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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
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The image comes to a focus several feet behind the primary mirror.

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When the particle strikes the photographic plate,... The number of molecules that hit a section of the wall per second ... If allowed to fall on a red-hot, inert surface, the distillate decomposes. When one of the scattered atoms lands in an empty site,...

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Some of these comets will be thrown into hyperbolic orbits and be lost from the solar system. Попадать под влияние


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At this point, a comet comes under the influence of Jupiter.

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Only a minor fraction of petroleum products reaching the consumer has not been chemically changed from its original state.


An operator feeds the rods in pairs onto the charging conveyor. The rods are arranged in pairs.

The stars in a cluster tend to unite by pairs into binary systems.

Поперечное движение

Automatic positioning of worktable cross (or transverse) movement ...

Поперечные связи [см. Образование поперечных связей].


The truss is capable of resisting transverse shear. A transverse magnetic field.


The engine is mounted crosswise (or transversely) on the frame.


The pipes are cut in two.

The cell breaks in two.

The fruit is cut in half (or into halves).


We augment (or supplement) these equations by the addition of... Пополняться

The solution undergoes replenishment (or is replenished) twice.

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A correction to enthalpies ...

Поправка на [см. тж. Вводить поправку на, Внесение поправки, Вносить поправку на, Исправленный на активность]

The correction for scattering in the lower atmosphere is difficult to make accurately.

Поправочный коэффициент A correction factor.


Such tubes will continue in use (or will be used as before).

Попросту говоря

Put very simply, the three-level system has the potential of...

Популярность растёт

Pneumatic gauging continues to grow in popularity.

Популярный [см. тж. Быть весьма популярным] A well-accepted hypothesis maintains that...


Let me note in passing that the lighter components do give rise to etchable tracks. Retinopathy is often discovered as an incidental finding when examining the fundus (med.). Попутно отметим, что


A great deal of carbon dioxide is made incidentally during the heating of limestone to produce lime.

Попутно отметим, что

We mention in passing that the radioactive thorium-lead decay series is an important heat-producing system.

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The soluble system has already received passing mention in connection with ...


An effort must be made to reduce the scatter noise.

Попытка [см. тж. В попытке]

This has led to attempts at dividing the tube into segments. Many attempts to mechanize the welding procedure led to ...

Попытка не удалась

Attempts at air sterilization have not been successful in preventing colds.


A century-long effort to understand the structure of...

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The search for "how" and "when" of the origin of our universe intrigues us all.


The time is ripe (or It is high time, or It is an appropriate time) to accept this principle. Поражать I

One is struck by the similarities between the speculations of 50 years ago and the better-understood concepts of today.

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Several diseases attack the coconut plant.

If the tumour invades surrounding tissues, the latter...

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This disease primarily strikes children.

Поражён раком

This tissue is suspected to harbour cancer.


The genetic code system is breathtakingly simple.

It is a striking fact that the system's activity can be evoked by all kinds of stresses.

The development of missiles and aircraft has been astoundingly (or amazingly, or remarkably)

rapid during the past thirty-five years.

Поразительно похож на

The van't Hoff equation bears a striking resemblance to an equation used to represent...

Поразительный I [см. тж. Блестящий II]

The cell wall of a collenchyma cell is its most striking feature.

This will not impair the dramatic (or amazing) reliability advantages of the miniature radar unit. The use of such drugs has increased over the past three decades, with dramatic (or striking) success in some cases. По-разному



Haliotus fulgens are variously called blue abalone, green abalone or the splendid ear shell. Поровну делиться [см. Делиться поровну между]. Порог [см. На пороге].

Порода, залегающая горизонтальными слоями Horizontally layered rocks.

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This coupling gives rise to the multiplicity of lines in the naphthalene spectrum.

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Radioactive materials pose a unique problem: they must be stored in such a way that...


The phlogiston theory was fallacious.
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