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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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Сбрасывать листья

Deciduous trees shed their leaves in winter.

Сбрасывать на

The coal is dumped to the surface.

Сбрасывать на нуль

This pulse resets the device to zero.

The logic device must be reset (to zero) at the end of each machine cycle. Сбрасывать тепло [см. Отводить тепло]. Сбрасываться в [см. Выпускаться]. Сброс в

Reports were received of six different spills of oil into inland rivers and lakes.


The prediction was borne out.

Сваренный вручную

A hand-welded joint...

Сваренный точечной сваркой

Two steel plates were spot welded.

Сваривать в дуге

To arc weld.

Сваривать точечной сваркой

The machine is used to spot weld the back of...

Сваривать электродуговой сваркой The bench is arc welded. Свариваться



The components are welded together.

Свариваться в атмосфере инертного газа [см. Сварка с газовой защитой].

Сварка за один проход

To make a one-pass weld,...

Сварка с газовой защитой

Gas-shielded welding.

Welding in an inert gas atmosphere.

Сварная конструкция

The vessel is supported by a large weld-fabricated (or welded) structure.

Сварное соединение

A welded joint (or A weld).


A weld-fabricated (or welded) machine bed occupies a floor space of ...

Све'дения [см. тж. Большое количество данных, Данные, Знание, Значительное количество сведений о, Из... можно извлечь некоторые сведения о том, как; Информация о; Накапливать информацию; Сообщать сведения]

These insights into the strength of materials obtained from experiments show that...

Сведения о происхождении

These findings have provided new clues to the origin of...

Сведены в таблицу

A number of the more useful relations have been summarized (or collected) in Table 4.

Сведённый [см. Сводить в таблицу].


A freshly prepared solution ...

Сверлить [см. Высверливать, Просверлить глухое отверстие в стенке].

Сверлить до глубины

Holes are drilled to a depth of 1 in.

Сверлить до заданного размера

Using the new material, the holes could be drilled to size without reaming.

Сверлить под

The burner bodies are drilled and tapped fur (or to receive) a 1/2 in. standard pipe oil line.

Сверлить предварительно и окончательно

A hole is rough drilled on the first machine and finish drilled on the second.

Сверлить спиральным сверлом

Five cross holes are twist drilled in two parts.

Сверх [см. тж. Выше]

Then x0 increases beyond a critical value.

The excess of the transferred energy over and above what is required to detach the electron ... The lens speed can be increased in excess of f 1.9. Сверхвысокая прочность


Сверхвысокая прочность

Ultra-high strength.


Super-flexible cable ...


The transmitter is a subminiature (or sub-miniaturized) unit.


Safe operation is enhanced by fail-safe circuitry.


Extra-low temperature enamels ... under development


Ultra-high-strength alloys... Ultrastrong steel ...


Ultrafast tensile testing machines ... Ultra-high-speed automatic machines ...


Ultra- (or extra-)hard tools...


Super precision gears ...

Сверху I [см. тж. Вид сверху, Выходящий снизу (сверху), Если смотреть сверху, Приближаться к ... снизу (сверху)]

Materials feed onto the belt conveyors from overhead. The material to be crushed is fed in at the top. The liquid enters from above.

Сверху II

From aloft, the immensity of the atmospheric ocean makes ...

Сверху III

Atop (or On top of) the entire assembly is a third conductor.

Сверху вниз [см. тж. В направлении вниз]

The degree of interaction of different organisms in the community increases from the top down. The three photographic layers contain, from top to bottom, yellow, magenta, and cyan azo dyes, respectively.


A gram of ultrapure natural bee venom ...


The device is supersensitive to temperature changes. A reliable ultrasensitive counting system.

Сверять с

Kepler checked the theory against the observations and found the concordance very good.

Свет [см. В свете, Испускать свет, При свете, Проливать свет на, Пропускать свет].

Свет распространяется со скоростью

Light travels at a speed of 300,000 km/s. Светить ярче


Светить ярче

The Moon outshines Jupiter in the deep night.


The coating on the end of the lube will flu-oresce under the impact of the electrons ... The neon signal light glows only when current is on. Phosphorus has the unusual property of glowing in the dark.


The oil should be light coloured for clear viewing of the work.


A camera is a light-tight enclosure containing ...

Светящееся пятно

The ions strike a fluorescent screen producing a luminous spot.


Some volcanoes produce incandescent ash flows.
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