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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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Отрывочные данные

This kind of information must often be estimated from fragmentary data. 404

Отрывочные сведения о

Prior to 1915 most so-called chemical engi-neering curricula combined purely descriptive courses in industrial chemistry with smatterings of mechanical, electrical, and civil engineering.

Отсасывание пыли

The difference between blowing the dust around and vacuuming it off ...


The dust is sucked (or drawn) off and discharged.


Examination of fluorescence emission only within a narrow time window involved throwing away most of the spectroscopic information generated by ...


The length of the normal cut off by the x-axis ...

The portion AB intercepted on the x-axis by the two characteristics...

The part of the line intercepted by the half-circle ...


If you lop off the first 3 integers, the series still remains endless.

The supply regulators chip the peaks off the sinusoidal waveform, giving each half cycle a trapezoidal form. Отскакивать друг от друга


Отскакивать друг от друга

The electrons and the positrons bounce off each other.

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The electrons repeatedly bounce off moving magnetic clouds that act as magnetic mirrors. Some of the particles bounced back from the foil.


Exfoliation is the flaking off of the outer layer of a specimen. It is also referred to as peeling or spalling.

Отставание во времени

This device has a preset time delay (or time lag).


The country has been falling behind in research since the 1930s. Отставать на

The steady-slate response lags behind the zero-inertia response by the following value:...

Отставать от I [см. тж. Не отставать от]

This coating breaks away from machine surfaces.

Отставать от II

Techniques for determining costs have not kept pace with changes in manufacturing.

The output voltage lags (behind) the input voltage in time.

It frequently happens that catalogues are outstripped by the developments.

Отстоять [см. Далеко отстоять друг от Друга].

Отстоять друг от друга на расстоянии

The holes are (spaced) 15 ft apart (or spaced at 15 ft).

Отстоять на ... сантиметров от

The pivot point should be offset by six centimetres from the centre of the grating,

Отступать [см. Море наступает и отступает].

Отступать к

The ice margins receded toward the central highland areas.

Отступать от

Then the seas would recede from the continents.

Отсутствие [см. тж. В присутствии и в отсутствие, Ввиду отсутствия. За отсутствием, При отсутствии]

Coherent scattering implies no exchange of energy between the beam and the scattering centres.

The lack of any crystal growth makes the glass highly reproducible.

The lack of information about the exact position of the particle ...

The advantages of the new system lie in

the freedom from (or absence of) human


Drilling was discontinued because of lack of (or for the lack of) adequate equipment. We assume no instrument error.

Отсутствие в

The absence of adenosine from site 1 ...

Отсутствие массы у

The masslessness of the photon ... Отсутствие утечки [см. Плотный].


Отсутствие утечки [см. Плотный]. Отсутствие учета [см. Неучет].

Отсутствовать [см. тж. Не иметь, Не обладать. Нет, Опущен в]

These dispersions were free from coarse aggregates.

The new bottles are free of cracks.

Information on these conditions is lacking.

In places plant growth may be lacking completely.

Antennules are lacking in the adult, and cement glands are much reduced.

In many areas the means for crossing rivers are either nonexistent or only of a primitive nature.

In the 1958 TV receiver, transistors are almost nowhere to be seen.

There is freedom from porosity on vital machined surfaces.

When a box is not provided, rests should be so placed as to ...

Data are not in hand (or are not available, or are unavailable) to estimate the extent of this effect.

The needed data and correlations are often missing. These fossil plants lack growth rings (y ... отсутствуют...). The current in coil С is nil.

Fortunately, astronomers are not halted in a practical sense; theory may be lacking, but they can get along.

No experimental values are available.

The heat is stored to permit continuous operation when sunlight is unavailable. There are bands within the zone that are virtually empty of matter. The probability of tunnelling through the barrier is nil.

Отсутствовать в

Tree and shrub strata are absent from some communities, for instance, the grassland.

Infinities were absent in Feynman diagrams.

The parent peak is often missing from the spectrum.

This crustal layer is missing from oceanic lithosphere.

Отсутствует единое мнение относительно [см. Нет согласия между ... относительно].

Отсутствует подтверждение

Adequate empirical support for the theory is lacking.
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