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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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Отсутствующий у

These metals offer advantages not found in single metals.

Отсчёт [см. С прямым отсчётом].


One can use the entire 360 degrees of the compass, counted clockwise.


These angles are measured (or reckoned) from v.

Отсылать читателя к [см. Смотри]. Отсыхать

Yellow patches appear on the leaves, and mottled areas turn brown and dry out.

Отсюда [см. тж. Начиная отсюда]

Power canals are placed on minimum grade to conserve head, hence (or thus, or therefore) velocities are usually lower.

Отсюда видно, что

The states formed from the t2g2 configuration are thus seen to be А/g, Eg, Tig, and T2g. Отсюда непосредственно следует, что


Отсюда непосредственно следует, что

It immediately follows that matrix multipliers of vx are symmetric.

Отсюда следует, что [см. тж. Из этого вытекает (или следует), что]

It follows (herefrom) (or Hence it follows) that the molecule must have six degrees of freedom.

Отталкивание электронов (взаимное) Interelectron repulsion.

Отталкиваться от

These paint particles are repelled from the other atomizing head.

Оттенок [см. Иметь различные оттенки от ... до]. Оттеснять

The advancing cosmic jet must push the matter out of the way.


Output from the detector is fed into а cath-ode follower and thence through a clipping network.


The flow is filtered for graphite dust and iron oxide. Such stray signals cannot be filtered off (or out).

He filtered off the sediment.

Отфильтровывать частоты

Acoustic filters filter out certain frequencies.

Отходить назад

Immediately after completing the reading the micrometer screw backs off automatically to clear the workpiece.

Owing to compression of the oil in the chamber during the feeding stroke, the piston backs off very slightly.

Отходы городского хозяйства

The urban wastes are collected as sewage.

Отходящий от

In many cases branch pipes off the main stream pipe are required to carry a reduced pressure.


The final thickness of the extruded product depends in part (or partly, or to some extent, or to a degree) upon the speed of the conveyor.

Отчётливо заметный [см. Ярко выражен].


This reaction may be visualized as the splitting out of H2O.


A molecule of water is split out when a peptide bond is formed.

Отъединять подачу

A depth gauge with an adjustable slop automatically disengages the power feed when preset drilling depth has been reached.

Оформление [см. Красивое внешнее оформление].

Охарактеризовывать вкратце

The effect can be summarized (or briefly outlined) as follows: ... Охарактеризовывать как


Охарактеризовывать как

The cohesive energy in solids may be defined as the difference between ...

The third era of electrical engineering can be classified as the era of engineering research.

Охватывать I [см. тж. Относиться к]

We have assumed that covalent bonds encompass only two atoms. Floods never engulf an entire continent. This curve encloses the same area as ...

Each colour is considered as stretching over a certain range of frequency. The term marine life embraces the plants and animals that drift in the open sea. A very broad band of wavelengths brackets most of the terrestrial infrared radiation ... The oscillator covers (or embraces) the range 1 kc/s -10 Mc/s.

Investigation will cover the fields of nuclear structure, reactor design and material damage. The mean lives ... encompass a tremendous range.

To span the same energy range a proton synchrotron would need to accelerate protons from ... to... Oceanography encompasses the study of all aspects of the oceans.

Охватывать II

The chain is wrapped on the sprocket.

An outer part, the cortex, envelops (or encloses) an inner, the medulla.

Охватывать область от ... до

The emission spectrum roughly defines the tunability range:, which spans approximately 570-650 nm for rhodamine 6G.

Охваченный патентом [см. Охраняться патентом].


Allow the part to cool (or Cool the part).

The material is heated and then allowed to cool in still air at room temperature. Liquid nitrogen chills bearing components to minus 300°F for shrink-fit assembly.

Охлаждать на воздухе

Then the part is allowed to air cool to

room temperature.

Охлаждать ниже

Liquid water can be cooled below its freezing point. It is most practical to chill the gas below 60°F.

Охлаждаться [см. тж. Остывать]

As the vapour is chilled it again condenses onto tne surface. This allows the welding set to cool down rapidly.

Охлаждаться маслом

The pistons are oil cooled.

Охлаждение [см. С ... охлаждением].

Охлаждение до комнатной температуры Cooling to room temperature.


The palladium was allowed to cool in the


Охлаждён до

The bar is cooled to room temperature. Охлаждённый с печью


Охлаждённый с печью Furnace cooled.
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