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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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Each piece of information aids (or helps) in the determination of total molecular geometry.

This can be a help in deciding ... The method assisted the operation in speeding up the process. Помогать понять


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These developments furnish insights into the nature of ...

Помогать при

This information aids (or helps) in the reconstruction of ancient plants. This result is helpful in the deduction of...

Помогать уточнить

The distribution of salinity in the sea gives a (further) elucidating glimpse into the

structure of eddies.

Помощь [см. Оказывать помощь при].

Понадобится много времени для того, чтобы

One will have to go a long way to find the unmetamorphosed equivalent.

Понадобится некоторое время для того, чтобы

It will take some time before we overcome this problem.

Понижать [см. тж. Снижать]

To bring the pressure down to this value, one must...

This will heat the thermistor enough to lower (or decrease, or reduce, or diminish, or cut) the resistance to 200 ohms.

The transformer is suitable for stepping down (or reducing, or decreasing) the supply voltage to 85 volts on open circuit.

Понижение точки кипения

Boiling point depression (or lowering).

Понижение уровня моря

Depression (or Lowering) of sea level.


The products have reduced (or lessened) combustibility.

Понимание [см. тж. Глубокое понимание, Для лучшего понимания]

For reading with comprehension ...

If we wish to gain a (more penetrating) insight into our physical environment,... The realization of these difficulties did not stop them from further research. An understanding of the chemical problem of bioluminescence involves isolating ... Awareness, Grasp ...

Experimental work has given us (great) insight into the mechanism of...

Понимать [см. тж. Осознать]

In order to (better) appreciate the physical mechanism for... It is easy to perceive (or see, or realize) why the cost is enormous.

It is important to realize (or recognize, or understand, or be aware of the fact that) real processes impose problems in addition to... Newton perceived (or came to perceive) that the planets ... It is important to grasp that the nature of seeds depends on ...

In order to gain (some) insight into (or an understanding of) the effect of the number of plates on evaporation performance ...

Понимать буквально

These simplified "visualizations" should not be taken (too) literally.

Понятие [см. тж. Не иметь ни малейшего понятия]

In such cases it is convenient to introduce the concept of a train tensor. The notion of the atomicity of electric charge was then developed. Понятия не иметь о [см. тж. Не иметь ни малейшего понятия, Ничего не знать о]


The complete change in the ideas on the origins of...

Понятия не иметь о [см. тж. Не иметь ни малейшего понятия, Ничего не знать о] We have no idea of the answer to these questions.


One can now appreciate that the planets of the inner solar system occupy only... In order to appreciate the meaning of...

Поочерёдно [см. тж. Один за другим, По очереди]

The gas should be passed in turn through (1) alkali solution, (2) sulphuric acid, and (3) ... The steel is subject to alternate contact with oxygen and water. By alternately starting and stopping the machine ...

In such processes the iron oxide is alternately subject to absorption and regeneration.


Alternate freezing and thawing ...

Попавший в

Objects caught in (or captured by) a force field ...

Попадание [см. тж. Препятствовать попаданию, Проникновение в]

То prevent water entering is one of the aims of mine drainage. Adhesives seal against entrapment of moisture between surfaces ...

The counter-gravity flow of the inhaled air reduces the entry of heavier dust particles into the filtering medium.

Motors on the milling heads are totally enclosed to exclude ingress (or penetration) of metallic dust generated by the cutters.

Попадать в I [см. тж. Относиться к III, Проникать в]

Does your product fall into this category?

Попадать в II [см. тж. Оказываться в] Suppose that Npoints are thrown into the ц space; what is the probability that just n1 points will end up (or find themselves) in cell 1, n2 in cell 2, and so on? The points fall on a straight line.

These harmonics may fall within the pass band of the receiver.

The particles arrive at the screen on a line which...

Then uranium finds its way into sedimentary rocks.

This will enable dirt to work into the threads of the micrometer.

There is no risk of dirt becoming trapped between the surfaces.

In case contamination enters the nitrogen stream,...

These electrons do not necessarily land in the corresponding region of the anode.

Попадать в поле зрения

Each operator controls the cars until they come into the view of the other operator. When two objects fall within an observer's view, ...

Попадать в фокус
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