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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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Computers based on this concept (or principle) are called data-driven processors. Принцип работы прибора [см. Работа прибора].

Принципиальная конструкция

Various modifications of the basic design of a burette have been introduced.

Принципиальная разница между

The fundamental difference between

absorption and emission processes ...

Принципиальная схема

Figure 1 is a basic (or key, or theoretical, or schematic, or skeleton, or circuit) diagram showing the principle of ...

A conceptual sketch of an optical processor ...

Принципиально [см. тж. В принципе]

The photons described by these fields differ in a crucial respect (or radically, or fundamentally) from the known properties of the photon.

Принципиально важный [см. Иметь принципиально важное значение].

Принципиально новый

A crucially (or radically, or fundamentally) new physical situation then arose in the deep interior of the primordial Sun.

We must create radically (or fundamentally) new technology.

Принципиально новый метод

This system is a radical departure from conventional practice.

Принципиально отличаться от

This spectrometer is of a radically (or fundamentally) different kind from those prism instruments which are used for ...

Optical computing systems differ fundamentally from electronic systems.

Принципиально разные

There are two fundamentally (or radically) different kinds of acarines.

It is impossible to have more essentially different game-situations than there are orders-of-cards. Принципиальное значение [см. Иметь принципиальное значение].

Принципиальное различие между

It soon became apparent there were fundamental differences between the two areas.

Принципиального характера

One modification of a fundamental nature was needed.

Принципиальный [см. тж. С принципиальной точки зрения]

The difference is crucial: molecular clouds are typically much colder and denser than atomic clouds. Принято [см. тж. В основном принято использовать, В современном языке принято называть ископаемым] 703(996)

Принято [см. тж. В основном принято использовать, В современном языке принято называть ископаемым]

The trend in the masonry block industry is to use high-pressure steam autoclaves.

It is common practice to clamp the box standard to the worktable of the measuring machine.

It is conventional to display this information in the form of plots of the source-to-drain current.

Принято выражать ... в

It is the practice to express sound intensity in decibels.

Принято пользоваться

A convention uses the unit torr as the equivalent of 1 mm of mercury.

Принято считать, что [см. тж. Обычно считают, что; Считается, что]

It is (generally) agreed (or taken) that the relativistic particles are ejected from ... It is customary to assume that the energies are isotropic It is commonly supposed that Euclid wrote only one book.

Принять за [см. Ошибочно принимать за].

Принят (или Принятый) в качестве

Agreement should be obtained with the method accepted as standard for the particular substance. This standard has been adopted as a com-mercial standard. The ampere is (now) taken as the fundamental unit.

Принятый в настоящее время

This is the presently accepted value.

Pressure sore is the current name for bed sores (med.).

Принятый во внимание

The volume of the preheat zone was not considered [or taken into account (or consideration), or taken account of] in the computation of reaction time.

Приобретается с опытом

The knack of reading maximum and minimum indications of the oscillating pendulum comes with practice.

Приобретать [см. тж. Присоединять]

Atmospheric gases have assumed (or acquired) their present concentration as a result of...

One electron volt is the energy that a particle carrying the charge of one electron receives (or gains) when ...

Molecules can gain excess energy ... Positive particles gain electrons.

Приобретать большое значение

When the company's daily production of 200,000 units is considered, this die performance takes on great significance.

Carbon monoxide has assumed great importance in the field of...

The binary system has come into (or has acquired) importance because of its value in computer applications.

The new method is gaining in importance.

Приобретать вид

Then the interface develops a comblike appearance.

This relationship takes (or acquires, or assumes) the form shown in Fig. 2. Приобретать вновь [см. тж. Вновь приобретать]


Приобретать вновь [см. тж. Вновь приобретать]

The crystal regains (or resumes) its original dimensions.

Приобретать жёсткость

Members are designed on the principle of a bridge truss to gain stiffness.

Приобретать заряд

The fragment thus acquires a positive charge.

Приобретать знания

To gain such knowledge, ...

Приобретать значение

This has assumed a (new) significance (or importance).

Automation began to take on (or acquire) a new meaning with publication of ...
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