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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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The author proposes an improved correlation to cover different gases and liquids. The analyzer is suitable for a 625-line system.

Применимость [см. Практическая применимость].

Применительно к [см. тж. В применении к]

This safety regulation, as applied to steel plants, slates that ... The process has been developed to fit the type of material available. Применяемый [см. тж. Используемый]


Применяемый [см. тж. Используемый]

Aerostat is a term applied to any "lighter-than-air" aircraft.

The design principles employed (or used, or applied) are similar to those already proved in ...

Применяемый в настоящее время

In general, the microwave sources now in service (or now in use, or being used) are expensive.

Применять [см. тж. Использовать, Неприменим]

A basic principle that needs to be invoked here is ... Both these methods are implemented. In such cases this lemma may be applied. The same procedure is followed in the case of...

Применять впервые [см. Впервые применить].

Применять для практических целей

Although the basic phenomena were understood, a considerable lime elapsed before they could be put to practical use.

Применять метод

Both approaches have been taken (or applied). A similar procedure may be followed to show that...

Применяться [см. тж. Использовать, Начинать применяться. Широко использоваться]

This process is employed (or used) by our firm.

Unique processes and equipment have been successfully applied in the mining of...

The spectrometer can be applied to the measurement of ...

This term also applies to reactions involving...

A system such as this is already in operation at repair shops.

This method is in use [or is being used (or applied)] at...

The chief use of calcium is in the production of ...

The term "binding energy" is sometimes used (or applied) to describe the energy which ...

The charge-coupling principle can be applied to fulfil a number of information-processing


Experimental procedures in heterogeneous catalysis involve specialized techniques. Various types of antennas find use (or application) in Doppler radar.

Применяться в ограниченных масштабах

The algorithm finds limited use with second-order controlled systems.

Применяться в основном (или главным образом) в

Leading uses of copper compounds are in agriculture, ... The principal use of cadmium is in the plating of...

Применяться в промышленных масштабах

The preparation of ... has been used commercially. The process is commercially available.

Применяться во многих случаях, когда Calcium hydroxide is used in many applications where hydroxide ion is needed.

Применяться главным образом в качестве

The major uses of butanols are as chemical intermediates in ...

Применяться ежедневно

Such techniques are (now) in daily use. Применяться к


Применяться к

The technique for solving a first-order equation is readily extended for the solution of ... Freeze-drying has been extended to a great variety of foodstuffs.

Применяться наиболее широко [см. Наиболее широко использоваться].


By applying (or using) the principle of the flux trap, magnetic energy may be stored indefinitely. Пример [см. тж. Брать пример из, В качестве примера, Для примера, Конкретный пример, Наглядный пример, Например, Одним из примеров является, Приводить в качестве примера/ There are no instances of old sediments having been recovered. The crystal furnishes (or provides) an excellent example of...

Пример которого приведён на рис.

One obtains a two-dimensional vibron-ic/mass spectrum, as exemplified in Fig. 5.

Пример сказанного

The blue-white Type 0 and Type В giant stars are a good case in point.

Пример того, как

This is an example of how we are making our contribution to...

Примерами которых являются

There may be many social groups of animals in a single community, exemplified by ant colonies, flocks of birds, and herds of elk.

Примерами этого являются

The relay, the toggle switch, the transistor flip-flop, and the ferrite core are examples.

Примерно [см. тж. Около, Ориентировочно, Порядка, Практически, Приблизительно]

The sphere will dissolve completely in roughly 107 s. Evaporation was cut an estimated (or by approximately) 80%.

The cost of such a unit would be in the vicinity (or neighbourhood, or region) of 15%... Some (or About, or Around) 250 Mcf of nitrogen was pumped into the line. The omega-meson breaks down in something like 0.0001 attosecond. A Bragg angle of, say, between 20 and 30 degrees ...

Примерно в то время, когда

About the time the detailed location phase for this project was started, a new application of seismic surveying was investigated.

Примерно в то же время

At about the same time the group reported finding ...

Примерно одинаково

They look much the same.

Примерно с ... года

Since about 1950, continuous casting of many alloys has increased.
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