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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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Переходить в I [см. тж. Постепенно переходить в]

When heating is continued beyond 1403°C the gamma iron changes (or converts, or transforms) to delta iron.

As abundance of phenocrystals increases, the rocks pass into andesile porphyry. Here, red light grades into infrared radiation.

Under a linear transformation the points z1, z2, z3 go over into distinct points w1, w2, w3, and z goes into w.

Переходить в II [см. тж. Сливаться с]

The mountainous terrain gives way to a lowland area.

The lateral bending movements give way to a more complicated cycle of motions (biol.).

Переходить в III

The hot material switches to a less dense form.

Переходить в избыток

When potassium cyanide passes into excess, ...

Переходить в раствор

Iron goes (or passes) into solution as ferrous sulphate.

Переходить в... состояние

The layer of soft clay turned (or transformed) into a near-liquid state.

Переходить к [см. тж. Затем переходим к, Приступать к] We are coming (now) to the question of heating.

As one goes to higher and higher bases, numbers become shorter and shorter. If we pass on to equations of the second degree,...

We (now) turn (our attention) to (the discussion of) the element hydrogen. Переходить к ... и обратно


Переходить к ... и обратно

Anyone who knows fourth-grade arithmetics can switch back and forth between ordinary numbers and two-based numbers.

Переходить на

At this speed it is advantageous to shift to the lighter-weight turboprops.

Переходить на метрическую систему

Most British scientists have turned to the metric system (of measurement) (or have gone metric).

Переходить от... к

Let us (now) turn from the PVT behaviour of gases to two properties of a different type.

Now we must see how we can go from measurable properties of the solution to quantities

attributable to the components.

Переходить с ... на

If we switched from a ten-based system to an eight-base system,... To change over the present telephone system to the new switching system,...

Переходная область

In the transition region, a nearly circular fibre starts to ...

Переходная стадия между

Heavier welding is in the transition stage between development and application.

Переходя к

Going to the next number, we can say that...


The three kinds of geosynclines listed here are associated with ...

Перечисленные выше [см. Вышеперечисленные].


The uses of coal tar are outlined in Table 2.

The biological properties of this enzyme are listed (or set out, or enumerated) below.

Перечислены ниже

The methods that are most often used for preparing amines follow: ...


We need not list all the disciplines.

Период [см. тж. В период, В рассматриваемый период, В течение длительного времени, Время, За период, Продолжительное время]

The neutrons are delayed for intervals ranging from a fraction of a second to more than a minute.

Период вращения Земли

The terrestrial rotation period (or The Earth's rotation period).

Период времени [см. тж. На различные периоды времени]

In such a span (or length) of time many transformations could have taken place. The period of time over (or during) which energy can be accumulated as ... is limited.

These rocks were deposited during the same period (or time interval).

Период хранения

Miniature mercury cells with a long shelf life can be used to advantage. Периодически [см. тж. От времени до времени]


Периодически [см. тж. От времени до времени]

Vehicles should be cleaned at regular intervals.

Перпендикулярно к

The set of electrodes is located at right angles to the magnetic field.

The load carried by the beams acts transversely to the principal axis of the beams.

Position the autocollimator square [or perpendicularly), or normally/ to the reflecting surface.

The jets are directed across the line of sight.

Перпендикулярный к

The lines of force are normal (or perpendicular) to the surface of the rotor. The flange must be properly lined up and square with the pipe axis.

Персонал [см. Без обслуживающего персонала].

Перспектива [см. тж. В перспективе имеется]

The prospects for (or of) building such a device depend on ... The outlook for the world's fuel supplies is rather gloomy.

Перспективные потребности в

To explore their potential needs for satellite communications,...

Перспективный [см. тж. Быть весьма перспективным, Быть перспективным, Весьма перспективный]

Lasers are a promising source for fluorescence excitation. This process appears to have considerable promise. For these areas titanium holds much promise.

Such processes hold the greatest promise for increased acetylene yields. Radiation energy offers promise as a processing tool. These steels show promise for aircraft.

Перспективный для применения в области

These materials are candidates for computer technology.

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