ) the local geologist.

The 5.8 S rRNA of eukaryotes has been reported to bind to two prokaryotic proteins (biol.). Hydrogen atoms can bind quite strongly to such a surface.

Связывающий ... с

So far the only evidence linking the optical object with the binary pulsar system is...


Smoothed-out beam profiles ...


Smoothing off welds on the engine nose sections ...

Сглаживание волны

There will be flattening of the T waves. Сглаживание пика (кривой)


Сглаживание пика (кривой) Flattening of the peak.


Edges of rivet holes should be smoothed off with a file. A scored cylinder may be smoothed up by stoning. To feather out small scratches a spot blast mode is employed.

In the shock front, the particles tend to diffuse forward to smooth out the concentration gradient. Сгорание [см. Полное сгорание]. Сгорать

The length of the tungsten electrodes when new is 4 in., and they can be burnt away until a length of 1 in. remains.

Сгруппированы [см. тж. Группироваться]

In "functional layout", all machines are grouped together into sections.

Сгруппированы под названием

The remaining vertebrates are grouped together as the Anamnia.


All controls are conveniently grouped together on this truck.

These molluscs are commonly grouped together in the family Cardiidae.

Сгруппировывать в серии

These lines can be grouped in series.

Сгруппировывать по типу

Building wires are grouped by type in several classifications.

Сгущаться в

The solution thickens into a gelled material.

Сдавать в скрап

The faulty cylinder should be discarded or sent back for replacement of the valve. If the part cannot be repaired, it should be scrapped.

Сдавать в эксплуатацию

This will depend upon how rapidly aircraft are introduced into service (or enter service). To get the aircraft into airline service in 1985,...

Сдвиг [см. Большой шаг на пути к].

Сдвигаться по частоте

The lines of the atomic spectrum are then shifted in frequency.

Сдвигаться с места

Make sure that the micrometer anvil was not moved out of position while the set screw was being tightened.

Сдвинут в область резонанса в силу доп-плеровского смещения

If the laser frequency is higher than the centre frequency of the resonance, molecules ... will be Dopplershifted into resonance.

Сдвинут влево

Each base pair is offset to the left by 36°. Сдвинут по фазе


Сдвинут по фазе

The plot for star A would be mutually displaced in phase by half a period. The current is phase shifted.

Сдвинуться по фазе

The radiation and oscillator become 180° out of phase.

Сделан кустарным способом

At the time, many instruments were homemade.

Сделанный [см. Выполненный].

Сделать всё возможное, чтобы

A good engineer will do his utmost (or best) to minimize friction.

Сделать выбор

The problem arises when you have to decide (or choose) between several machines all designed to do the same type of job.

Сделать вывод

It may be inferred that the standards were reproducible within +0.15mkm.

We can conclude (or draw, or make a conclusion) that the system is a very effective low-pass filter.

Сделать недействительным

The operating line may be distorted by local vaporization of the solvent sufficiently to invalidate the method.

Сделать полный оборот

Turn the circle until the point you have marked makes a complete circuit.


The shearing forces retard the flow.

Северный конец стрелки компаса

The north-seeking end of the compass needle.

Седло [см. Возвращаться в седло, Садиться на седло].

Сейсмостойкая конструкция

An earthquake-proof (or -resistant) structure.

Сейчас преобладает мнение о том, что

The prevailing view today is that rubbing merely enhances the effect by bringing more tiny areas together.

Семейство кривых

A set (or A family) of curves.

Семейство решений (матем.)

A family of solutions.

Сенсационные последствия

The impact of the experiment was dramatic: DNA was suddenly in and protein was out.

Серия [см. тж. Ряд, Тип]

The first in a succession of pioneering storage-ring projects at Novosibirsk was completed in 1965. The error signal may be transmitted as a sequence of long and short alternating pulses. A set of data.

The procedure differed only slightly for the two sets of experiments. Серьёзная опасность для [см. Представлять серьезную опасность для].
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