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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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Перепад температуры на граничном слое

The temperature difference across the boundary layer.


The DNA molecule consists of two intertwined helical chains of many nucleotides (biol.).

Переполнен [см. Битком набит]. Перепроверять

To ensure against error, there is a TV camera at each truck loading point, so that the clerk can double check.


The shale may be mined and processed in surface plants.


The processing of food, chemicals, plastics and petroleum...


The time required for the flame front to cross the combustion space ... This tangent cuts (or intersects) the axis at the point Q.

The current in the rotor of an induction motor is induced as the rotor conductors cut lines of magnetic flux created by the stator. If the bisector does not meet DE, they are parallel. A laser beam intersects a beam of sodium atoms from ...

Пересекать на продолжении

EF and HK are not parallel, therefore they will meet if produced.

Пересекать по линии

The surface intersects adjacent surfaces in straight lines.


When power and telephone circuits cross each other, ...

The lines meet (or intersect, or cross).

Пересекаться в точке

The two lines meet (or intersect) at point B.

Пересекаться под углом

The Ox''-axis and the fluid velocity q intersect at the Mach angle a.

Пересечение [см. До пересечения с, Линия пересечения, На пересечении].

Перескакивать с орбиты на орбиту

The electron can gain or lose energy only by jumping from one allowed orbit to another. Перескочить через запрещённую зону


Перескочить через запрещённую зону

The manner in which increasing temperature causes more electrons to leap up the energy gap between bands can be understood by considering ...

Пересматривать свои взгляды

In that case astrophysicists will have to rethink matters [or revise (or reconsider) their views/.


The sea has long been taken to be a stagnant pool, but today this view is giving way. These concepts are currently undergoing revision (or are being revised).


Beyond a certain point elastic deformation ceases to obey (or no longer obeys) Hooke's law. The particles cease to move.

Переставать быть справедливым

Under these conditions the law ceases to be true.


Reset the decimal point so that there is a single digit to its left (e.g. 00004.4).

Переставлять местами

The transpose A'of the matrix A is obtained by interchanging rows and columns.


Surfaces up to 14 ft high can be milled without repositioning the pan.

Перестановка резца между операциями

The turret can be used for permanent mounting to reduce tool setup from job to job.

Перестать пользоваться популярностью

The theory soon fell from favour (or fell into disfavour).

Перестать поступать

The clamps are operated by hydraulic arrangements, and they are not released if air fails while machining is in progress.

Перестать существовать

An adult knows that the object is still there, that it has not ceased to exist.


The atoms rearrange themselves at the Curie temperature.


The changes within the hemoglobin sub-unit cause a realignment of the subunits with respect to one another.

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A list of conversions from English to metric units ...

Пересчитывать с... на

If you wish to convert from metric to English units,...


The argument can be restated in a different way.

Переход I [см. тж. При переходе к большим и большим значениям] The transfer of an electron from the lowest level to the next level... The transition of an electron from one orbit to another... Переход II [см. тж. Переключение]


Переход II [см. тж. Переключение]

A change to processes that are easier to mechanize ... The change-over from one fuel to the other...

A change-over to circumferential welding merely necessitates the loosening of...

Conversion to investment casting permitted strict tolerances to be held.

The retooling to convert to die casting ...

The major swing to turbojet aircraft occurred in late 1958.

The difficulty was corrected by changing (or switching) to another suitable oil which did not foam. The shortage of skilled labour is forcing the switch to automated systems.

By going to much finer and more closely-sized powder panicles, the porosity was greatly reduced. Переход на

This problem can be circumvented by going (or changing) to a digital system. Переход от ... к ...

A method has been obtained for going from a crystal structure to a calculated X-ray pattern.

Переходить I

These materials transfer to the fibre from a water suspension. This electron may be caused to pass into a larger orbit. The interstitial atoms leave their positions for the regular ones.

Переходить II

To change from one fuel to the other, it is only necessary to manipulate the fuel control valve. To convert to die-casting, we had to reequip the plant.
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